Glitchy Infra-red


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Oct 12, 2010
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Well it all started with one of my music Stars. I tried to connect another Music Star with it for a Game and one of them would say "fail". The other would work and play the game. And when I did present, one Tamagotchi (a Kuromametchi) would go to the other's house. But when he appeared in the house, he would appear as a Chantotchi and give the glitchy tamagotchi a jack in the box. Therefore the item the working Tamagotchi was going to give was gone, but the glitchy tamagotchi never received it.

I tried to put it as simple as I could. Please help.


Is it the same Tamagotchi that always has the glitch? Maybe its a problem with the actual IR-sensor of that Tama.

I know that IR often fails / acts weird in direct sunlight... Maybe that had something to do with it?

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On the one that always fails, press the reset button on the back, then select download from the download/reset menu. Then try connecting them again. (Unless it's a hardware problem, this process should fix it.)

Oh! Im sorry to hear that.Here,some tips.Do not connect in bright sunlight,your tamagotchi does not have sunglasses. B) Maybe,If you downloaded it,it would help.If not,ah,well.It is still a tamagotchi! ;)


Is it the same Tamagotchi that always has the glitch? Maybe its a problem with the actual IR-sensor of that Tama.

I know that IR often fails / acts weird in direct sunlight... Maybe that had something to do with it?
It is the same tamagotchi...and I connect them mostly in the evening because I am away at school during the day.

ive had the exact same thing but with me when i do present itll appear on the one that seems glitchy (my case my blue one) it said fail on orange but it visited okay on blue and gave a present weird thing was.... the item stayed on orange and was on blue O.O but they both work with the familitchi perfectly so maybe its just a weird MS glitch like the tama go has a BAD glitch (i dont have one but from what ive heard *shudders*) and ive tried resseting and everything its sameage

You should have your answear with either resetting and downloading... (Or ultimately REstarting all together...)Otherwise, you could always switch batteries.

Sometimes they do just glitch out a bit. Give them a while an try it again later.

For other people's knowledge, The Red cover is suppose to be like a protective cover, like sunglasses too. The IR is actually the little bubble light inside.

okay then, it was the battery. I changed the battery and now everything works alright. bye

... Yeah that happened to me, but instead of chantotchi i had a mimitchi and a tarakotchi and i connected mimitchi and went over but it came as a mametchi.. I was on the padio though.. Still it messes the infa-red up with shade?

Ive had the same problem! It's because your tama is very old and old tamas infra red doesn't work as well. But changing batteries does help!

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