Global Warming


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Look I aint forcing u 2 care I am just saying it is here and it is happening and u people know that. Don't come crying to me wen every1 has to start wearing masks to breathe.
Don't care.

Cut the mele drama and guilt tatics.

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When some of you are saying 'I don't believe in global warming', what do you mean? Do you mean that you don't believe we are the cause of the earth's temperature increase, or do you mean you don't believe the earth's average temperature is increasing?

There should be no 'debate' over whether or not Earth's average temperature is increasing. It is scientifically proven by years and years of recording temperatures from all over the world. A scientific theory isn't like "Oh, I have a theory that you are stupid because you eat pigs." A scientific theory is something that has been proven. A scientific theory is different from the average person's 'theory'. It has been proven that Earth's average temperature is increasing.

What scientists are NOT sure of is exactly why it is increasing (or how much we contributed to the increase of temperature), how much it will increase, how long it will continue to increase, and if it will ever return. Scientists do agree that it is part of a natural process. They also do believe that we are contributing in some way and that we may be able to help. They are not sure how much we are contributing to global warming, or if we can do anything to stop it. They are also not sure what the effects will be, although we can already see some starting to happen. And it is happening 'anytime soon', unless you count now as not soon. No, the earth's average temperature won't start increasing ten degrees everyday. It's gradual, just like most changes to the earth.

I'm not saying anyone has to do anything to stop it. I'm just saying that a lot of you are completely misinformed.

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Who? The one who is having a major break down over the issue?
Er, Tama followed by a very long string of letters which I don't feel like looking up, is what I meant.

Not everybody drives in the summer, or is lazy, was my point.

Folks, holes have absolutely nothing to do with Global Warming concerns. This has rapidly devolved into a ridiculously petty argument, and this s exactly why I'm afraid I'm going to have to close yet another thread about our environmental concerns.

Now,everyone here knows my thoughts about the environment and conservation, so I'm not going to add anything to the subject matter. I'm just going to say that I HOPE that next time a very select few of you will choose to behave more maturely in controversial topics.

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