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Alright guys, I'm going to say something really embarrassing.

I don't have my period yet. ;_;

You may think it's wierd that I actually want my period but it just seems like everyone around me is growing up, and I'm just staying the same.

Alright guys, I'm going to say something really embarrassing.
I don't have my period yet. ;_;

You may think it's wierd that I actually want my period but it just seems like everyone around me is growing up, and I'm just staying the same.
Aww, don't worry GotchiGirl96! I know how you feel. =)

It's really frustrating for me because I have been getting the signs for about a year now (PMS, underwear stains, etc.) but I haven't had my actual period, which is really weird. I went to the doctor for a check up way back in July, and she said I would probably get it in two weeks, a month tops. 6 months later, nothing! :rolleyes:

It's ok gotchigirl96 I didn't start getting them until I was 13! Be thankful you don't have them yet they hurt! >_< I might be getting mine soon I've been having slight moodswings lately ( that or I'm bipolar who knows >_>;; )

I use 2 hav normal periods, but now it's been 2 1/2 mounths, so can some1 tell me wat could be wrong? :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :(

Alright guys, I'm going to say something really embarrassing.
I don't have my period yet. ;_;

You may think it's wierd that I actually want my period but it just seems like everyone around me is growing up, and I'm just staying the same.
Embarassing? Sad face? Are you crazy? My friends are JEALOUS that I don't have it!!! EMBRASE the time you have left!!!

this morning i felt like a peed my pants but it wasnt like enough to be pee so i ran to my bathroom thinking it was my period >.< it was nothing. Then at church *today again* i had super bad cramps and again it felt like i had like peed my pants but not really so i ran to the bathroom but not even discharge was there

^ Wow, that's some first post!! x3

Yes, I've started my period. I'm on it right now actually. It kinda sucks but I can deal with it. Just 2 or 3 pads a day for me, and they're relatively easy to change. I just hate the idea of tampons right now, but I'll get over the fear of TSS soon!!

^ Wow, that's some first post!! x3
Yes, I've started my period. I'm on it right now actually. It kinda sucks but I can deal with it. Just 2 or 3 pads a day for me, and they're relatively easy to change. I just hate the idea of tampons right now, but I'll get over the fear of TSS soon!!
One night my mom thought she had it, it was so scary.

It ended up being a bad stomach infection, but that's beside the point.

TSS isn't common, but don't worry, it scares me too. If you're going to use tampons, start with the smallest kind and work your way up to what you need.

And you can use pads for as long as you like, I know adults that don't use tampons.

I use 2 hav normal periods, but now it's been 2 1/2 mounths, so can some1 tell me wat could be wrong? :angry: :) :)
*sorry for double post*

Okay, if you're just starting your period, it might irregular. Your body is just getting used to it, so sometimes it's off.

Or, you could be pregnant, but I doubt this because you're younger.

If you're still worried, tell your mom and see a doctor.

*sorry for double post*
Okay, if you're just starting your period, it might irregular. Your body is just getting used to it, so sometimes it's off.

Or, you could be pregnant, but I doubt this because you're younger.

If you're still worried, tell your mom and see a doctor.
PREGENET!?!?!?!?! OMG!!!!!! Wat if i am!?! =(

umm... ok so i had my first period (I'm pretty sure) yesterday so like a spot of blood was in my underwear and the cramps were killing me *i luckily got relieved when i pulled out the good old heating pad* But I havent had any more blood yet besides kind of brownish-red discharge when i wipe... is this irregular or normal for tyhe first time for your period... was it even my period? I marked the day that i 'got it' so i will keep my eyes peeled for around the same time next month

If you had sex, it's a possibility. But if you haven't it's impossible so don't get crazy.
Hahaha its kinda funny because one time my period was late and I started freaking out thinking I was pregnant then I suddenly stoped and said "Wait...Im virgin thats impossible!" hahahaha I always freak out before REALLY thinking about it. But yeah its impossible, trust me.

^^ Hahaha. Mine always comes late and my mum likes to keep up with my period dates. [i keep records of things in a journal] and every time its even a day late she goes all nuts and asks me what I did on my trips out and stuff. Like the other day I went to the beach and shes all like 'Blah blah blah. And no sex!' Everytime I go somewhere she thinks i'm gonna go meet boys and have sex. I like my status as a virgin.

I really hate periods. Real epic hate.

You're 13 years old...
If you have never had sex, you are not pregnant. :wacko:
Ok then, It's proubably is just all the junk i've been eating! Omg! I think im getting chubby! :D :huh: :D

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Hahaha its kinda funny because one time my period was late and I started freaking out thinking I was pregnant then I suddenly stoped and said "Wait...Im virgin thats impossible!" hahahaha I always freak out before REALLY thinking about it. But yeah its impossible, trust me.
Hahaaa I can just imagine. xD

When I was little, I thought there was a baby inside you already, and each birthday it would grow a body part. So on my birthday I'm like "HEY MOM IT GREW A FOOT".

I was a smart kid... :wacko:

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