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:'( What the heck is this... It still didn't stop. It was suppose to, I was pretty sure. But then all of a sudden I felt something weird in school and I thought "Darn it, I sure hope that's not what I think it is" and I went to see. It was still pretty heavy. Luckily I was still wearing a pad just in case... If it doesn't end tomorrow ... Wait, no way, that can't happen! It must stop tomorrow! o_________o It just HAS TO!

A little off topic... Why do I always feel like I must tell everything about it here? Pretty weird. :rolleyes:

^ We all come here and log about our periods. xDD Anyway, that's happened to me. You think it's finished, but you're really just spotting. Then it'll get heavy and usually for me, it'll end later that day.

It's all pretty confusing, but after a while, you should get used to your 'schedule.'

^ We all come here and log about our periods. xDD Anyway, that's happened to me. You think it's finished, but you're really just spotting. Then it'll get heavy and usually for me, it'll end later that day.
It's all pretty confusing, but after a while, you should get used to your 'schedule.'
Yeah, I was very sure it finished already but it got very heavy yesterday ._. And today it was light again. Now I believe I'm finished. -.- I shouldn't have said that though... *sigh*

I really wish I could figure out how to use a tampon. I dance 3 hours a day on Broadway and when I wear a pad I get extreme wedgies (there's nothing like picking a wedgie infront of 1200 people o_o) and a rash. I have only used a tampon once. The problem is that I didn't put it in right so it hurt. Then when I finally took it out (it took 5 minutes) it hurt like hell. Any advice?

You just need to be very careful with tampons. If it hurts, try using mini tampons at first and change them more frequently. Also be careful of the angle you're putting them in, and if you find it difficult to insert, try putting it in with one leg up or crouching down. It sounds weird, but as a long-time user (haha) I know what that's like. At times it can be a bit painful, but you get used to it, and it's a WAY better feeling that wearing a pad. I just constantly felt unhygenic wearing pads, tampons are so much more sanitary in my opinion. Besides, you can do a lot more with a tampon in, and if their inserted properly, you really can't feel them. It's more likely to hurt when taking them out, but usually in your tampon packet there will be a little booklet that tells you how to use them. It'll tell you how frequently to change them too, and it does depend on how heavy you are and what kind of tampon you're using. Usually, tampons are hard to get out or painful to remove because they haven't absorbed very much, meaning they don't need to be replaced yet (or you're at the end of your period).

On that note; periods become way more regular and on-time the older you get. I've had mine for years, but it's only started to get regular within the last couple of months. It used to last for over a week (sometimes two), and was pretty light since it went for so long. I'd get it at unexpected times and get the worst period pains. But now, I get it spot on the 28th day and it lasts for a max. of four days. So don't stress. :ph34r:

^Thanks :D

I actually used a tampon today because I had a four hour rehearsal and I just was not in the mood to feel like I was wearing a diaper. Haha. It didn't hurt that much surprisingly. I felt so much better dancing without having a wedgie and in pain from a rash the whole time. It only hurt when I do a crotch-shot to the audience during attitude promenade in Solidarity.

Yeah i've got mine since 5th grade, it kinda sucks.

I almost got it when we had swimming at school... thank GOSH i didn't i LOVE swimming!

No schedule. Randomly gets heavy and comes at random times. (Inconvenient times.) Had it since 5th grade in early January. :ichigotchi:

It sucks.


And so my monthly curse has returned again to ruin my clothes! D:< GRROAR!! T_T

Hmm...I wonder...

Can most of you people get threw your period without getting blood on some of your clothing? O-O;

I started at the age of 11. It was scary at first, but then I realized, it's apart of life. Every girl goes through it. So You're not the only one. When I'm on my monthly, I get no cramps at all, but to take the place of the cramps, I get very emotional. I will cry for no apparent reason. But every girl is different. You may experience things differently. My mom has it weird, so now do I. But not to worry, It's not as bad as everyone portrays it. Just think, it's apart of life, and your not the only one. I hope this helped.

Can most of you people get threw your period without getting blood on some of your clothing? O-O;
I have to use an extra long overnight pad when I sleep because otherwise it gets all over my sheets. Otherwise, I don't have a problem with it getting on to my clothes or anything.

Mine's irritating because it comes so frequently. Ever sixteen days but... whatever >_>

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Can most of you people get threw your period without getting blood on some of your clothing? O-O;
What Cinder said. If it keeps getting on some articles of clothing, you need to bump up your pad strength to heavy or something. Also, sleep with the nighttime pads; it helps heaps. :)

Oh my gosh, I was so happy: I had my four day field trip to Boston that I just got back from, and my period came exactly one week before we left. So, I didn't have to worry about it at all on the trip. Somehow it always works out for me like that with vacations and such.

Oh my gosh, I was so happy: I had my four day field trip to Boston that I just got back from, and my period came exactly one week before we left. So, I didn't have to worry about it at all on the trip. Somehow it always works out for me like that with vacations and such.
I know! Like, I just finished mine, and I'm going on vacation next week. ^__^ It would be terrible to have to go to the beach or something on your period. D:

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