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i dunno if its my personality or phase. oh well
the outer lip on the right side (only the right lip) and if i press it it sorta stops but when i let go its keeps going. it feels like its being pressed down rlly hard. i dont cry in pain or anything its just anoying. it happens randomly... and its been happening latly
Well if you've always been a little bit agro or always gotten fired up really easily then perhaps it is part of your personality. If this is something that you never used to be may be a phase which can become part of your personality if you don't keep on top of it. :wacko: But you are aware about it so that it an important part.

Occasionally our bodies do odd things... like have muscles spasms or hurting points that occurr in one particualar spot. These are generally nothing to worry about. If it has only been happening lately and not been getting more frequent or worse then it is probably just one of those random things. Keep an eye on it all the same. If it gets worse, happens more often or you notice anything strange like discolouration or lumps and bumps then get it checked out by a doc. :p

By poison ivy i mean real poison ivy, like a rash. I had some on my face and then it started itching real bad in my vagina.
I'm only 11 and I am too embarrassed and stuff to go to a docter for my depression. I told my sister who is 14 one time and I told her all about it and stuff but she was on the phone with her best friend so I don't think she was listening too good. Does excercising and eating healthy have to do with depression :wacko:
Ok that's what I thought (the rash). :p That's not very good unfortunately and will be quite uncomfortable for you!

I can understand where you are coming from. It is very, very difficult to make that first step and talk to the doctor. Just remember that they are there to help and seeking help from them will make life better for you in the long run. Depression is not something that you want to let run your life. Severe cases get medicated for life... you don't want to be one of those people! It is not a good life to live at all. Get yourself to a doctor. "Just Do It!" :) Exercising and healthy eating can make a big difference in keeping depression under control as does getting enough sleep (which is a bit of a contradiction when depression can give you sleeplessness). If you have depression you will want to make sure you are keeping active. Activity causes your brain to release other hormones and chemicals in your brain which help counteract feelings of sadness etc. If you don't keep on top of it and be pro-active you might not have the motivation and that where things start going really wrong! Do see a doctor!

Sometimes its Weird, I get weird pains in the lower lower Part of my Stomach, But My Peroed Hasn't started, And I ahve been getting them for months!
If the pains in your in your stomach is is more likely to be indigestion or some other intestinal problem. :wacko: Menstrual cramps generally only occur in conjunction with menstuation and are a lot lower down... as in, below your belly button. Even then intestinal cramps are different in feel from menstrual cramps and it may not be something you quite can recognise the difference until you do start your periods.

I know a girl that got her period in first grade. It must've sucked for her.
The onset of menstruation and puberty before the age of 8 is defined as a condition called idiopathic central precocious puberty. Here is a site the explain a little about it:

Basically it means that kids can start puberty as young as three months old. It isn't normal and usually will be hormonally corrected until they are supposed to commence puberty.

Now it's getting worse, the right lip itches like crazy and so does the left. The left is worse because when it is not itchy, it hurts really bad!

yeah it's not painful! Stop telling this person to ask her mum! It is embarrising! ;)

yeah it's not painful! Stop telling this person to ask her mum! It is embarrising! ;)
It isn't embarrasing telling your Mum anything,

They gave Birth to you And even changed your nappies! lol

You mum has been through it already so it is wise to ask you mum about anything <_<

If the pains in your in your stomach is is more likely to be indigestion or some other intestinal problem. :D Menstrual cramps generally only occur in conjunction with menstuation and are a lot lower down... as in, below your belly button. Even then intestinal cramps are different in feel from menstrual cramps and it may not be something you quite can recognise the difference until you do start your periods.
I'm Not Sure if Its in My Stomach though, Its around the Womb Area!

yes it hurts

but you dont get it for months later but write it on th calendar and you have BAD cramps but dont worrypeople have it in different ways but when you pee for about2 weeks IT HURTS REALLY REALLY BAD youll be likeowww

and its really imberassing in school trust me its happened in school

i faked it o get attenetion

and i had to hide it throughout the whole year and color marker in my underwear i just faked it until i got my REAL period and nobody found out and yes it HURTS BAD!!!IF YOU GET CRAMPS USUALLY GIRLS DO SO DONT KEEP YOUR HOPES UP OF NOT GETTING CRAMPS!!! LOL IM NOT KIDDING!

but u can have breaks! thats why u should mark it on your calendar every time so youll know the next time you have and you could be prepared

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