global warming


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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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did you know that the weather rises 2 degrees every year?

i figured out when i will be about 30, a 20 degrees day would be like 40!!

i think.

and like that means in like 100 years it will be soooooooooooooooo hot! :blink:

i wondr if ppl will be alive?

and how are we meant to do that?

you cant exactly reverse the damage..

One controversial topic after the other.

Interesting day in Non-TT today.

I don't believe in global warming in the sense that we caused it.

Before humans were even around, there were hot and cold periods.

If it's been happening before we were around, why would it suddenly be completely our fault?

Yes, I believe that we're slightly responsible for it happening rapidly, but not as a whole.

I don't believe that people are actually going to stop it.

How many people do you honestly know who are willing to give up their luxuries just so the Earth doesn't heat? :/

did you know that the weather rises 2 degrees every year?i figured out when i will be about 30, a 20 degrees day would be like 40!!

i think.

and like that means in like 100 years it will be soooooooooooooooo hot! <_<

i wondr if ppl will be alive?
mother nature has done this for years guys..changing..shure we damaged waters and ozone but we didnt make the earth change.

The earth goes through peroids of heating and cooling. Pretty sure we can live through another ice age. Al Gore isn't a scientist...
*High fives*


We have destroyed this earth. There is no reversing it, but we can prevent any further damage. This is not of mother nature's doing. We cannot blame the earth for problems we ourselves have created. Global Warming is 100% the fault of Human Beings.

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We have destroyed this earth. There is no reversing it, but we can prevent any further damage. This is not of mother nature's doing. We cannot blame the earth for problems we ourselves have created. Global Warming is 100% the fault of Human Beings.
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I 100% agree.

The earth goes through peroids of heating and cooling. Pretty sure we can live through another ice age. Al Gore isn't a scientist...
=0 Us? Live through an ICE AGE? I don't think so. =0

Any way, I do believe in Global warming. I believe we are the cause. Its proven that since we've gotten cars, and other gas emitting (sp?) objects, the the temperature has risen.

Does anyone actually have proof that we didn't cause it? I mean, I know you said "Earth Naturally does this" but then why is the arctic melting? Does that naturally happen?

Let me "cool down" before another post.







I hate Global Warming.

Anyways, just help your community by turning off un-needed lights, taking shorter showers, recycling, and buying fluorescent lightbulbs. So...on an 80 degree day it would be 100 degrees? Oh great x_X

We have destroyed this earth. There is no reversing it, but we can prevent any further damage. This is not of mother nature's doing. We cannot blame the earth for problems we ourselves have created. Global Warming is 100% the fault of Human Beings.
Thankyou for bothering to read this post
One hundred percent human fault? I think not. Even without humans, there are still CO2 emissions. Animals breathe out CO2, cows pass gas- it's not all our fault and I don't believe it's even in existence anyway.

Well, not 100% human fault, maybe that's a small exaggeration. But look at it this way, animals may have partially caused this, but we play the main part in global warming. Animals aren't the ones with TVs, computers and lights, after all. They live a natural life in the wild, we cut down their trees, some animals live in them, others are provided with shade. Humans are selfish to animals and the environment. We need to pull ourselves together and prevent any further environmental damage. Of course global warming exists!!! We can't hide that fact. The earth is getting hotter and hotter, what else could cause that. Animals don't use electricity, as far as i am aware, humans own all these luxuries. We might just have to give up all our luxuries, or the entire human race won't be able to stand the extreme tempuratures.

Well, not 100% human fault, maybe that's a small exaggeration. But look at it this way, animals may have partially caused this, but we play the main part in global warming. Animals aren't the ones with TVs, computers and lights, after all. They live a natural life in the wild, we cut down their trees, some animals live in them, others are provided with shade. Humans are selfish to animals and the environment. We need to pull ourselves together and prevent any further environmental damage. Of course global warming exists!!! We can't hide that fact. The earth is getting hotter and hotter, what else could cause that. Animals don't use electricity, as far as i am aware, humans own all these luxuries. We might just have to give up all our luxuries, or the entire human race won't be able to stand the extreme tempuratures.
If it's hot, it's global warming. If it's cold, it's global warming. If it's rainy it's global warming and if there's a drought it's gobal warming. We had the same thing happen in the 70s, this global warming deal. Everyone freaked out and... nothing.

I'm pretty positive I read that CO2 wsn't even the biggest factor in this global warming- it was water vapor. Don't hold me to this and I don't have back up at the moment but I think I recall reading this.

=0 Us? Live through an ICE AGE? I don't think so. =0
Any way, I do believe in Global warming. I believe we are the cause. Its proven that since we've gotten cars, and other gas emitting (sp?) objects, the the temperature has risen.

Does anyone actually have proof that we didn't cause it? I mean, I know you said "Earth Naturally does this" but then why is the arctic melting? Does that naturally happen?

Let me "cool down" before another post.






Why do you think it was frozen? :/ From an Ice Age. Ice heats, it melts. Water cools, it freezes.

It's Earth's natural process.

=0 Us? Live through an ICE AGE? I don't think so. =0
Any way, I do believe in Global warming. I believe we are the cause. Its proven that since we've gotten cars, and other gas emitting (sp?) objects, the the temperature has risen.

Does anyone actually have proof that we didn't cause it? I mean, I know you said "Earth Naturally does this" but then why is the arctic melting? Does that naturally happen?

Let me "cool down" before another post.






HUmans has lived through the first ice age. Did you know that?

Also, there are colder places in the world were people do live and learned to live in it. It's not like we are all gonna keel over from freezing half to death.

The earth goes through peroids of heating and cooling. Scientists also belive we're due in for a pole shift as well. Al Gore seemed tomake Global Warming a deal. He's not a sceintist at all.

HUmans has lived through the first ice age.  Did you know that?
Also, there are colder places in the world were people do live and learned to live in it.  It's not like we are all gonna keel over from freezing half to death.

The earth goes through peroids of heating and cooling.  Scientists also belive we're due in for a pole shift as well.  Al Gore seemed tomake Global Warming a deal.  He's not a sceintist at all.
Ditto again.

Adding onto that Al Gore comment, has Mr. Gore gotten his degree in this stuff? No. Does he really believe it? I think not because if he did, he wouldn't be flying in his private jet. He wouldn't have a mansion and he'd ride his bike all the way to capital hill.

How can he really believe this stuff if he doesn't follow his "global advise"? I don't respect him at all because of his hypocritical life style.

Nobel Peace Prizes don't count as credentials, either. He's a politician- not a scienctist.

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Actually I believe that it is co2 causing it, I mean we exhale it so thats probably the answer. Also, it was hotter back in the 1890s, so I wouldn't be so freaked out. We still need to help out.

Oh, and one more thing I just thought of. There is no WAY that anyone can get "the average world temperature". There's cold, there's hot, there's medium it always changes but you cannot say "ohmgee, it went up this or that degrees". You just can't do that, it doesn't work.

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