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Blood, like most things that come from your body, does smell. It is not uncommon for you to be sitting there and be able to smell your period. However, noone else can smell it... only you.
Does menstrual fluid really smell bad?
yes!!! woohoo!!! R u shure? ive heard it smells realy bad... i wouldnt want someone 2 come up 2 me and say" dang, u smell bad" this guy did that 2 me one day after i was sick and forgot 2 wear deoderant... :( :( he forgot about it though...

Absolutely sure... As I said, unless you leave a pad on for some rediculously excessive amount of time, noone else will be able to smell it. :(

Some people's actual body odour changes during their period, although this is not all the common and is related to changes in hormone level rather than the smell of blood. :(

If you change regularly, you have nothing to worry about!

Actually, it's completely normal. Sometimes, when your brain is low on certain chemicals, you crave certain foods that contain it, and they're often unhealthy foods like chocolate.
A little tip: I've heard that if you're craving foods that are high in carbs, hug a stuffed animal for 10 seconds and it'll help you stop. o___O It's because hugging creates feel-good chemicals, and some of those are ones that your brain needs when you're craving carbs. *nodnod* I think so, at least.
I crave SODA!!!!!

Mmm...I can't remeber if I crave anything.

I barley eat that much when I have my Period..

is that normal? :D

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I never had my period yet I'm eleven. I wonder if it counts on size, because I'm pretty small

I never had my period yet I'm eleven. I wonder if it counts on size, because I'm pretty small
No, it rarely counts on size (you eventually will grow). If you ask your mom, aunt(s) on both sides, grandmother(s) on both sides, or sisters (if any) how old they were when they got theirs, it'll give you a hint of when yours might begin.

A little tip: I've heard that if you're craving foods that are high in carbs, hug a stuffed animal for 10 seconds and it'll help you stop. o___O It's because hugging creates feel-good chemicals, and some of those are ones that your brain needs when you're craving carbs. *nodnod* I think so, at least.
I am SO going to try that! Maybe if I do that when I'm craving something to chew, I can help stop myself from eating stuff at night, and I can loose some of this little extra weight. (my parents say i'm skinny. i'm not. they're just trying to make me feel better T_T )

No, it rarely counts on size (you eventually will grow). If you ask your mom, aunt(s) on both sides, grandmother(s) on both sides, or sisters (if any) how old they were when they got theirs, it'll give you a hint of when yours might begin.
Actualy the two are connected.

It depends on genetice, yes- I will always be small becuase of my family line.

But growth sperts come with puberty.

So shorter people (speaking from experience) can sometimes have a slower puberty clock than others.

Mmm...I can't remeber if I crave anything.
I barley eat that much when I have my Period..

is that normal? :)
Everyone is different. :(

If you are like me and end up feeling quite bloated and sick during your period, then it wouldn't surprise me at all that food is disinteresting. :D Some people just lose their appetite... nothing to worry about as long as you are still eating and it only really occurs when your period is on.. :D

:) I have my my period in Apirl last year then it skipped all the way to AUGEST 24! MY B-DAY!!! I am 11 and I havent had it since is that normal?

P.S. when your feeling bloated drink water untill it gets worse, breathe than drink more you will feel better :)

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wow  :) guys need to grow up... i used to slap my brother with a tampon lol cuz he said, "ew! you have your period?!" slap slap slap!
Guys are always immature and I don't know why? I mean when the teacher has to talk to someone they all go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo" like there in trouble; or lets say two people in are class are going steady if you say one word at the wrong time, next thing you know EVERYONE knows. It's SOOO annoying!

I would DIE I say DIE!!! if a boy found out I had my period, because they would probally yell really loud "YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD?!!!!!!!!" and run of to go tell the other little 'possie' about it. Next thing I know EVERYONE in my class have there eyes glued to me.

:lol: I have my my period in Apirl last year then it skipped all the way to AUGEST 24! MY B-DAY!!! I am 11 and I havent had it since is that normal?P.S. when your feeling bloated drink water untill it gets worse, breathe than drink more you will feel better :D
Yeah that's normal. My first one was in the summer 10 years ago, and I didn't get my second one until some months later.

Guys are always immature and I don't know why? I mean when the teacher has to talk to someone they all go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo" like there in trouble; or lets say two people in are class are going steady if you say one word at the wrong time, next thing you know EVERYONE knows. It's SOOO annoying!
I would DIE I say DIE!!! if a boy found out I had my period, because they would probally yell really loud "YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD?!!!!!!!!" and run of to go tell the other little 'possie' about it. Next thing I know EVERYONE in my class have there eyes glued to me.
Guys just mature slower than girls do.

They'll catch up later. :lol:

Everyone is different. :lol:
If you are like me and end up feeling quite bloated and sick during your period, then it wouldn't surprise me at all that food is disinteresting. :D Some people just lose their appetite... nothing to worry about as long as you are still eating and it only really occurs when your period is on.. :lol:

:lol: thanks!

Hi Matchy,
I am pretty sure that if you've had cravings you would know. Not having them isn't a bad thing - it means you are less likely to indulge in food that isn't good for you because your mind and body is telling you to do so! Not having cravings also doesn't mean you aren't mature etc. We are all different. :)
Thanks & I know this, but I'm serious that I might have them.

Are cravings something serious that I should look up? Cuz on video day, we never taked about cravings. Or in health class. Thanx,

///Matchy :)

:) I have my my period in Apirl last year then it skipped all the way to AUGEST 24! MY B-DAY!!! I am 11 and I havent had it since is that normal?P.S. when your feeling bloated drink water untill it gets worse, breathe than drink more you will feel better  :)
I hear that sometimes you will get your period once on your first time, but then it won't come back until way later because it's just giving you a preview of what the real thing is going to be like.

So yes, it is normal. :D

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