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I do not believe in god. For all those who say i should, you give me no proof so how can you expect me to believe? In the bible it says to convert people, but don't try that with me, because I know you would not appreciate me trying to convert you to an athiest. So i guess i'm going to hell.

I'm not rying to change your reliogion but hell is a horrible place trust me you wouldn't want to go there so you just really don't know what you're saying*not to be rude*!

I do not believe in god. For all those who say i should, you give me no proof so how can you expect me to believe? In the bible it says to convert people, but don't try that with me, because I know you would not appreciate me trying to convert you to an athiest. So i guess i'm going to hell.

I don't see how people can, one moment, say they don't believe in God, and then the next say they're 'going to hell'. If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in hell, right? So I don't understand that, unless you're being sarcastic.

How is Christianity childish?Because it didn't happen so you could see it?

Well, if you look carefully you can see the impact Christianity [ and many other religions ] have had on our world today. Don't be so dang rude.

I'm not rying to change your reliogion but hell is a horrible place trust me you wouldn't want to go there so you just really don't know what you're saying*not to be rude*!
Im not being mean or anything but, well, how would you know what hell is like?

Oniontchi please calm down. We went on to different points but you're bringing it back again. Just remember next time to watch what and how you say something so we don't have this issue again. :angry:

How can she know? Because hell is described in the Bible as a terrible, horrible place.

The one question I get a lot is "if God is so good, why does He send people to hell just for not believing in Him?” So, here's my answer:

1. None of us are perfect. We all sin and God is perfect. Therefore, we deserve the punishment for the bad stuff we do. We all deserve hell.

2. In the Old Testament they had sacrificial forgiveness. Sounds gory, but that's how it was set up at the time. God didn't change but how he set up redemption did [obviously we don't do that anymore]. "With out the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness". The animals/foods had to be the best pick, spotless, etc.

3. Jesus came to be the final perfect sacrifice. He was without sin but was crucified because they didn't like what he said. See, this is where Judaism and Christianity splits. We believe that Jesus was messiah, fulfilled all the prophesies, etc. They believe that when the messiah came he would come in on a white horse, over throw the government that was over them and reign as king and natural they didn't like this lowly guy says he was God.

4. Hell is a place for the Devil and all who do not choose God. In our life time was all have chances to accept Jesus' gift. Again, hell is a place for people for whatever reason reject God. And do you know the worst part of hell? Eternal separation from God.

So, if you choose to go against God and not accept the free gift, it seems only natural you would spend eternity away from him, right? You choose to either go with God to live in heaven with him or to go to hell eternally away from him.

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i dont. no offence to those who do believe in him but i think the whole god thing is untrue.
when i see him then i'll believe in it. :(

*That was just a little bit on the rude side- please keep it kinder next time and if it's so offensive that you have to say no offense, don't bother to say it at all.*

*No one is even talking about this issue anymore. If you want it to stop, it'd be best to stop bringing it back up again. You're just creating more sparks.*

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I'm an Atheist. I had no religion to begin with.

But even if you do believe in God or not you should still respect other's beliefs.

I don't see how people can, one moment, say they don't believe in God, and then the next say they're 'going to hell'. If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in hell, right? So I don't understand that, unless you're being sarcastic.
In christian's eyes, I meant.

Im not being mean or anything but, well, how would you know what hell is like?
it's ok i don't consider that rude alot of people have said that and here is my answer:

1.it says in the bible that hell is a horrible,terrible place.

2.people have actually gone to hell because God sent them then came back to tell theworld that hell is real and a really horrible place with eternal flames

and all the other stuff tamaw/pants said

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i sayif u dont belive in hell

your NOT gonna go to hell
well thats what you say not what is true....because i don't get how you're so cnvinced that hell isn't real unless you believe in it.....so basicly what you're saying if you believe in hell i't's real if you don't it's not....it's either real or not and i KNOW it is....i'm really not trying to be rude

well thats what you say not what is true....because i don't get how you're so cnvinced that hell isn't real unless you believe in it.....so basicly what you're saying if you believe in hell i't's real if you don't it's not....it's either real or not and i KNOW it is....i'm really not trying to be rude
She says that because religion is a belief. Not a fact.

The bible is not a proven fact either. Just because it describes this place, doesn't mean it's real.

Logical thinking is a good thing. Trust me.

Also unless you've personally been to hell, you don't know it's real.

She says that because religion is a belief. Not a fact.
The bible is not a proven fact either. Just because it describes this place, doesn't mean it's real.

Logical thinking is a good thing. Trust me.

Also unless you've personally been to hell, you don't know it's real.
I totally agree with you. B)

She says that because religion is a belief. Not a fact.
The bible is not a proven fact either. Just because it describes this place, doesn't mean it's real.

Logical thinking is a good thing. Trust me.

Also unless you've personally been to hell, you don't know it's real.
Yes, that's why I believe in evolution as opposed to God. There is no proof of the existence of God, at least to me personally, and that is why I do not believe in it. There is, however, proof of evolution; skeletons and such of creatures that resemble us, but just weren't as evolved as present-day humans in their time.

Why believe in something that has no proof?

I do not believe in something I cannot see.

She says that because religion is a belief. Not a fact.
The bible is not a proven fact either. Just because it describes this place, doesn't mean it's real.

Logical thinking is a good thing. Trust me.

Also unless you've personally been to hell, you don't know it's real.
ok i'm really not trying to start a fight but how are you so sure hell isn't real??????..........i mean in the bible it says that it is better to believe without seeing than to beleive after seeing.................i'm not going to argue about you saying the bible isn't real because i respect your beliefs so please respect mine and the others that believe in God like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok i'm really not trying to start a fight but how are you so sure hell isn't real??????..........i mean in the bible it says that it is better to believe without seeing than to beleive after seeing.................i'm not going to argue about you saying the bible isn't real because i respect your beliefs so please respect mine and the others that believe in God like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bible is indeed a collection of stories and fables. Even other religions to have their own hell.

I think you're pretty much overracting over people who have their humble opinions. So what if a person don't belive. I don't get mad at people who do belive. I do get angry at them if they try to convert me, say that I need ot be "saved" or that I am going to die a horrible and unhappy death if I don't belive in god.

Hell is a made up place. So is heaven. It's in a book that has been rewritten over the years.

I'm not religious. I never have been, really..

But I do believe that there is some kind of 'higher power'. That doesn't mean I necessarily agree with some peoples' view of God.

I more agree with the reincarnation theory.

hey cutie_pupluv

i never said it wasnt true

or if it was

so dont tell me sumthing that i said that wasent [SIZE=14pt]true[/SIZE]

{thats how you use true in a sentence} :p

it's ok i don't consider that rude alot of people have said that and here is my answer:
1.it says in the bible that hell is a horrible,terrible place.

2.people have actually gone to hell because God sent them then came back to tell theworld that hell is real and a really horrible place with eternal flames

and all the other stuff tamaw/pants said
Now, the bolded point I don't know if I agree with. I have heard of such things but I'm totally skeptical.

First off, there is a passage in the Bible where a man ends up choosing against God and finds himself in hell. He sees someone else [One of the more known people from the Bible like Moses or something] and ask them to let him go to at least tell his family. I can't recall the verse but it's something like that and he isn't sent back and his family wasn't warned like he wanted to warn them himself. Anyway, my issue is that God gives us all the chances in a life time but

"Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment"

Based on the knowledge I have I can't see exactly how that would be. I'm not totally ruling out the idea [i actually the 22 Minutes in Hell book but have yet to finish it] because I have not research the whole topic myself but the conclusion I have come to at the moment is skeptical.

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