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I was all heavy two days ago, and now I stopped. ^^

I have had it since the 17th full on, so that's a good 13 days.

See you next month, Aunt Flo. xD

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I am just about to. I have seen tiny drops of blood on my pad. I have a hurting bladder right now! I'm gonna check for blood. lol

Someone help me please... I saw blood.. there... today. D: It must be it. Can't tell mom... How will I tell? "Hey, I saw blood in there todayy!" .__. I also feel pretty sick. But there was just a tiny bit of blood, is it my period? :angry: I'm almost 15 so no wonder I'll get it...


It very well may be. You need to tell your mom. Don't be afraid. She once had to tell her mom too, so your mom knows how frightning it may be. Find a time when your mom is alone, and in a good mood. Don't decide to tell her after you've just got in an argument with her. She will just get mad that you haven't told her sooner. Take a deep breath, smile, and say "Mom! I am not 100% sure, but I think I have got my first period today!" If your mom isn't around, do what I did. I called my mom. It was somewhat easier to tell her over the phone. You could leave her a note under her pillow, or somewhere else only she will find it.

You have nothing to be nervous about! Periods are just a sign you are finally a woman, and are able to reproduce. It's totally natural!

Good Luck!


May this has been rolling for quite some time :(

I think this is quite personal, but yeah, just talk to your mom about it.

I haven't gone mine yet, but there are sure signs that I might soon.

Yeah I'm still 12 :eek:


It started at two in the morning. I put in a pad that was not big or absorbent enough because I thought this one was going to be light like all of my previous ones. Woke up and the blood spread outside the pad. Now I am using bigger pads, clogged 1 toilet, almost clogged another, have a Bar-Mitzah I have to attend later, all while feeling like crap. Dx

Thank you so much x.Rachel! I will tell her today... Propably : D But I'll wait a little longer since I just saw like 2 drops of blood there and nothing after that... ._. Weird?


You're very welcome.

I would still tell her, because you could just be spotting. Before all my periods I get a super light flow, and then nothing for a few days. Your actual period could be right around the corner, so tell her while you can. I would ask her for advice also. She could give you advice and guidance that no one on this website can, because you know, She IS your mom. (;

Again, Good luck!


I have not had It yet,For I am only 9,But can you have discharge before your period?

i got mine when i was 10. im 11 having mine now but i dont go crazy on the internet i go crazy at home though xD
Same. I got mine when I was 10.

I hate it.

I have not had It yet,For I am only 9,But can you have discharge before your period?
Yes, you usually do a few months before. For some girls though, it can vary. I had discharge for two whole years before I got my period! If you have had some discharge, you should tell your mom or another trusted female. They could give you some tips and preperation for 'the big day'! If you are bothered by discharge, you can wear a pantylliner to help keep you dry. :)

Omg - Iv had signs - I'm 10 is this normal???? :lol: :eek: :D
This may seem like an oddthing to say and sort of personal, but if you quite well developed in the chest area that could mean your period is on the way. It's not always measured by that but most of my friends got theirs when their chest was well developed. If you've had signs, it could also mean your period is on the way. And if it comes, congrats! You're one step closer to being a woman!

Guys, I need help. I think I started my period. I'm not quite sure though.

Okay, don't read this if you are immiture, but when I went into the bathroom, I looked at my underwear, and it was brownish red, about the size of a quarter. Then when was pink.

I have NO expirience with perioids, so PLEASE help me!

Okay, well mine came yesterday in the middle of gym class...

We were doing a twelve minute run when I got major pains in my stomach three minutes through. I didn't know it had started until I got home.

Then today, my god it was heavy! It started to leak out of my tampon in less than an hour, and I had no way of getting another one or a pad, so I had to wait a while. Then at school when I got out of my chair, there was blood all over it. Turns out it started going through to my pants x_x

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