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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
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My Tamagotchi character is rolling around on the floor and won't stop - even if I press a button. Is this a glitch?

Well... whats wrong? :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure what's wrong with it. It can be a glitch or are the batterys running out? Maybe you should reset your tama or put new batterys in.

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Yea, try pressing RESET & DOWNLOAD.. that could work, but I dunno.

I've never heard of anything like that. xP


mann feel teh magic.

Try to reset,then Download,if tht dosen't work maybe just give you'r tamagotchi some time to stop rolling.But if all else fails....change batteries or speak to a great member of TT such as binary :D .

Hmmm... I say give your tama a little time to stop, and if it doesn't stop then, you can try resetting and downloading your tama. Hope you can get this to stop!

I have a simular problem. My V4 I have to pretty much PUNCH the button to get out of set time mode. It's soooo anoying. Try pressing really hard and if that dosnt help you, you probley have faulty buttons. Try Reset/Download if else fails.

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I'm guessing this is a glitch. It's not a big one though, very harmfull. ;) Try RESET the DOWNLOAD. I hope that works. :ph34r:

it seemspwerfectly normal 2 me bc i hav babys who always roll on th floor and its fine they grow into kids and they dont do that all the time any more.... well some of um do... but they move rouind the screan

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