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Heres My Story:
One day, I had to use use the bathroom. (at home) So I went and when I was about to flush the toilet, I saw a medium abount of blood in it. I froze...I thought "I'll just wait till 2 days from now, and if this keeps happening, I'll tell Mom"

Two days later:

I still had it...and I had cramps too. Bad ones. Maybe it was becuase It was my firs time, but as far as I knew...IT WAS BOTHERING ME! So I went to tel my mom, but I didnt know what she would say! "Mom, I'm having a little problem" I said. "What is it sweety" she said, not looking up from her papers. "ummm," I said quietly, "I think I got my ~period~" That got her attention. "Well, sweety, let me see" So I showed her what I did in the toilet...(lol) and she said quietly "Yes, I think you got your period!"

Next day:

Me and my Mom went to Wal-Mart to buy some pads. It was so weird! There was so many to choise from! But yes, we got some..and when I put one on for the first time..It felt even weirder!

So thats my story....I'm just glad it didnt happen at school!!!!

You did the right thing! I told my mom 2 hours after my first one, she gave me a pad but there was no more bleeding, ug

Heres My Story:
One day, I had to use use the bathroom. (at home) So I went and when I was about to flush the toilet, I saw a medium abount of blood in it. I froze...I thought "I'll just wait till 2 days from now, and if this keeps happening, I'll tell Mom"

Two days later:

I still had it...and I had cramps too. Bad ones. Maybe it was becuase It was my firs time, but as far as I knew...IT WAS BOTHERING ME! So I went to tel my mom, but I didnt know what she would say! "Mom, I'm having a little problem" I said. "What is it sweety" she said, not looking up from her papers. "ummm," I said quietly, "I think I got my ~period~" That got her attention. "Well, sweety, let me see" So I showed her what I did in the toilet...(lol) and she said quietly "Yes, I think you got your period!"

Next day:

Me and my Mom went to Wal-Mart to buy some pads. It was so weird! There was so many to choise from! But yes, we got some..and when I put one on for the first time..It felt even weirder!

So thats my story....I'm just glad it didnt happen at school!!!!

I told my mom a few minutes after I noticed blood in the toilet.

Heh heres my story

I was in my parents room, had to pee, used the toilet, nothing special but yellow water, I wiped in that *area* and noticed a *censored* wad of Pee, told my mom 2 hours later when buttwipe(aka younger brother) went to bed, she gave me a HUGE pad, but that did nothing my period went right away

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lol. I think I DID do the right thing by telling my mom ~2 days~ after/when it happened! I'm joking! lol

Your lucky you watched a woman give birth in NINETH grade! I had to see one in FITH graDE!!No, I haven't got my p. yet, I never ad a first kiss and never had a (Proper) BF.
Sad. I don't think it was so much of gross as it was painful. x.x' I feared what something like that would feel like and it honestly made me hurt. I'll never go through that pain though. By choice, I'll never have kids.

Sad. I don't think it was so much of gross as it was painful. x.x' I feared what something like that would feel like and it honestly made me hurt. I'll never go through that pain though. By choice, I'll never have kids.
did boys have to watch it to? what did they say?

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and...............S** its gross......................................a boys thingy wants to make me throw up!
This is a perfectly natural reaction to have towards the concept of sexual intercourse at your age. Your hormones have not yet kicked into full swing and you probably won't have an interest in engaging in sexual activities until you are at least in high school. It is all part of the process of development. :nazotchi:

Your lucky you watched a woman give birth in NINETH grade! I had to see one in FITH graDE!!No, I haven't got my p. yet, I never ad a first kiss and never had a (Proper) BF.
I didn't get to see the videa of a woman giving birth until I was in year 11! I then saw another one as part of my course last year. One of our course members fainted. It is a natural process but clearly one that not everyone can view because of the process involved.. I do remember being a little stunned when I first saw it too. Seeing it in action is a little bit different to looking at pictures in a medical book! I don't believe that it is a bad thing to see it in 5th grade. Having you first period means that you are able to make babies. Why not learn about what the body is capable of? ;)

I don't have them yet, I'm too young. But get this---my friend has them and she's as old as i am!! I guess she eats too much MCDonalds. Oh, and she drinks a cup of milk everyday before she goes to sleep.

I don't think what you eat or drink contributes towards periods. I might be wrong though. It just depends on the person. Just because your bestie has hers and you don't doesn't measn you're late or she's early it's just the way her body and hormones are.

Go here Clicky! for more information onm late, early and missed periods.

I don't have them yet, I'm too young. But get this---my friend has them and she's as old as i am!! I guess she eats too much MCDonalds. Oh, and she drinks a cup of milk everyday before she goes to sleep.
Onset of menstruation is unrelated to diet. There is however, a link between higher BMI and early menarche (menstrual onset). This is a link only, that does not mean that there is a hard and fast rule! There are a number of other factors related to hormones, stress levels, general activitiy levels (gymnasts and people who exercise for many hours solidly each day tend to start periods later) etc. Just because someone eats a lot of fatty food doen't mean the are carrying a lot of fat or have a larger body mass. Many children can eat copious amounts and still remain with in normal BMI ranges because they have a high metabolism attributed to high activity levels!

Now as far as milk goes... milk is full of protein and calcium which is great for you bones and muscles. It is recommended that milk be included in the daily diet for children!! And nothing is better for making good sleep than a warm cup of milk before bed! ;)

More about milk:

*Edited: These sites calculate BMI for people over 18 years of age! If you are under 18 and with calculate your BMI CLICK HERE!*

Calculate your BMI using feet and pounds:

Calculate your BMI using centimetres and kilograms:

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I did the test with height and weight and its 2.2. Is that good?
Ignore this post please, I didn't see that Bell Sprout posted a BMI calculator.

My BMI is 28.9. It's slowly getting down there ^.^

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I did the test with height and weight and its 2.2. Is that good?
*Edited: These sites calculate BMI for people over 18 years of age! If you are under 18 and with calculate your BMI CLICK HERE!*


Underweight = <18.5

Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

Overweight = 25-29.9

Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


Less than 19 UNDERWEIGHT

You are under optimum weight for your height. You could afford to gain a little weight.


You have a healthy weight for your height.


You are over optimum weight for your height. You may be facing health problems, so losing some weight would be a good idea.

31 + OBESE

You are over optimum weight for your height. You may be facing health risks, so see your doctor to help you achieve a healthier weight.


Not quite sure why some of the values are different... but it gives you a rough idea of where you are at all the same.

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IM underweight? I can tell. I eat LOADS of food (mostly junk. XD) and I never get fat! I dunno why though.
I wish I was like that XD

I'm slowly coming down from a BMI of 36.1. You can guess what kind of crap food I used to eat lol

I have to carefully watch what I eat. Otherwise I just gain weight.

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