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I don't know very much about your family situation or how long your step dad has been your step dad for but you need to remember that because you are not his blood there is a natural difficulty in bonding closely..especially if your step dad came into your life when you were say 5 years old and he was not involved in a lot of your early development. Like you would know from kids at school, people who make things difficult for you are harder to get on with and his statement would have been more of a reference to the fact you don't share the same blood line and therefore the love you share is one that is built over time and is dependant upon the behaviour from both sides.
Think about your stereotypical step family stories where kids hate their step parents... it is a little hard to love someone who you didn't bring into the world and who also hates you!

You sounds like you're hitting that time of life when everyone just annoys you to pieces and your parents apparently know nothing about you and have got you all wrong! :D This is difficult for both blood parents and child but put yourself in your step dads shoes for one moment. Every time he moves you get frustrated with him.... he feels like he's under attack in his own home by someone that he wants to have in his life but keeps putting up the "leave me alone" sign. Even the closest friends can drift apart this way and as can happen with step parents and children. He obviously does care and wants to feel close to you but perhaps your feeling that he's getting on your nerves is showing a bit much for him and it makes it hard for him to feel like he can maintain the established bond between you.

Please don't take it that I am taking his side of things... I am just trying to give you another angle.

When you say "But lately my parents have been saying I have an attitude when I think I don't!" perhaps you might want to explore this with them a little. Having been where you are and looking at kids who are where I was, I can see that rarely does a parent declare the perception of "attitude" where there isn't one. Keep in mind that what you might not see as being an issue from where you are, may be perceived differently by adults. If you explore what it is that they feel you are doing to demonstrate "attitude" then you might be able to see things from their end and also get an idea of what other people may say too. It may also help you to change so that you can still storm and rage without them thinking that you are being a nasty teenager about it (aka having attitude). :unsure:

Whatever the case, this time will pass and you will look back and see things differently. A lot of life's relationships involve biting your tongue when you would much rather rip someone's head off or turn into a mini-nuke. It may be extraordinarily difficult for you at the time but it will help preserve your relationships. That way, when you calm down then you can discuss whatever is bugging you in a calm, rational manner and both you and them are less likely to get hurt.
He acually has been in my life scince I was about 5 or 6. You are probably right and very helpful! I guess, its like he wants to control me all the time. Like, once he said "how can you always pass by the cats food bowl and not see that it's empty!!!!!" I said "well it's not like I look at it every time I pass it!" And he got all mad and said "well, you need to!" or something like that. And we said a few more things and got over it. Yea, sometimes its hard to have a step dad.

And for some reason, I am starting to get mad easyier. And sometimes take things the wrong way and get sad or frustrated. I guess I'm geting more emotinal. :eek: :lol: :lol: :huh: :D B) B)

I had my period yesterday. I've gone through sex ed. You get to expirence it :lol: I cramped like f***ing hell for 3 hours.... By the 3rd and 1/2 hour, I felt better.

A few years before I got my period I got oil coming out of my bum, same with my neighbour. I had to borrow my sister's pads and panty liners. A month ago I got my first one and a few days ago I got my second period. Now I have my own sanitary things. If you are growing breasts, have had your growth spurt and is growing pubic hair, you should keep a pad or two handy as well as spare undies in your bag.

When you first get your periods they will probably come unregularly. After a year or two the periods should settle down and come around monthly. My first one came 4th June 2006, my second came 22nd July 2006, approx. a month and a half apart... but everyone differs. Btw if you're wondering when my third period was I haven't even had it yet so it's quite hard to tell you about something that is yet to happen!

A few years before I got my period I got oil coming out of my bum, same with my neighbour. I had to borrow my sister's pads and panty liners. A month ago I got my first one and a few days ago I got my second period. Now I have my own sanitary things. If you are growing breasts, have had your growth spurt and is growing pubic hair, you should keep a pad or two handy as well as spare undies in your bag.
When you first get your periods they will probably come unregularly. After a year or two the periods should settle down and come around monthly. My first one came 4th June 2006, my second came 22nd July 2006, approx. a month and a half apart... but everyone differs. Btw if you're wondering when my third period was I haven't even had it yet so it's quite hard to tell you about something that is yet to happen!
OOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I have almost all the things you have before a period. I have had brests scince.... oh, god knows when. Maybe 6 or 7. Started wearing a bra at eight. Growing pubic hair. AND I have been growing a lot latly. Until my 1st period comes, the exitment, fear, and confusion will haunt me. I guess I should keep a few pantyliners in my bag. Backpack or purse? Maybe both. I don't take my purse to school. Ok, thats all I have to say now...

He acually has been in my life scince I was about 5 or 6. You are probably right and very helpful! I guess, its like he wants to control me all the time. Like, once he said "how can you always pass by the cats food bowl and not see that it's empty!!!!!" I said "well it's not like I look at it every time I pass it!" And he got all mad and said "well, you need to!" or something like that. And we said a few more things and got over it. Yea, sometimes its hard to have a step dad.
And for some reason, I am starting to get mad easyier. And sometimes take things the wrong way and get sad or frustrated. I guess I'm geting more emotinal. :( :D :huh: :) :D :huh: :huh:
I dare say what you feel is him "trying to control you" is him feeling like he's trying to get you take more responsibility. What he may not realise is that the way in which he approaches you makes you feel bad and can I take a stab at smothered?? It is also a matter of perceptions - what seems important to him is not important to you and vice versa.

Take for example the cat food like you mentioned. Filling up the bowl is probably not a huge priority and I dare say you also don't feel like it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the bowl is ALWAYS full. He however, sees the cat's bowl is empty and gets the urge to fill it up because to him it is important chore BUT he feels that your should be taking more responsibility and making sure that if you happen to pass and it is empty, that you fill it up. He knows the cat is not going to die of starvation from a few hours without food but it important to him that it is looked after and he might perceive it to be basic. Does that kind of make sense?

Will give you another example... in my house I tend to do the dishes. Not because it is my responsibility as such but because I feel that the kitchen shouldn't be stacked with grotty plates for days on end. My partner on the other hand, can live with a stack of grotty plates for a week or more until there are no plates or cuttlery or anything else left! It bothers me that he doesn't just wash up after he's eaten (it seems like a simple task that only takes 2 mins) and he doesn't understand why the dishes always need to be done NOW! :D In our case we've argued about it but in the end having discussed (in a calm rational manner) how I feel and how doing ALL the dishes and cleaning up after him makes me unhappy, he makes some more effort to clean up after meals. On my end, I do a little bit on that tongue biting that I talked about earlier. He tries and I appreciate that, but I also get the dishes done so my needs for a clean kitchen are satisfied. ;)

I can't emphasise the importance of communication enough to you! Talk to your step father and let him know what has been going on and how you are feeling. Explain what it is the makes you feel like he's controlling you and how you would prefer him to approach you. Also explain what is important to you AND that you are going through one of those teenagerish times where you are a little bit more sensitive and may react unexpectedly. If you both chat then you will learn what is important to him and vice versa and be able to improve your relationship. ;)

I dare say what you feel is him "trying to control you" is him feeling like he's trying to get you take more responsibility. What he may not realise is that the way in which he approaches you makes you feel bad and can I take a stab at smothered?? It is also a matter of perceptions - what seems important to him is not important to you and vice versa.
Take for example the cat food like you mentioned. Filling up the bowl is probably not a huge priority and I dare say you also don't feel like it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the bowl is ALWAYS full. He however, sees the cat's bowl is empty and gets the urge to fill it up because to him it is important chore BUT he feels that your should be taking more responsibility and making sure that if you happen to pass and it is empty, that you fill it up. He knows the cat is not going to die of starvation from a few hours without food but it important to him that it is looked after and he might perceive it to be basic. Does that kind of make sense?

Will give you another example... in my house I tend to do the dishes. Not because it is my responsibility as such but because I feel that the kitchen shouldn't be stacked with grotty plates for days on end. My partner on the other hand, can live with a stack of grotty plates for a week or more until there are no plates or cuttlery or anything else left! It bothers me that he doesn't just wash up after he's eaten (it seems like a simple task that only takes 2 mins) and he doesn't understand why the dishes always need to be done NOW! :huh: In our case we've argued about it but in the end having discussed (in a calm rational manner) how I feel and how doing ALL the dishes and cleaning up after him makes me unhappy, he makes some more effort to clean up after meals. On my end, I do a little bit on that tongue biting that I talked about earlier. He tries and I appreciate that, but I also get the dishes done so my needs for a clean kitchen are satisfied. :D

I can't emphasise the importance of communication enough to you! Talk to your step father and let him know what has been going on and how you are feeling. Explain what it is the makes you feel like he's controlling you and how you would prefer him to approach you. Also explain what is important to you AND that you are going through one of those teenagerish times where you are a little bit more sensitive and may react unexpectedly. If you both chat then you will learn what is important to him and vice versa and be able to improve your relationship. :huh:
Thanks for the help BS. Hey, uhh.. do you think I should keep a couple pantyliners in my purse and/or backpack? They say You start your period about 2 years after brests start to develop but I have had brests scince I was 6 or 7. I confused. That was 3-4 years ago. ????????? :huh:

Thanks for the help BS. Hey, uhh.. do you think I should keep a couple pantyliners in my purse and/or backpack? They say You start your period about 2 years after brests start to develop but I have had brests scince I was 6 or 7. I confused. That was 3-4 years ago. ????????? :huh:
Unless you have had a form of precocious puberty, you will not have had breasts for that long. Young kids have what is referred to as "puppy fat" which gives the appearance of having breast tissue. Proper breast development actually starts with the nipples and not the breast size. :D

Diagrams are generally good but here are is a site with some real life pictures of the various stages of breast development and also pictures of what is normal! Breasts come in various shapes and sizes! There are a range of questions and experiences posted by children and teenagers of various ages in regards to breast development:

Keep some pads or liners in your back pack is always a good idea. I wouldn't advise your purse as it is a little too easy for things to accidently fall out and make for embarassing times! What you can do is get a small pencil case and use that instead... just keep it at the bottom of your bag. So, if someone does look in your bag or it falls out, all they will see is a pencil case. :huh:

Unless you have had a form of precocious puberty, you will not have had breasts for that long. Young kids have what is referred to as "puppy fat" which gives the appearance of having breast tissue. Proper breast development actually starts with the nipples and not the breast size. :huh:
Diagrams are generally good but here are is a site with some real life pictures of the various stages of breast development and also pictures of what is normal! Breasts come in various shapes and sizes! There are a range of questions and experiences posted by children and teenagers of various ages in regards to breast development:

Keep some pads or liners in your back pack is always a good idea. I wouldn't advise your purse as it is a little too easy for things to accidently fall out and make for embarassing times! What you can do is get a small pencil case and use that instead... just keep it at the bottom of your bag. So, if someone does look in your bag or it falls out, all they will see is a pencil case. :D
Then if it was puppy fat I probably was 7 or 8 when I started developing. I've always had large brests and I hate it. But oh well. Thanks for the advice! That way I'll be prepared. I have to sign off now so thanks!

Every period is different for each girl.

*Edited as per note added to original post*

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Can you beleive we had our S.E. video in year 5! Ages 9-10! It was horrible! There were cartoons ahem demonstrating. And we had to watch a woman giving birth! A real woman not a cartoon.
isn't grade 5 a bit young we get it in like grade 8

Could a guide plz close this? it makes me and my friend feel really wierd. ;) Plus, there are little kids on here, It's not appropiate for them. Also, that is very private stuff, too private.
P.S sorry whoever started this I don't mean to be mean.
Ahem, this topic (ah, here we go again. Too many people say this kinda stuff) is an information tool. Bell Sprout may be saying things that may make YOU uncomfortable but it's the human body. Puberty is something everyone goes through at one point. And the little kids - they have to learn at some point about changes and puberty. You say it's too private? Well, saying every detail about your periods or your body - thats too private. Asking questions and helping ppl understand is not too private. If you think so, go elsewhere. The guides won't close it. (see Bell Sprout's note on the first post) You do not have to tell anything about you or your body if you don't want to. I don't mean to be mean its just, I get tired from ppl saying the same thing over and over how its too private or its inapropiate. Keep in mind why schools make kids wach puberty movies in like the 5th grade..... Some parents don't have "the talk" with their kids because they think maybe their too young. Or it might gross them out. And those parents should talk to them. If they don't, pretty soon the daughter gets freaked out when she see's blood on her panties. Schools sometimes HAVE to do that. And they say kids are developing earlyer. So they have to know earlier.

For those in the future who say the same thing "this is gross" or something like that, please do not say that. If u think it's too private please, please, don't post or reply!

I think I just got my period...I was changing my underwear and I looked at the old ones and I saw a spot of blood...I am scared... ;)
I haven't got my period yet but tell ur mom, grab a pad or pantiliner, and relax if you are having cramps! You may not have cramps scince periods skip and are irregular at first...

I don't really wanna tell my mom...because she probably won't believe me... ;)
If she won't belive you, show her your underwere. Trust me, she'll belive you. She's a mom. She's gone through her first period.

I washed my underwear...the blood isn't there anymore...and I wonder when I am going to get my next period... ;)
oh. sorry. Just tell her and see what happens!

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