God, I had one of those days yesterday.


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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California USA
A very bad yesterday, went swimming and my swimsuit top pretty much came up over my head, than we came back to my friends house where my dad was waiting (we were going to stay untill 8:00) with the news his dad had crashed his bike (and hes like 87) and was in the ER with a bunch of broken bones, so we went there and waited 3 hours, it turns out he had a very bad elbow break and a bunch of rids, he had hit a rock, went flying onto some rocks, then fallen into the lake and alomost drowned, so they had called a good surgen and my dad was staying with him untill midnight, and my dad had to get to work realy early the next day, then we came home and my last rat was dead. And that was my day :mametchi:

Aww. *air hugs*

That sounds tough. ]: The ER sucks, huh? Thoughts and prayers to your grandpa and family.

Do you have any pictures of your rat? You could make a collage or wright a song/poem about him. Don't bottle up your feelings- that will only make it worse. Try calling your friend and if you can see if you two can hang out so you can talk about it in person.

Wowzers, that's a pretty crappy day. I hope your grandfather is alright. And you could make a scrapbook of your rat or something to remember him. I'm so sorry about all that happened. Just relax, and do something you enjoy like listening to music or going on the computer to relax your mind.

Im sorry this happened to you. Hope he is okay. I mean, he's 87 and her dad?

well anyways, hope everything is okay.


I hope your grandpa is going to be alright.

That is a bad day.

I hope you have fun the rest of the week!!



That's horrible! :(

Best wishes to your grandpa and your rat. I'll pray for them!

That was a really bad day. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Try doing what GotchiGirl said. That will help. Good luck.

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