global warming


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I do believe in global warming. I also believe that it's mostly the previous generation that is the cause, and they are leaving it to us to fix it, because 'we'll be around long after they're gone'.

even if the Earth goes through those stages of heating and cooling, a lot of our technology emits gasses that contribute to the heating process.

Basically (like mentioned in various places) we have ten years to help cure the damage we've already done before it's too late. So, once I turn 23, I really hope that our environment is a whole lot better instead of a whole lot worse. (Yes, I'm 13.)

I don't want to sound rude, but to the people here who are saying "I really don't think that it's the cars and everything thats the problem", think again. there was once a time where water was so clean that people drank, and stored food straight from the rivers and streams. Then eventually cars come along and scientists realise "Oh my god, the gases coming from these vehicles are destroying our ozone layer..." And the Earth is on a whirlwind trip to disaster.

Al Gore. I think that if he doesn't have a degree in this kind of stuff, he just did some extra-credit stuff for a homework assignment. XD And he definately doesn't follow his own advice if he flies around in his private jet.

Phew, sorry for the REALLY long post. Had to get that out of my system.

Ditto again.
Adding onto that Al Gore comment, has Mr. Gore gotten his degree in this stuff? No. Does he really believe it? I think not because if he did, he wouldn't be flying in his private jet. He wouldn't have a mansion and he'd ride his bike all the way to capital hill.

How can he really believe this stuff if he doesn't follow his "global advise"? I don't respect him at all because of his hypocritical life style.

Nobel Peace Prizes don't count as credentials, either. He's a politician- not a scienctist.
LOL, true. I don't like Al Gore either. xP I agree with most people here - global warming is a natural thing. People blame people for things that naturally happen too much. I mean, in the ice age did people say to each other, "ZOMG! You caused this by dropping an ice cube the other day! D:<<" No. And this isn't any different. (Although I do agree that perhaps humans speeded up global warming a little, I think it is mostly natural.) Oh, and one last thing to say about Al Gore - no, he's not a scientist, but he is TOTALLY cereal about Manbearpig. =O

Why do you think it was frozen? :/ From an Ice Age. Ice heats, it melts. Water cools, it freezes.
It's Earth's natural process.
No I mean, it is actually melting maybe I'm wrong, but did the Arctic actually literally "melt" killing thousands of polar bears, and penguins?

Ok This is my kind of topic!!!

Scientists Have proven the earth goes through periods of heating and cooling, and they think a cold spell is in order soon. I don’t know about that though.

I do think that we as people are trashing the earth though and may be messing up the heating and cooling process somewhat. But I don’t think we can do anything about it. Gods in charge, and I’m not going to worry!


Not just penguins and polar bears, seals too. seals have their young on the ice, they sleep, do everything on ice. If we have the glaciers melting, their habitat will be gone. I dont now why people think, Oh I dont care about the earth, I just want to live my life with other more important things to do. If everyone did that we'd basically die. Generations to come won't have an ocean to play in, won't be able to go outside. We are being selfish to our Earth. So we are the generation to clean it up!

No I don't think it happened naturally. It's the fault of us and our luxuries. We can't make it go away, but if we work together then we can stop it from getting any worse

did you know that the weather rises 2 degrees every year?
Are you sure it's that much?

People say that we have to fix it and we have to do something about it but may I ask WHAT? I mean lets face it man has grown extermely reliant on machines. I think that if sudenly all the power in the world were to stop the people in places like Africa would do better. Why? Because they're less economically developed and so are not as reliant as us.

Unless we manage to get effiecent alternative ways of making power and providing fuel we can't do anything.

Are you sure it's that much?
People say that we have to fix it and we have to do something about it but may I ask WHAT? I mean lets face it man has grown extermely reliant on machines. I think that if sudenly all the power in the world were to stop the people in places like Africa would do better. Why? Because they're less economically developed and so are not as reliant as us.

Unless we manage to get effiecent alternative ways of making power and providing fuel we can't do anything.
it does rise 2 degreees.

Global warming...

We've already started destroying the ozone whith CFCs. You know what that is, right? Pollution. Deforestation. All of those cause global warming. Of course, it's good to have some global warming, so that it doesn't get too cold. But the way we're going...we have waaaay too much.

We have to find a solution.

But the hard part for most will be actually getting up and making a difference. If our generation doesn't fix this...everybody else will have to pay for our mistakes.

now this is rubbish in my opinion globel warming, right it is a natural cycle cars are not the main problem ok, i mean maybe pollution and cars ect are maybe speeding it up you know but they did not entirely cause it. Humans are arragont enough to think that they are important enough to cause the earth to heat up. There has many ice ages and what do you think was melting them there wern't cars then you know, it was due to the earth going on to the next bit of the cycle, warming up.

and the hole in the ozone how do they know that the hole wasnt there before, how do they know that we made that hole, i mean come on.

If we all did belive that globel warming was started by humans then we would be stuck without transport so we would either have to walk 100 miles to get to where we want our holidays, or cycle 100 miles, or not have a holiday.

well i cant remeber what else i was going to say but ill post it if i remeber it.

sorry guys rant over

mother nature has done this for years guys..changing..shure we damaged waters and ozone but we didnt make the earth change.
[SIZE=8pt]Damaging the waters and polluting the air actually does contribute to all of this global warming and the earth changing[/SIZE]

The pollution is causeing the ozone to get thiner and thiner, so more sun is exposed. ITs not going to get SOOO hot, but its making the arctic melt, so some animals can walk on land, get shelter or get food. Stop gloal warming, just stop pollution first!

We did cause the hole in the ozone. Thanks to MAN-MADE materials containg CFCs. As for global warming, yes, water vapor is a greenhouse gas.

To those who aren't quite sure how CFCs work:

Chloroflourocarbons (sp?) are CFCs. The Chlorine, one coming in contact with ozone, frees itself from the flourine and carbon. The chlorine atom attaches itself to ozone, which is 3 oxygen molecules. This makes ozone break apart, in to 2 oxygen molecules, or the air we can breathe. The other Oxygen molecule is attached to the ozone, until it finds two free oxygen molecules (air we breathe, oxygen) to bond with. The chlorine is released, repeating this cycle.

I hope that was easy to understand....

What makes you think the global warming is real? Because you saw a movie that Al Gore who is a politician decided to promote and a hefty sum of profit to himself (assuming he was paid)? Is that your line of reasoning? Let's face it political parties and politicians always want you to fear something as a motivator to get you to vote for something or do something or believe something in order to promote their agenda. Why would this be any different?

Al Gore is riding around in his private jet and riding his gas-guzzling cars and having a good ol' time. Hypocrite.

For those who are truly concerned about the environment because we all have to live with in the ecological system and also we must breathe the air and drink the water it makes sense to do as little polluting as possible. It would be nice if everyone looked in the mirror and lived a carbon free life.

But if we are to lead the mindless masses into a giant fear that global warming will end life on Earth in an incredible apocalypse then obviously we have been pushing the wrong buttons for far too long. It is time to stop leading by fear and to lead by thinking and use the brains that we have and our minds to solve the problems of the species.

You know how they get you to believe ice caps are melting and the world is in trouble we're all going to die ZOMGGG! They show ice shelves calving into the ocean, but you know what they don't show? The snow that is falling on the ice shelves. It's a cycle.

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