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Heads Up folks... stay on topic and keep it mature and sensible....

the question is do you believe?

please don't go off on what you think God may or may not have said or promised... there are many different versions of the Christian Bible - don't make the mistake of thinking that your own version is the only right one :p - or that Christianity is founded on the basis that you can compare your own self and your own values to gods. We're not his equals and we're not here to judge him :p

* edit: TamaMum - removed - let's not keep this argument going with petty snipes at other members... that's NOT mature or sensible :wub: *


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Recently I converted to Atheism.
To all God believers:

If he loves us so much, why did he kill so much in the bible? When Satan killed so little.

And why did he flood the earth because he was dissapointed with his work? I thought he loved us, doesn't that mean he could possibly flood Earth again if we get to outta hand?
With a rainbow, God promised he would never flood the earth again.

Crucial part of the story. May I suggest you do research next time?

With a rainbow, God promised he would never flood the earth again.
Crucial part of the story. May I suggest you do research next time?
Yeah that's what i meant when i said "He promised he never would do that again(the flooding the earth thing)' Rachel put it in a much better way!!!

So a rainbow was god's forgiveness present. o_O
Isn't that something.
No silly. :unsure:

It's a symbol, kind of metaphor. Before the big flood there was no rain. They got water from other sources but never seen rain before. It was like if we said KFC would rain down from the sky now days. And because the KFC was falling it created something cool and pretty like a neat design of dead chickens because that's how it reacted with the atmosphere like light reacts with water droplets.

No silly. :unsure:
It's a symbol, kind of metaphor. Before the big flood there was no rain. They got water from other sources but never seen rain before. It was like if we said KFC would rain down from the sky now days. And because the KFC was falling it created something cool and pretty like a neat design of dead chickens because that's how it reacted with the atmosphere like light reacts with water droplets.
There was no rain O>O



Did there water appear there??

-hits head with brick-

Ok, it's YOUR opinion but I disagree with you ALOT....I'm trying to say it in the best way possible :D

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There was no rain O>Oo-o


Did there water appear there??

-hits head with brick-
It also probably is supposed to explain, -takes brick-, how we ended up with water. Its not like it can rain without water, so water has to come from somewhere. In the eyes of those who wrote the bible, why not from God?

-bricks self for fun-


Actually Catholics believe in the same God as Christians. Only Catholics believe in confessing their sins to a priest instead of praying at home, and they also do communions.
Don't they also worship Mary to some extent?

FOR THE RECORD:Christians believe in and worship Jesus Christ as the son of God.

There are many different denominations of Christianity - Protestants, Catholics, Baptists, etc. (I'm sorry but I am not going to try to list them all here...)

Ultimately they share the same belief - in Christ as their saviour.

It is misleading to suggest that (for example) Catholics are somehow different to Christians.... because Catholics ARE Christians - they are just a different denomination of Christianity.

I hope this helps explain the mistake and that we can now avoid the repeated references to Catholics vs Christians :(
Final heads up about this topic :D

Please, stay on topic...

Yes i believe in God and in the after life(heaven and hell). I'm A Proud Christian. I respect everybodies beliefs and i would like for people to respect mine.

I knew I replied here but I just didn't know where. :)

I believe in God. Believe all the stories in the Bible. Believe in heaven and h-e-double-hockey-sticks. No one try to take me away from that. Case closed.

No one replies here anymore I know I have posted here alot just a few replies up^^ and I guess Ishouldjust say sojustincase anyone would like to post here anymore!!

i dont. no offence to those who do believe in him but i think the whole god thing is untrue.
when i see him then i'll believe in it. :marumimitchi:

*That was just a little bit on the rude side- please keep it kinder next time and if it's so offensive that you have to say no offense, don't bother to say it at all.*
[SIZE=10pt]I have a strong enough faith in God and Jesus to know that he is [/SIZE]always there , even if you don't see him. I agree with Tamaw/pants that what you said was as little rude. But anyways , I'm a strong , concrete christian and it just breaks my heart to see non-believers Dx I still understand that everyone has their own opinion. To answer your question , Yes , I believe in God ( Jesus - holy spirit , all in one ).

Well, Im confused about this thing. Everybody in my family believes in .. uhh .. him... But I dont know! It feels unbelievable, but I think I should believe it... I dunno. No-one can see him, so it feels unbelievable, but everybody else still believes!! So I dont know at all. :marumimitchi: Im soo confused...

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