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Every time I get ready to take a stupid shower my breast itch ALOT.
Does this itching happen before you take a shower only? Does it stop when you are in the shower? Do you get that itching at any other time? Also how severe is it?

There are a number of different reasons why you might get itchy breasts..most reasons are due to sensitivity to the material you wear (clothes or bra) or detergents in your clothes or soaps in the shower. Your breasts may also get itchy if it is cold or your breasts have experienced a lot of friction from the clothes you are wearing. Also tights bras can cut circulation and cause itching when the bra is removed.

i kinda dont want to get my period. i dont like cramps
You may not necessarily get cramps. It might be a good idea to have a chat to your mum and/or sisters about what happens to them. A lot of what happens in menstruation is guided by genetics. If they get lots of cramps the chances are you will too.

Cramps also come in different degrees. Not everyone suffers debilitating cramps that mean they can barely get out of bed! Some are just light so you know they are there and don't particularly interfere with your day.

You may not necessarily get cramps. It might be a good idea to have a chat to your mum and/or sisters about what happens to them. A lot of what happens in menstruation is guided by genetics. If they get lots of cramps the chances are you will too.
Cramps also come in different degrees. Not everyone suffers debilitating cramps that mean they can barely get out of bed! Some are just light so you know they are there and don't particularly interfere with your day.
thx for advice and help

I don't know why but I ummmm.... want to get my period. Oh darn, I probably said this already. But, I don't know why. It's probably gonna be a pain in the butt yet, I want to get it. It's kinda weird. Oh and my mom told me something about why my brests are well......kinda big.
1: My mom and her mom and my grandma's mom all have large brests - kinda sucks. *sighs* Ahh... Genetics.

2: Hormones in foods. She says maybe part of the reason I have large brests is because non-organic foods have hormones and other stuff in 'em. Is that true? Could that be part of the reason? Please help! -T
I really don't think you need to be worried about hormones in food. Clearly your family history contains big breasts which is why you have them. :D

By the way... the term "non-organic" refers to anything that is not derived from something living... for example rocks.. If you are eating rocks then I suggest that you do stop... it is probably not very healthy for you. :wub:

I think what your mother is referring to is hormones used to enhance cattle growth. There have been theories about the relationship between eating hormone injected/boosted cattle products and the increased risk of early puberty. However, there seems to be a general lack of evidence to support this theory. Even so... I take this type of link to be similar to smoking and lung cancer. We know smoking contributes to lung cancer but not every smoker gets lung cancer. Any link between these hormones and early puberty (which linked to breast cancer) later is taken from a population perspective and generally equates to very few people in a large country getting early puberty for reasons other than genetic variation.

For you, the most plausable out of the two is that you have a family history of large breasts so don't sweat it! :mimitchi:

[SIZE=14pt]Whoa!This thing has gotten long!Sorrry off topic.But like Bellsprout said it's not a problem.It's all genetics! :mimitchi: [/SIZE]

I really don't think you need to be worried about hormones in food. Clearly your family history contains big breasts which is why you have them. :kuribotchi:
By the way... the term "non-organic" refers to anything that is not derived from something living... for example rocks.. If you are eating rocks then I suggest that you do stop... it is probably not very healthy for you. :hitodetchi:

I think what your mother is referring to is hormones used to enhance cattle growth. There have been theories about the relationship between eating hormone injected/boosted cattle products and the increased risk of early puberty. However, there seems to be a general lack of evidence to support this theory. Even so... I take this type of link to be similar to smoking and lung cancer. We know smoking contributes to lung cancer but not every smoker gets lung cancer. Any link between these hormones and early puberty (which linked to breast cancer) later is taken from a population perspective and generally equates to very few people in a large country getting early puberty for reasons other than genetic variation.

For you, the most plausable out of the two is that you have a family history of large breasts so don't sweat it! :D

I really don't think you need to be worried about hormones in food. Clearly your family history contains big breasts which is why you have them. :marumimitchi:
By the way... the term "non-organic" refers to anything that is not derived from something living... for example rocks.. If you are eating rocks then I suggest that you do stop... it is probably not very healthy for you. :chohimetchi:

I think what your mother is referring to is hormones used to enhance cattle growth. There have been theories about the relationship between eating hormone injected/boosted cattle products and the increased risk of early puberty. However, there seems to be a general lack of evidence to support this theory. Even so... I take this type of link to be similar to smoking and lung cancer. We know smoking contributes to lung cancer but not every smoker gets lung cancer. Any link between these hormones and early puberty (which linked to breast cancer) later is taken from a population perspective and generally equates to very few people in a large country getting early puberty for reasons other than genetic variation.

For you, the most plausable out of the two is that you have a family history of large breasts so don't sweat it! :puroperatchi:
lucky her...

Does this itching happen before you take a shower only? Does it stop when you are in the shower? Do you get that itching at any other time? Also how severe is it?
There are a number of different reasons why you might get itchy breasts..most reasons are due to sensitivity to the material you wear (clothes or bra) or detergents in your clothes or soaps in the shower. Your breasts may also get itchy if it is cold or your breasts have experienced a lot of friction from the clothes you are wearing. Also tights bras can cut circulation and cause itching when the bra is removed.
Question 1:Yes,maybe its because of the hot water :D .

Question 2:Yes.

Question 3:No.

Question 4:Not really servere.Just a little.

I'll ask my sister about that whole paragraph later. this. You might want to think about what you just posted. :D

*Note from Bell Sprout:  

This topic has been thoroughly review by the Guides.  We have deemed this appropriate to remain open. Please see my post in regards to this topic:


Any further complaints about this topic WILL be removed. If you feel it is too personal, you are under no obligation to respond. This topic is an educational tool which many members have contributed towards and benefited from*
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This is about dreams I have been having. They all had to do with periods and tampons.

My first dream (out of about three so far) was the one I mentioned in my earlyer posts. Another was when I tried to put a tampon in (I wasn't on my period. It was for practice or something.) but I had put it in as if I had been using tampons for 10 years! Another one was when I went to the bathroom and wiped myself and there was brite red blood.

What is with all these dreams? Its really weird. Can someone help?

This is about dreams I have been having. They all had to do with periods and tampons.My first dream (out of about three so far) was the one I mentioned in my earlyer posts. Another was when I tried to put a tampon in (I wasn't on my period. It was for practice or something.) but I had put it in as if I had been using tampons for 10 years! Another one was when I went to the bathroom and wiped myself and there was brite red blood.

What is with all these dreams? Its really weird. Can someone help?
Dreams generally are not related to reality. Generally speaking of course. There are a few people who have the power to dream the future or the past or the so called "present". These people are far and few between.

Everything that you see in your dreams is normally related the different thoughts and feelings inside you. Your dreams will actually have nothing to do with your periods. They are often related to things that have been happening in your life over the past week that may have affected you in some way.. e.g. someone calling you a nasty name at school or winning are race etc. Have a think about the things that have been happening around that time you've had these dreams and see if there are any similarities.

I do know someone who was very good at dream interpretation but it is good if you can learn what your own dreams mean.

Try also looking for events around the time of the dream that have given you a similar feeling that which you have had in the dream. :huh:

Dreams generally are not related to reality. Generally speaking of course. There are a few people who have the power to dream the future or the past or the so called "present". These people are far and few between.
Everything that you see in your dreams is normally related the different thoughts and feelings inside you. Your dreams will actually have nothing to do with your periods. They are often related to things that have been happening in your life over the past week that may have affected you in some way.. e.g. someone calling you a nasty name at school or winning are race etc. Have a think about the things that have been happening around that time you've had these dreams and see if there are any similarities.

I do know someone who was very good at dream interpretation but it is good if you can learn what your own dreams mean.

Try also looking for events around the time of the dream that have given you a similar feeling that which you have had in the dream. :furawatchi:
Nothing (that I can think of) could make me have those dreams. Well, most of my dreams are weird, anyway. Thanks for the help, Bell Sprout.

I haven't yet. I think I might soon, though, because I'm feeling all these weird and mad emotions that I can't explain. It's like God, or whoever is up there, is messing with me, and I just want it to STOP! Maybe I'm just depressed, though I have no reason to be. :furawatchi: Oh, yeah, sorry if I might be a little mean or anything.

I haven't yet. I think I might soon, though, because I'm feeling all these weird and mad emotions that I can't explain. It's like God, or whoever is up there, is messing with me, and I just want it to STOP! Maybe I'm just depressed, though I have no reason to be. :furawatchi: Oh, yeah, sorry if I might be a little mean or anything.
Puberty is generally a difficult time and often we go through lots of different emotions and have some pretty extraordinary mood swings. We also tend to get a bit contemplative and start thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose etc. These things are all normal.

Depression definately is something that you need to look out for though as puberty is one of the prime times for clinical depression to raise its head. Remember, depression is an ongoing condition, it is bit different to have a bad couple of days. :mellow:

Signs of Depression

  • Feeling down in the dumps more often than not
  • Waking up tired
  • Feelings of complete hopelessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of interest in things that you enjoy
  • Lack of motivation to do basic things (like getting out of bed) or not wanting to socialise
  • Feeling particularly bad at night
  • Crying for no reason
  • Sleeplessness or insomnia
  • Overeating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Feeling guilty for no reason or not feeling at all... being "empty".
  • Inability to concentrate at school
  • Feeling angry for no reason or reacting very strongly to small things
  • Persistant health problems that don't seem to clear up

Occasionly we will all have these symptoms at some times in our lives.. it's important not to go... "I've lost my appetitire! OMG I must be depressed!"... you need to weigh it up with other symptoms too. If you have concerns, have a talk to your doctor or an adult who you know and trust. They will assist in getting the help you need.

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