Giving my 'Hello'!


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inugami k

May 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, I'm new to the site (and the Tama-fandom... kind of). :)

Back when virtual pets were the biggest fad (I was about nine at the time, I think), I never had a Tamagotchi -- instead, I had two Giga Pets... a Koala and a Cat. I'm not sure where I had misplaced the Cat (might've been stolen), but I remember dropping my Koala into some ramen one morning, ruining it. x_x

Anyway, I bought a dark purple Tamagotchi Connection just a few days ago at GameStop (bought a survival horror game called 'Kuon', too :3)-- a friend I was with at the time convinced me to buy one (she had gotten a light purple one). ^^; We connect constantly... I'm waiting for my Tamagotchi, a boy whom I've named Shuya, to become an adult (he's an Ichigotchi right now, very cute and well behaved!). Then, I hope to have him mate with Eiko, who is my friend's girl Tama. ^~^

I'm already having the urge to buy more Tamagotchis. XD; I'd really love to get an Angel Tamagotchi sometime, and I'm looking forward to the release of the Connection V2.

That's all from me -- for now. :(

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[SIZE=14pt] :D Hello and welcome to! You will get very obsessed with this site once you join it! If you need help and your new to the Tamagotchi world go to my website (on my signature below) and then you will know a lot for a beginner. Tamatalk is a great site for Tamagotchi fans. You will have lots of fun here! If you need help go to “help for new Tamagotchi owners” and then make your topic, and you’ll get it answered! You will know so on like an expert about tamagotchis! So thanks for joining the community! Hope you make new friends! :D [/SIZE]


B) ~Oniontchi~ :wub:

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