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So anyway the wrap up of my post are the minor mysteries of life are answerd in the bible we did not come from monkeys. As my youth shirt says "CHICKS DONT COME FROM MONKEYS"

One thing I learned in church is that everyne belives in something no matter what you say

Sorry no offence to those who believe but I'm an athiest which means I have no religion so I don't believe in god. It's because of all the trouble that used to happen and still does happen about religions I think it's a wise option to not have one. I'll believe in god when I see him.
When you see him it will be too late

Don't force your belifes upon others.
*forehead palm* That's not shoving or forcing. Honestly, we believe that it WILL be too late and if you don't, fine, don't. Just because we believe there are consequences for choosing against God doesn't mean we are forcing by just stating that fact. :eek:

If I wanted to force you, I'd stick a gun to your head and tell you to pray to Jesus. Or telling you you HAVE to pray to God everyday or else.

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I am not forcing as everyone has the right to do I am stating my opinion just as you have done plenty of times wether you know it or not

i dont. no offence to those who do believe in him but i think the whole god thing is untrue.
when i see him then i'll believe in it. :eek:

*That was just a little bit on the rude side- please keep it kinder next time and if it's so offensive that you have to say no offense, don't bother to say it at all.*
I am Christian, even though I'm dubious (doubtful) about the existence of a god.

I dont o.oIt sounds silly to me..

Like a fairytale =]
Well you believe in nothing then? I think what they're trying to say is no one has just... no thoughts on the matter?

They found Noahs Ark? Isnt that just a Bible story o.oHow can some dude get every single animal on Earth and double that?

Like the Pandas in Japan, The Koalas in Australia?

And I belive Jesus was a real person but he didnt have magical healing powers or the son of 'God'

Either he was telling lies or they changed the story of what he realy did over the years.

But these are my opinions in not saying there true.
Tell me this -

If Jesus was a fake, why wouldn't he give in and say he was fake when he was being hung? I would if I was lying.

Maybe he did,Stories change over hundreds of years.
Not like that- there is good evidence that he did die from different points of views, from the views of unbleives and believers alike and if you doubt what the Bible has to say the Bible really is credible- it's up to you what you make of it- and if you want to know how it's credible and want hardcore answers I can refer you to an amazing woman's site that can explain all of that stuff. ;]

And I'm wondering how do you think we are our own gods? I'm just curious- are you a new ager or a scientologist? That seems harder to believe than a monotheistic belief personally.

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I don't believe in god, and my mom doesn't know (she's christian) and she wants me to start going to church again!*eep!* I DO NOT want to tell her im not a believer cause whenever i ask her about that type of thing she gets really serious.......

but anyway i agree with you guys; heaven and god are just hope that when you die, you're not gone forever and that somebody who is really important actually cares about you. Even my mom admitted that that's the main point. There is no actual proof of god either.

JUST ONE MORE THING BEFORE I SHUT UP my friend's mom (who is athiest too) said that my friend and i should not tell people that we're athiest because they would treat us differently.

You are alive are'nt you? is that not proof enough?
No. Its not in my opinion. Who says we didnt evole from monkeys? And if 'god' did create us then where did dinosaurs come from? I believe in science not god. Oh and how did god come to be? Who invented him and who invented the inventor and so on.

And I'm wondering how do you think we are our own gods? I'm just curious- are you a new ager or a scientologist? That seems harder to believe than a monotheistic belief personally.
I think were all just an illusion, A dream.

I am not New Ager or a Scientologist,

Im just Atheist and I have no problem with that.

I'm an Atheist as well.

A certain site does not like Scientologists, however.

Pushing that aside, should it matter if a person belives or not. Right?

New Ager? Please explain.

Look, Like I stated a million times. I don't care if someone belives in god or a god. No religion or belife is right or wrong.

I'm an Atheist as well.
A certain site does not like Scientologists, however.

Pushing that aside, should it matter if a person belives or not. Right?

New Ager? Please explain.

Look, Like I stated a million times. I don't care if someone belives in god or a god. No religion or belife is right or wrong.
Correction, a certain "organization" (only by definition) does not like "Scientology". Huge difference. They're a humanist organization, so they really don't hate people. They just hate practice.

With that being said, I'm going to probably be lynched.

Yeah, yeah, I believe in God yada yada.

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