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I have glasses. I don't want contacts, to squishy and I'm afraid I'll fall asleep with them and...yeah. And that I'll lose them. (Once my mother lost her contact lens, so I went out to look for it, found it, but was squeezing it too hard so it bounced out and was never found. That was funny and sad.)

Nope, contacts work better for me. Though, I have once, got 'em stuck in my eye (pushed up the eyelid) and was never to be removed.. until I went to the glassy man, guy, dude, well you know what I mean..

the end?


I wear glasses but not all the time.I only need glasses for reading,computer and for school work,my classes are square-rimmed and the lenses are thin.They can get annoying sometimes but they are okay for a few more years.

Yes, unfortunately. D:<

I'm always losing them, and ughh. I just don't like the way they look.

I wanted to get black rimmed ones (I got new glasses last spring), but they look aweful on my small build, fair skin, and fair hair. D:< So I got these plain ones, with a copper-colored type rim.

I want contacts, but the insurance we have only covers once every two years. So I'll be almost 16 by the time I can get new glasses. This past spring, my mom wouldn't let me get contacts because, "Oh, I've had them before Katie. They're terrible. D:" I'm like, "Well, when did you have them?" "... 15 - 20 years ago. But it felt like I was sticking shards of glass in my eye!" -facepalm- Seriously mom. Contacts have advanced since the 80's. "Well, your friend Sarah tried contacts and didn't like them!" Mom. Seriously. She can't even stand to put eye shadow on. She can't put anything near her eye. No wonder. DDx

Sorry for my rant. So yes I have glasses. I hate them and wish I had contacts.

Yep, glasses! You can see me wearing them in the pictures of you thread.

They are dark red and half the time I hate them, half the time I love them.

I'm practically OCD about cleaning them, too. ;)

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yup! I wish I could get contacts, but my mom won't let me :angry: maybe the kids at school will stop teasing me if I don't wear glasses :angry:


yup! I wish I could get contacts, but my mom won't let me :( maybe the kids at school will stop teasing me if I don't wear glasses :( :furawatchi:
They tease you cuz you wear glasses?

That's not nice! D:

I kinda wear both of them alternatively. I wear contacts most of the time, but on lazy saterdays or on sick days sometimes I'll choose not to wear them.

I can't wear my glasses right now, though, because they're broken and my dad needs to fix them. It's a black wire frame and the lens popped out.

I have glasses =D

I have a blue and silver Vogue vith an awesome 'V' written with studs =]

And I have an awesome black Prada with cute silver designs on the sides. (I wear it for the weekends)

I wear contacts very rarely, because I prefer glasses =D Glasses are cool =D

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