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i dont. no offence to those who do believe in him but i think the whole god thing is untrue.
when i see him then i'll believe in it. :furawatchi:

*That was just a little bit on the rude side- please keep it kinder next time and if it's so offensive that you have to say no offense, don't bother to say it at all.*
Yes, I do believe in God. I'm a Christian and proud to be one ((Didn't see that coming, now did you?)). I'm not a very GOOD Christian, but I try. I'm not very religious either. I listen to Fall out Boy, Green Day and rock, instead of Christian music. I haven't read the Bible, instead I read Warriors, Eragon and Fruits Basket. But I'm Christian.

And you cannot see God. He is a very very bright light. If you see him, you will become blind. I heard that somewhere, but I can't remember where...

I won't try to force you into Christianity. I respect all religions and beliefs.

Yes, I do believe in God. I'm a Christian and proud to be one ((Didn't see that coming, now did you?)). I'm not a very GOOD Christian, but I try. I'm not very religious either. I listen to Fall out Boy, Green Day and rock, instead of Christian music. I haven't read the Bible, instead I read Warriors, Eragon and Fruits Basket. But I'm Christian.
And you cannot see God. He is a very very bright light. If you see him, you will become blind. I heard that somewhere, but I can't remember where...

I won't try to force you into Christianity. I respect all religions and beliefs.
actually you will DIE not become blind :kuribotchi:

Yes, I do believe in God. I'm a Christian and proud to be one ((Didn't see that coming, now did you?)). I'm not a very GOOD Christian, but I try. I'm not very religious either. I listen to Fall out Boy, Green Day and rock, instead of Christian music. I haven't read the Bible, instead I read Warriors, Eragon and Fruits Basket. But I'm Christian.
And you cannot see God. He is a very very bright light. If you see him, you will become blind. I heard that somewhere, but I can't remember where...

I won't try to force you into Christianity. I respect all religions and beliefs.
I don't think the things you read and listen to would effect your religion at all. Even if you classify yourself as a religion, you're still allowed to have a life and do the things you enjoy. I don't think religious people have to be confined to listening to Christian rock and gospel xP

I personally don't think reading and listening to things would effect religion. So long as you're not taking it seriously, and don't believe things that go against your religion or take it to heart, it shouldn't be a problem.

I don't think the things you read and listen to would effect your religion at all. Even if you classify yourself as a religion, you're still allowed to have a life and do the things you enjoy. I don't think religious people have to be confined to listening to Christian rock and gospel xP
I personally don't think reading and listening to things would effect religion. So long as you're not taking it seriously, and don't believe things that go against your religion or take it to heart, it shouldn't be a problem.
wellactually you can listen to anything that doesn't have bad words init and read anything as long as youdon't read bad stuff

as long as you keep thatin mind and you gave god your life you'll be fine :eek: :)

I'm not really a fan of religion, nor do I beleive in god.

But I respect those who do beleive in him, because most of my family is Roman Catholic.

So I support them for beleiving in something.

I just can't beleive in stuff; I like to think deep into these sorts of things.

For some reason, I just don't trust the bible.

There's never any real proof that the god said those things,

It was written by man, it could of been changed.

It sort of reminds me of fairy tales,

With the demons and Adam and Eve.

And then the Jesus rebirth or something.

*sorry if i am wrong with the whole info, i don't really know much of the bible. i just only said those parts make me think of fairytales. but i don't really know if those are in the bible.. so if i am wrong, i'm sorry. i don't mean to offend*

But, for all you beleivers,

Don't let my rambling on get to you.

Keep beleiving in god, and don't let anyone say you are wrong to beleive.

Everyone has their beleifs, so no one should pressure anyone.

Beleivers shouldn't pressure non beleivers,

And non beleivers shouldn't pressure beleivers.

I support beleivers and non beleivers alike pretty much.

And my last message,

Everyone should just be mature about these things.

You may beleive in god, the next guy may beleive in science.

Everyone is different.

(I myself beleive in science)

I never have and never will.In my eyes, religion is just something to make you feel better about life.

I respect people who are religious, so long as it's not shoved down my throat.
I could not agree with you more.

I do half-and-half.

Maybe. I wanna see him before I believe it.

But then there is sometimes when I think:

"How was the world created?"

And I think of God.

But that's it. I'm not prejudice against any people.

These topics are not the greatest because people get in arguments about what they believe in and what people say can offend other people. There is no reason to get in a fight with another person just because they believe in something that you don't or they don't believe in something that you do. All I'm trying to say is that if you really want to express your opinion think about what you are saying first and say it nicely.

These topics are not the greatest because people get in arguments about what they believe in and what people say can offend other people.  There is no reason to get in a fight with another person just because they believe in something that you don't or they don't believe in something that you do.  All I'm trying to say is that if you really want to express your opinion think about what you are saying first and say it nicely.
We should also all line up for teacher to give us snacks.

The internet isn't third grade, okay? Debates are supposed to happen. >> And seriously, have you seen any badmouthing/flaming? No.

If you don't like an opinion, well, thats a bit too bad. :/

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i dont. no offence to those who do believe in him but i think the whole god thing is untrue.
when i see him then i'll believe in it. :huh:

*That was just a little bit on the rude side- please keep it kinder next time and if it's so offensive that you have to say no offense, don't bother to say it at all.*
do you believe in santa

oh yah guess what the bible was writen closest to when it happened then darwins book aqnd lots of other science books.

I believe in god, jesus ,the bible,prayer and the holy spirt.I also believe what preachers say if it is backed up by the bible.i'm a christian.

I don't believe in saints(like saint micheal)earthly rituals like lighting candels or anything like that.

I also think that even if there wern't a god what would be so bad about being a christian.

P.s.I respect people who believe in saints because it doesn't make you bad or wrong in fact my best friend is an chistian orthadox.

Santa is a mythical character that seems to be comericalised by Coca-Cola. There was a "St. Nick" however.

Santa, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth fairy are tales seemed to be told by parents to children. "God" is the same way. Or "Gods". Man can create a god, people will belive. Reminds me of the whole.. "If you build it, they will come."

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I don't think the things you read and listen to would effect your religion at all. Even if you classify yourself as a religion, you're still allowed to have a life and do the things you enjoy. I don't think religious people have to be confined to listening to Christian rock and gospel xP
I personally don't think reading and listening to things would effect religion. So long as you're not taking it seriously, and don't believe things that go against your religion or take it to heart, it shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, my mom told me that not too long ago. Just because something isn't Christian, doesn't mean it's evil. So you and my mom are right. BWAHAHA. I still consider myself part failure though XDD That's just the way I am XD Although... come to think of it I ALWAYS think of myself as failure. Don't take that too seriously XDD I'm not emo!

So yeah, I believe you. Shall stick to Warriors.

Yeah, my mom told me that not too long ago. Just because something isn't Christian, doesn't mean it's evil. So you and my mom are right. BWAHAHA. I still consider myself part failure though XDD That's just the way I am XD Although... come to think of it I ALWAYS think of myself as failure. Don't take that too seriously XDD I'm not emo!
So yeah, I believe you. Shall stick to Warriors.
That's a valid point, yes. Though you should refrain from certain things that could poison your mind such as listening to music with explicit lyrics and watching movies with sexual shots.

Things can be secular and good but everyone- Christian, Muslim, Agnostic, etc.- should watch what they put into their mind, soul and body because you reap what you sow. ;]

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