Global Warming.


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I don't believe a word of it.
As for the argument, 'Why would scientists lie about this?'

Why would the American government keep information about 9/11 from us?

Why would they censor our programs so that we can't see the truth of what's happening during our war?

Why do people push religion as fact?

Why does ANYONE lie?

Because they want people to believe their opinion on a matter and live in fear of it and it's consequences. Nothing about global warming is proven fact, and until it is, I refuse to believe anything about it.
Couldn't have said it better myself

Global warming is not an exaggeration.
Yes and no. Yes its definatly not because of George Bush. I read your things to do to help save the earth and I do all that stuff only because i know its amportant to care about all things because even though any thing could happen (including all this being a con like i said) But i also accept the fact that it could one day actually be an issue but until the facts are better i believe my theory

Like I said, I cannot force my opinions onto you. It's good that you're still doing your bit for the environment. But what would you rather have: an opinion, or an informed opinion? Because if you haven't researched both sides of the argument, all you really have is an opinion, and an uninformed one at that.

One the one hand, if we do nothing, and global warming turns out to be happening and to be driven by man, then we have everything to lose. We have our existence, the existence of every other living thing, we have the world, to lose. On the other hand, if global warming isn't happening and isn't driven by man, and we do everything to stop it just in case, what have we lost? Nothing, except for maybe a bit of weight, which, given the obesity epidemic, would be a good thing. Maybe we would have reduced our dependence on Arab oil, as well. So which would you rather lose? The Earth and everything on it, or a little bit of weight!?

I think most of its George Bushes fault <.<
Yeah, George Bush caused it all? HOw in the heck can George start Global Warming?!

It got hotter longer in Tennessee, but can that be a factor of Global Warming? I highly doubt it.

Haven't we had one of these that fueled up to be closed? Seems like we have.

But back onto topic. I'm not willing to change my life style for the whole world. No, I'm not going to. Many of people aren't going to. I could care less about global warming, hasn't effected me.


well bailey it could effect alot of animals. its gettin hot up in antarctica and at both of the poles and alot of ice is melting and animals r dieng. since the ice is melting it is making the water level in the oceans go up and it could flood alot of places. i personaly dont think that we can do anything about it though. but i think that we should care, but lets face it, its us againts atmosphere.

Honestly, I could care less about global warming. If it does kill the earth (somehow), I know I won't be alive when it does. There's nothing we can do about global warming, so I tend to never think about it. My life has gone perfectly fine with global warming happening so it's nothing that would effect my life right now.
O so you dont care that it will effect your children,grandchildren ect.??

O so you dont care that it will effect your children,grandchildren ect.??
Why do people always bring up. "So you don't care if it will affect your children?" Arguement?

Trust me, I've heard enough about Global Warming to the point I don't care anymore. Bush caused Global Warmng? Hasn't Global Warming been discussed way before he became president?


There's something that kinda bothers me here, and it's that people use not believing in global warming to say "Oh, it's okay to pollute because the earth is warming up anyway"

No, it is not! Just because you don't believe in global warming doesn't mean that you don't have a role to play in keeping the Earth clean. It's people who think like that who hurt the problem even more!

I think earth is just going through one of it's hotter phases- it has done it before and it is doing it again.

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For all those people who do want to make a difference, here are some tips on how you can be climate-safe:

- Don't drive when you can walk or ride a bike

- Buy locally produced goods

- Turn off the lights in any room that isn't being used'

- Don't turn on the lights when you can use natural light - get a skylight installed!

- Don't turn on the heater when you can put a jumper on, or wrap yourself in blankets

- Don't turn the Air-conditioner on if you can take off a jumper or put on something cooler

- turn off your TV at the powerpoint when not in use (if you can)

- Don't stand with the refrigerator door open - pick what you want before you open up

- Try to buy a fridge with a good energy rating

- Take shorter showers - saves water and doesn't use as much energy

- Try to use solar or gas water heaters wherever you can

- Use front-loader washers

- Hang-dry clothes as much as possible

- Try to fit as much as you can into the dishwasher - don't waste a run on a couple of plates!

- Don't drive 4-wheel-drives

- Try to drive fuel efficient or hybrid cars
i didnt quote all of what the post was, because that would be such a long post. A while ago, i think in the summer, i made a topic about global warming. I ended up getting really mad, and didn't go on tamatalk as much.

But now i realize, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, i have to do what's right. I agree very much with his/her's post. I am happy they took their time to put together a lovely post.



There's something that kinda bothers me here, and it's that people use not believing in global warming to say "Oh, it's okay to pollute because the earth is warming up anyway"

No, it is not! Just because you don't believe in global warming doesn't mean that you don't have a role to play in keeping the Earth clean. It's people who think like that who hurt the problem even more!
Yes I agree! Just because we don't think global warming is relivant its nice too know we live in a clean green enviroment. Did you know that 800,000 people die each year because of pollution. SCARY

As I said above. Don't do stuff because you are told there will be an epidemic if you don't. Do it because you care.

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Just to clear up any confusion- I do not like pollution, I do not like litter, I do not like hurting animals. Just because I do not agree with the whole global warming issue does not mean I am some crazy, earth-disrespeting moster. I just think all this hype and forcing people change down to not getting the same lightbulb is just a waste of everyone's effort and time. ;]

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Just to clear up any confusion- I do not like pollution, I do not like litter, I do not like hurting animals. Just because I do not agree with the whole global warming issue does not mean I am some crazy, earth-disrespeting moster. I just think all this hype and forcing people change down to not getting the same lightbulb is just a waste of everyone's effort and time. ;]
Yes! We can care about keping our world green and clean and not need a reason. You wouldn't want to live in a rubbish dump so why make our world a big tip.

Why do people always bring up. "So you don't care if it will affect your children?" Arguement?
I was going to bring this up, but I figured I'd wait until someone else did.

Did it ever occur to people that not everyone is GOING to have kids/grandkids/etc?

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O so you dont care that it will effect your children,grandchildren ect.??
I don't plan on having kids, so don't bring that up. :|

And, in my opinion, global warming is something over-rated, and I wish people would shut up about it. <.<

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Global Warming IS Real, but people are making it sound like its going to come to our house and kill us. Have you ever seen "The Day After Tomarrow"?

Well thats what Global Warming Fanatics actually think will happen. Wake up. The Earth isn't going anywhere. Like George Carlin once said, if anything is going to die, it's us, the humans.

So screw the Earth, and Screw the animals, I'm living my own life. If theres one thing I absolutely cannot stand, it's people giving me "tips" on how to live MY life.

You wanna save the Earth? (hands everyone a Captain Planet ring) There, now its YOUR problem.

And for the love of God QUIT bringing up the "future kids" Argument. It's retarded and stupid. Not everyone is going to have kids you know.

I don't plan on having kids, so don't bring that up. :|And, in my opinion, global warming is something over-rated, and I wish people would shut up about it. <.<
I think Al Gore was mostly to blame all the hype. Really. I wish people would just relax, take breaths and live their own life. I really don't care or worry about it. I just want to live my life, be happy and maybe get a decent job, make money and go on in life.

I have alot more important things to worry about then be scared of Global warming.

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