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lavender rose

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2006
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my tamas adlut on v5 had stressed faces. there was a square on there heads and i wanted to give it medicine. None of my buttons are working exept a is just making a beep sound. in a while my tamasfaces got even more stressed!???



i suggest u to press the reset button and choose download, ur character will be still there if it doesn't work maybe u should change batteries and download ur tamagotchi.

still not working?

your gonna have to reset your tamagotchi.

hope that helps! :D


maybe ask an tamagotchi expert to check it?..............


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ITS DYING, LIKE 'yusuf iqbal' said wait until it has a spaceship then press C + A.

If not take out the batterys.

Have you dropped it?




How old is the tama itself?

my tamas adlut on v5 had stressed faces. there was a square on there heads and i wanted to give it medicine. None of my buttons are working exept a is just making a beep sound. in a while my tamasfaces got even more stressed!???


What was the sound like and how long were they ill?PLEASE answer I really want to know what the V5 dying sound sounds like!!!!!!!By the way I use the word dying but they actually got angry because they had enough of bad care and left to tamagotchi planet.

Perhaps they're doing it because they're about to depart to the Tamagotchi World to seek better care. Try repeatedly pressing the A button.

*off topic & unkind - removed* :) ZoeyRox! :ichigotchi:

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Your tamagotchi(s) have died, or departed. If you press the A button multiple times, it will stop them from departing. But, it's to late now. ;)

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