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I have to go to the bathroom like every 5 mins... is that a sign of puberty???? i am confuzzled
Does it burn when you pee, or is there blood in it?

If it burns and there's blood, you could have a bladder or urinary tract infection.

If it lasts for more than 48hrs you might consider going to a doctor.

UTI's suck if they're not treated properly x.x

I remember a video the 5 grade viewed 1 month ago called "puberty and you!" Now that is sick I puked
Oh my goodness, I watched a video like that last year 2. IM in the 6th grade. No, I haven't started yet, but I have all the signs they say you're supposed to have before you start. Maybe soon, I hope not.

Okay, people. This is supposed to be a KID-FRIENDLY site. :p Can you think of nothing better to talk about than sicko things that young children should not know about until they turn like 10! Who ever started this... Ask your mom or doctor about this. Not tamatown. ;) :D :p ^_^
can you please stay on topic!any ways,this girl was 2 afriade to talk to her mom about this,ok. Any ways,this a NON TAMATALK! so she can talk about watevr she want!

My doctor is a man, and oddly enough it wasn't too bad o.o' It was actually more awkward with the woman doctor because I had just met her that day.
i had just met my doctor that day too. it was still pretty weird, but she's kool, and funny. lol. when she asked if i'm sexually active i said, "no" and she called me a good girl. it was kinda weird. when she says sexually active, does that include oral too? cuz...if it does...i lied to her o_o. i had oral. just not intercourse.

i had just met my doctor that day too. it was still pretty weird, but she's kool, and funny. lol. when she asked if i'm sexually active i said, "no" and she called me a good girl. it was kinda weird. when she says sexually active, does that include oral too? cuz...if it does...i lied to her o_o. i had oral. just not intercourse.
It usually means any kind of sex at all but more going towards intercourse.

Does it burn when you pee, or is there blood in it?
If it burns and there's blood, you could have a bladder or urinary tract infection.

If it lasts for more than 48hrs you might consider going to a doctor.

UTI's suck if they're not treated properly x.x
it burns but no blood

i have urinary tract infections all the time. i've had at least 30 of them. but i only went to the doctor for 2. when i got one when i was 6, i got a kool medicine that was creamy pink, and it tasted SO good! lol. it was awesome! actually, i got that one from using too much bubble bath. how much bubble bath are you using? i haven't used bubble bath since then.

i have urinary tract infections all the time. i've had at least 30 of them. but i only went to the doctor for 2. when i got one when i was 6, i got a kool medicine that was creamy pink, and it tasted SO good! lol. it was awesome! actually, i got that one from using too much bubble bath. how much bubble bath are you using? i haven't used bubble bath since then.
If bubbly bath was causing your problem it sounds to me like you were not suffering from a UTI but rather localised irritation caused by the contents in the soap. They can produce similar symptoms and will resolve if you take away the irritant.

Does it burn when you pee, or is there blood in it?
If it burns and there's blood, you could have a bladder or urinary tract infection.

If it lasts for more than 48hrs you might consider going to a doctor.

UTI's suck if they're not treated properly x.x
I have the 5 min problem, although I had really bad docters when I was little, and my body didn't take care of yeast infections to well (I know, you're talking about a UTI's, they suck :D ) I had one for 5 yrs (supposebly) and until I turned 7, they never picked up on it, it didn't start out as a yeast infection but that's what my parents think it was, but yeah, it burned when I peed, I went every 5 min too, now I go every 3 hours, I still have bladder problems, but hey it's not all that bad if you do, the school gives you a bathroom pass to go to the bathroom whenever, atleast that's what they gave me.

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(Miss Matchmaker  Feb 1 2007, 03:23 PM)Oh my goodness, I watched a video like that last year 2. IM in the 6th grade. No, I haven't started yet, but I have all the signs they say you're supposed to have before you start. Maybe soon, I hope not.
I got mine on November 29th This one's kinda late I guess. I'm in 7th grade. I told everyone all about it on page 40, but I'll list to you what happened to me.
  • 3 years before: Breasts started growing. Nothing else.
  • 2 years before: Breasts still fairly small. Got discharge and pubric hair.
  • 1 year before: Breasts are still small but start to grow faster. Discharge increases. Pubric hair starts to grow coarse.
  • 2 months before: Breasts are average teenage size and slow down slightly.
  • 1 month before: VERY moody. Got armpit hair.
  • Big day!!: Got my period. very Very VERY Cranky. Got huge cramps.

See sounds just like those 'What will happen to you' Brochuers (sp?)

That is everything that could happen to you and very likely will.

[SIZE=14pt][*]Big day!!: Got my period. very Very VERY Cranky. Got huge cramps.[/SIZE]

im scared!!!!waaaa,u know why?because of the crmps,do they hurt,please tell scared is going to hurt.and i dont wanna be mean to any body in school,im like the nicest one in school and everybody admires me,i dont wanna be cranky or have cramps!!!!help me and try 2 say good things and make me feel better.please and thank u.

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I got mine on November 29th This one's kinda late I guess. I'm in 7th grade. I told everyone all about it on page 40, but I'll list to you what happened to me.
  • 3 years before: Breasts started growing. Nothing else.
  • 2 years before: Breasts still fairly small. Got discharge and pubric hair.
  • 1 year before: Breasts are still small but start to grow faster. Discharge increases. Pubric hair starts to grow coarse.
  • 2 months before: Breasts are average teenage size and slow down slightly.
  • 1 month before: VERY moody. Got armpit hair.
  • Big day!!: Got my period. very Very VERY Cranky. Got huge cramps.
See sounds just like those 'What will happen to you' Brochuers (sp?)

That is everything that could happen to you and very likely will.
Oh phew, I thought having "Teenager" breast was "Unnormal" I had my period at 11. but still most of my friends say there huge.

Just wondering.. My last period was back on the 17th of December? Why hasn't it come to say hello in 7 weeks?Is it normal to have it quite so irregular when you first get it?
DEFINITELY! the first time I got mine I didn't get it again for about a year and even now I'm still not regular and I've had mine for about 4 years

I got mine on November 29th This one's kinda late I guess. I'm in 7th grade. I told everyone all about it on page 40, but I'll list to you what happened to me.
  • 3 years before: Breasts started growing. Nothing else.
  • 2 years before: Breasts still fairly small. Got discharge and pubric hair.
  • 1 year before: Breasts are still small but start to grow faster. Discharge increases. Pubric hair starts to grow coarse.
  • 2 months before: Breasts are average teenage size and slow down slightly.
  • 1 month before: VERY moody. Got armpit hair.
  • Big day!!: Got my period. very Very VERY Cranky. Got huge cramps.
See sounds just like those 'What will happen to you' Brochuers (sp?)

That is everything that could happen to you and very likely will.
Hmm, I've had armpit hair for well over a month, and my breast size is... I guess you could say large... I have been moody quite often, too. But still no period. :D Any reason why?

They also check to make sure your overies are healthy and in the right position.
i re-read that, and have a question. they can seriously see your overies!? how do they see that far? and how can they get out of position? can something bad happen if they get out of place?

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