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Yes, I believe.

What's the harm in believing? I mean, if he doesn't exist, it's the same whether you believed in him or not.

But if he DOES exist, then you go to heaven if you believed, and you-know-where if you don't.

So what's the harm in believing?
I'll repeat what I said earlier:

Believing in something JUST because you don't want to risk it, is believing out of fear not faith, and makes you a hypocrite. If god does exist and you only believe in him because of that, you wouldn't get into heaven anyway. -_-

^No, it's not that. I believe because I want to. Not just because I don't want to risk it. I'm just pointing out that there's no harm in believing.

I believe that there is, because if I learned ANYTHING from camp, it's that evolving from monkeys is silly especially if some monkeys stayed the same, and that what are the odds of people once being single celled organisms that somehow grew every body part needed for us to live.

I belive because it's the way my camp puts things like these together, making sence of all the confusion in the world. I believe not just because I'm forced to, not because it's the way I was raised (which it's not, growing up in a family like mine), and not just because it's what my camp says, but because I do believe there is a god, and that Jesus came down to save us. Like think about it. How can one (or a few) person just make something up about god, and it become so popular? Not even 100 men could do that. I'm 100% sure that's not how it happened, because that's just plain stupid.

^No, it's not that. I believe because I want to. Not just because I don't want to risk it. I'm just pointing out that there's no harm in believing.
Well, it is for those who don't believe. Because if you really don't believe in god, or just aren't sure (like me) My point comes back into play.

Like think about it. How can one (or a few) person just make something up about god, and it become so popular? Not even 100 men could do that. I'm 100% sure that's not how it happened, because that's just plain stupid.
It's called terrorism. Remember those Europeans who went around and conquered everything a few hundred years ago? Yeah.

Of course.

I'm a Christian. Strong one, too. I love and believe in God. The most comforting thing is praying to Him and just knowing he's listening. :3 I know that I'm saved and going to Heaven.

If you ever have questions for me, PM me. I'll be happy to answer. :3

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No, I don't believe in God.
I'm not a Christian, that will explain why :)
Uh - be careful.

Christians are not the only people who believe in God.

There are plenty of people in this world who are not Christians but DO believe in God - Jews believe in God (Yaweh in Hebrew), Muslims believe in God (they call him Allah)... I suppose you could say that any monotheistic religion believes in God.

(Edit: That link is a Wikipedia definition. I know some ppl say that wiki is not accurate, but I've read through the information on monotheism in that link and it is pretty straight forward and correct as far as I can see).

Yes, I believe.

What's the harm in believing? I mean, if he doesn't exist, it's the same whether you believed in him or not.

But if he DOES exist, then you go to heaven if you believed, and you-know-where if you don't.

So what's the harm in believing?

But then again, the bible claims to have never been any dinosaurs, but science proves of dino's. I've tried to piece this together before, and came up with some pretty good explanations, but science is proof, god isn't.

But I believe because there's no harm in it. Some people get killed for believing, but I learned that people find it an honor to die for their belifs. And I'd rather die for believing in Jesus than getting shot by a

Also the Bible does have proof of dinosaurs:

From Genesis Chapter 1:

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

(this verse marks the end of the 5th day. Events that follow are on the 6th day of creation)

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

-The dinosaurs were beasts of the earth, which were created at the same day as man. So dinosaurs and man lived along side each other, although evolution says they don't which is a problem. Proof of this is found in acient art, fossilized dinosaur and human foot prints together, and eye witness accounts of dinosaur like creatures from several different cultures. Also, about the 65 Million Years Ago, that's CRAP. Scientists came up with that when thay tried to come up with a scientific way to explain things; this is also how evolution came about. The Earth isn't even a million years old! :(

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Also, about the 65 Million Years Ago, that's CRAP. Scientists came up with that when thay tried to come up with a scientific way to explain things; this is also how evolution came about. The Earth isn't even a million years old!
Many things have proven this. Such as rock, and other structures the earth has that isn't even possible that it hasn't been a million years. You say that the whole dinosaur and man thing has been proved by fossil but say that there's no proof the world has been existent for over millions of years when there's the same proof? Do some research?

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I believe that there is, because if I learned ANYTHING from camp, it's that evolving from monkeys is silly especially if some monkeys stayed the same, and that what are the odds of people once being single celled organisms that somehow grew every body part needed for us to live.
Do you think it is possible that what you learned in camp was a faith based, religious explanation developed to explain how God created the world?

Do you think it is possible that the explanations in the Bible are not "hard facts" but allegorial - in other words the Holy Bible communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, various symbolic actions or symbolic representations. That the stories are not literal, but have been developed to help explain a belief, a way of life, morals, etc.

It is a real shame that you have been taught that evolution from monkeys is silly because some monkeys stayed the same. This shows that you've not had the theory of evolution explained very clearly to you.

Don't you think it would be interesting if you had the theory of evolution explained carefully to you by a knowledgeable, qualified person - in just the same way as you have been taught at your camp by people who are knowledgeable and qualified to talk to you about Christian beliefs?

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that evolutionists are right and the Bible is wrong.

I am saying that it is perfectly possible to have a strong religious faith without the necessity to belittle other beliefs. I think if you are being taught one point of view, as an intelligent person, you should research and find out more about the alternative points of view - that way you can make an informed decision on what you believe might be true.

The biggest danger to ourselves is to accept one view point and dismiss the alternative without knowing enough about it to make that decision.

(I would also add that this last sentence applies just as much to those who believe in scientific fact and proof, dismissing beliefs and faith in much the same way).

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Do you think it is possible that what you learned in camp was a faith based, religious explanation developed to explain how God created the world?
Do you think it is possible that the explanations in the Bible are not "hard facts" but allegorial - in other words the Holy Bible communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, various symbolic actions or symbolic representations. That the stories are not literal, but have been developed to help explain a belief, a way of life, morals, etc.

It is a real shame that you have been taught that evolution from monkeys is silly because some monkeys stayed the same. This shows that you've not had the theory of evolution explained very clearly to you.

Don't you think it would be interesting if you had the theory of evolution explained carefully to you by a knowledgeable, qualified person - in just the same way as you have been taught at your camp by people who are knowledgeable and qualified to talk to you about Christian beliefs?

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that evolutionists are right and the Bible is wrong.

I am saying that it is perfectly possible to have a strong religious faith without the necessity to belittle other beliefs. I think if you are being taught one point of view, as an intelligent person, you should research and find out more about the alternative points of view - that way you can make an informed decision on what you believe might be true.

The biggest danger to ourselves is to accept one view point and dismiss the alternative without knowing enough about it to make that decision.

(I would also add that this last sentence applies just as much to those who believe in scientific fact and proof, dismissing beliefs and faith in much the same way).
I'm not saying that those Idea's are stupid, and I'm definitely not ignoring them. James (the teacher) said it much better than I did, and not in a way of ignoring those theories. I explained it bad. I'm just saying that I don't believe the evolution of monkey's theory as a main, strong belief. I just find it a little... weird that the theory says we evolved from monkeys, but what are the ods of some of them staying monkeys. Seriously.

And Tortilla, I didn't know that, because of the information of my dad, and what I've seen on TV. What I learned from the little TV, and my dad, was that man weren't around with the time of dinosaurs. I learned that from when I was little, I don't know when, where, or how, but I always thought dino's weren't around with humans.

-The dinosaurs were beasts of the earth, which were created at the same day as man. So dinosaurs and man lived along side each other, although evolution says they don't which is a problem. Proof of this is found in acient art, fossilized dinosaur and human foot prints together, and eye witness accounts of dinosaur like creatures from several different cultures. Also, about the 65 Million Years Ago, that's CRAP. Scientists came up with that when thay tried to come up with a scientific way to explain things; this is also how evolution came about. The Earth isn't even a million years old! <_<
...... Sorry but...

The dinosaurs died around 65 million years ago, and the human race started about 200 thousand years ago.


Do you think it is possible that what you learned in camp was a faith based, religious explanation developed to explain how God created the world?
Do you think it is possible that the explanations in the Bible are not "hard facts" but allegorial - in other words the Holy Bible communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, various symbolic actions or symbolic representations. That the stories are not literal, but have been developed to help explain a belief, a way of life, morals, etc.

It is a real shame that you have been taught that evolution from monkeys is silly because some monkeys stayed the same. This shows that you've not had the theory of evolution explained very clearly to you.

Don't you think it would be interesting if you had the theory of evolution explained carefully to you by a knowledgeable, qualified person - in just the same way as you have been taught at your camp by people who are knowledgeable and qualified to talk to you about Christian beliefs?

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that evolutionists are right and the Bible is wrong.

I am saying that it is perfectly possible to have a strong religious faith without the necessity to belittle other beliefs. I think if you are being taught one point of view, as an intelligent person, you should research and find out more about the alternative points of view - that way you can make an informed decision on what you believe might be true.

The biggest danger to ourselves is to accept one view point and dismiss the alternative without knowing enough about it to make that decision.

(I would also add that this last sentence applies just as much to those who believe in scientific fact and proof, dismissing beliefs and faith in much the same way).
Thank you for hitting the nail right on it's head.

I just find it a little... weird that the theory says we evolved from monkeys, but what are the ods of some of them staying monkeys. Seriously.
Because that is not how evolution works. We originated from a common ancestor of monkeys. Meaning, we are not descended from monkeys, we are more like an extremely distant cousin. That common ancestor had children, who mated with another animal of the same species. Because of some reason (most likely physicsal distance or a physical barrier), two groups (we're saying two groups to make it simple, there were more) got seperated. The groups had genetic mutations, the weaker ones died out, etc. Eventually, there were two species so different that when they eventually did meet again, they could not mate. One of those new groups were monkeys, while the other were humans. It took thousands, millions of years, for an animal to evolve into what it is today.

Perhaps when you take a biology class and the theory is correctly explained to you, you will understand. It will also make more sense because you will know how genetic mutations and dominant genes effect a species' future. What I just said was an extremely simplified version that might not make sense unless you have background information on the subject.

Sure, you might not agree with some scientific theorys (By the way, a scientific theory is not the same as when you have a 'theory' about why your teacher eats bagels for breakfast every morning or something. It is something that is almost proven, and is widely accepted by the majority of scientists.), but make sure you know exactly what you disagree with before you decide.

I do believe in God and consider myself to be a Catholic.

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... I'm just saying that I don't believe the evolution of monkey's theory as a main, strong belief. I just find it a little... weird that the theory says we evolved from monkeys, but what are the ods of some of them staying monkeys. Seriously.
Okay - I understand you don't think it is silly - but that it seems unlikely in your opinion. That's because you are taking the theory "literally", and unfortunately, if James (your teacher) left you with that idea then he didn't explain it to you very well.

Fluffums has made a good point and I'll try to explain it more clearly.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. That is a misconception. Monkeys are not the same as apes.

It is a commonly held scientific opinon that humans and other modern apes—chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, baboons, etc.—all share an extinct common early ancestor.

Humans are more closely related to modern fellow apes than to monkeys, and humans and other apes share a later common ancestor that lived around 7 million years ago in the late Miocene epoch.

This is based on genetic (DNA) evidence.

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