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Wats clymidia? :furawatchi: Just curious
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that harms women more than men - men can carry it and it will not harm them as much as it does a woman [i think] but if a woman catches it then she will become infertille and will not realise she has gotten it [usually as you do not get any signs you have it or anything until later on].

I found a quote incase I haven't explained it well enough;

'Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem. Chlamydia also can cause discharge from the penis of an infected man.'

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that harms women more than men - men can carry it and it will not harm them as much as it does a woman [i think] but if a woman catches it then she will become infertille and will not realise she has gotten it [usually as you do not get any signs you have it or anything until later on].
I found a quote incase I haven't explained it well enough;

'Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, which can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including infertility, can occur "silently" before a woman ever recognizes a problem. Chlamydia also can cause discharge from the penis of an infected man.'
[SIZE=14pt]oooh, i get it now. thx. :furawatchi: [/SIZE]

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waht happens when a girl never gets her period? does anything bad happen? :D
I don't think it condems them to a painful slow death because of it or anything, but unless there are other reasons behind it, I think it just doesn't give you as much protection against something. I don't remember exactly.

waht happens when a girl never gets her period? does anything bad happen? :D
I think it's if your at the age of 16 you need to go to the doctors and see what the problem is - Usually they will take tests and then if nothing is wrong put you on the pill and that starts your periods off.

My friend did that and she had tests to make sure everything was ok - I don't know how it went as I haven't talked to her for a while now.

(And your welcome for before :D !)

frst of all, i got my first period when i was 11.

For like my first 3 i didn't really have cramps or anything.

But on my 4th one, i would always wake up with [SIZE=14]super panful cramps in my side.[/size]

When i first got it, there was this redish- brown stuff all over my underwear. it was more brown than anything else. that's wat really freaked me out. my mom said i was [SIZE=14]too young[/size] to wear tampons so i had to wear pads. the smallest they make are [SIZE=21pt]Way to huge[/SIZE] and [SIZE=21pt]super uncomfortable[/SIZE] i cried for a whole hour cause i hated the feeling. mine only last for about [SIZE=21pt]3-5 days[/SIZE] but my friend's last for [SIZE=21pt]2 weeks[/SIZE] once it slows down, u can wear a smaller size called a panty liner, they're way better feeling.

[SIZE=21pt]Hope it helped![/SIZE]


~Jessica~ :(

[SIZE=21pt]P.S. sorry to all u guys (or girls) who think this was too much info , but im just doing wat i gotta do! Sorry! PM me if u have anymore questions. Im happy to help![/SIZE]

frst of all, i got my first period when i was 11.For like my first 3 i didn't really have cramps or anything.

But on my 4th one, i would always wake up with [SIZE=14]super panful cramps in my side.[/size]

When i first got it, there was this redish- brown stuff all over my underwear. it was more brown than anything else. that's wat really freaked me out. my mom said i was [SIZE=14]too young[/size] to wear tampons so i had to wear pads. the smallest they make are [SIZE=21pt]Way to huge[/SIZE] and [SIZE=21pt]super uncomfortable[/SIZE] i cried for a whole hour cause i hated the feeling. mine only last for about [SIZE=21pt]3-5 days[/SIZE] but my friend's last for [SIZE=21pt]2 weeks[/SIZE] once it slows down, u can wear a smaller size called a panty liner, they're way better feeling.

[SIZE=21pt]Hope it helped![/SIZE]


~Jessica~ :(

[SIZE=21pt]P.S. sorry to all u guys (or girls) who think this was too much info , but im just doing wat i gotta do! Sorry! PM me if u have anymore questions. Im happy to help![/SIZE]
I hear u there. I've been crumpled over in cramps all day, and it was really hard to concentrate in math class. Why must the good be overwhelmed with menstrual cramps? :(

Strange topic, but...
I haven't gotten mine yet, but I think I'll get it soon.... Ugh! You usually get it when your mom got hers. That's usually what happens. The average is around 11-13 years of age. I had sex ed and it talked about that. But from what everyone says, it's only the cramps that hurt and not the actual bleeding. The bleeding I don't even think you feel. One of the sex ed teachers said it feels like wetting ur pants almost x.x" and I'm sure that feels horrible. Anyways, it's rare that it happens after highschool, but I know someone who's mom got it at 16 x.x" ask your mom when she got hers, it'll probably help you get an idea of when you'll get yours, too.
Uh... not necessarily. My mom got hers when she was 16, and I got mine at 12 yrs old.

Is it true when you get your period your breast get bigger? (i havent had my period yet)

Is it true when you get your period your breast get bigger? (i havent had my period yet)
Breast Development can start before Puberty, but it's a sign your Period is around the corner. If it don't start when you have your period, you should start developing around a few months to a year later.

I hear u there. I've been crumpled over in cramps all day, and it was really hard to concentrate in math class. Why must the good be overwhelmed with menstrual cramps? :)
Oh and one other thing, too.

At recess, it was so embarrassing for the popular girls to say "Ew, Alyssa, you're pi**ing blood!" (Even though one of them already knew it was my period.)

>.< Puberty sucks big time

Breast Development can start before Puberty, but it's a sign your Period is around the corner. If it don't start when you have your period, you should start developing around a few months to a year later.
she means swollen not growing

is there something wrong with me? o_O

i got my 1st period on november 2006, and just got my second one yesterday. is it always irregular the first time you get it?

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