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So, what am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that I disagree with your statement. I mean, if I were atheist, I would want people to ask me. Or course, I say that now, I'm a Christian, and I know what it's like to wake up to GOD's grace everywhere... And perhaps, I would have a different answer, If I had not already been... Baptized, I guess.
Would you? Really? I mean, wouldn't you, as an atheist, not want people to shove their beliefs down your throat because you don't believe in them, hence the word 'atheist'.

I know I sound kinda ignorant now, but your story about Matt is linked to what I was saying - encounters and miracles are going to change someone's life (hopefully). I am sorry his daughter died, I'm not trying to say it's a good thing she died and Matt learnt his lesson, because that's not how I see it at all.

People's actions. They're only actions. Like I said in my other post, you can go to church, and read your bible - but that's all it will ever be. No, it's not wrong to tell others your side of the story - but most atheists I know have no idea what I mean by 'God's power, graciousness, love, etc.' They won't know what it means until they actually experience it for themselves.

I can see this is turning into a kind of arguement, so I'll just sum up what I'm feeling and trying to say:

I can understand that you want people to see God's glory, but (going back now to what I said before again) their lives won't just change because you've asked them to devote their lives to Christianity. I mean, I believe that anyone who wants to become a Christian should do it by themselves - as in, they can have guidance and advice, but they really need to make all the decisions by themselves. They need to know that God is real, he's not some hoax and he will be there for them. You don't have to go to church to be a Christian (the actions thing again). I'm pretty sure God will accept you, because you really love Jesus, and know that he is the Way, whether you go to church or not. See what I mean?

As far as Christianity is concerned, what it all comes down to basically is that if you want to go to (Christian) heaven you must believe in God - have faith - without proof, that He exists.

This also means that just being a generally kind, good-hearted, helpful member of society will not get you into heaven unless you also have faith in God.

It also means that any of those rather spiteful, mean-mouthed gossips or ignorant, rude fools who also believe in God will be right there along side you in heaven for eternity.

No one said it was going to be easy, but 'thems the breaks' - the added benefits are that you have someone to pray to, someone to understand, someone to watch over you and love everyday whilst you are alive on this earth.

Some ppl like that idea and find it hugely comforting.

Some ppl don't feel they need that comfort and get their rewards from being generally kind, good-hearted and helpful members of society.

Some ppl find it difficult to make up their minds about these things - and that is fine too. It's important to think these things over carefully if you have doubts :huh:

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[SIZE=14pt]Considering there are some strange things that have happened over time I believe that there is some higher power ( God Aliens or what have you lol ) Religion on the other hand I don't seeing as it's a more or less broken system in my eyes. [/SIZE]
^ Yay. Another believer! :)

You know. So many people are so worried about where we're going when we die. It's so simple. Just give your life to God and you'll be safe. You'll know you're going to Heaven forever with gold paved streets and your other loved ones. If you don't believe me, fine. But that's where I'm going. It's in the Bible. And the Bible is truth.

^ Yay. Another believer! :)
You know. So many people are so worried about where we're going when we die. It's so simple. Just give your life to God and you'll be safe. You'll know you're going to Heaven forever with gold paved streets and your other loved ones. If you don't believe me, fine. But that's where I'm going. It's in the Bible. And the Bible is truth.
I believe in God 100%. I am Christian.

But I am also Roman Catholic. And by our faith, just believing in God does not secure you a spot in Heaven. We always say that going to Church and calling yourself a Christian is as good as you standing in a garage and calling yourself a car. You have to act on your faith - just believing is not good enough.

So in truth I don't know if I'm going to Heaven or not. Like I said, I believe in God with all that I am. I try to be what is considered a "good," person by the Bible, but just like everyone else, I sin. Sometimes it's hard to put God before your friends or possessions, and I slip up sometimes. So I guess I just have to hope that what I'm doing in this life is enough to save me in the next one.

I believe in God 100%. I am Christian.
But I am also Roman Catholic. And by our faith, just believing in God does not secure you a spot in Heaven. We always say that going to Church and calling yourself a Christian is as good as you standing in a garage and calling yourself a car. You have to act on your faith - just believing is not good enough.

So in truth I don't know if I'm going to Heaven or not. Like I said, I believe in God with all that I am. I try to be what is considered a "good," person by the Bible, but just like everyone else, I sin. Sometimes it's hard to put God before your friends or possessions, and I slip up sometimes. So I guess I just have to hope that what I'm doing in this life is enough to save me in the next one.
That is exactly what I have been trying to say. [:

I believe in God 100%.

However, I don't go to Church.

I know that Katie just said about you have to act on your fate, but that's kinda difficult having a family that doesn't believe in god.

But I do read the bible. :]

I believe in god 100%. I'm not going to go in a whole lot of reasons again because people will argue at me, and then I'll embarrass myself, leave TT, and come in on a new account who nobody knows who I am. For the fourth time.

So yeah. I'm a baptist (from my parents) and the Catholic and Jewish kids in my class are like "If your a baptist you're not gonna get a spot in heaven because you don't repent of your sins. And FYI, they don't have a baptist church here, so not going to church ain't gonna do you any good, now, is it?"

So yeah. Argue with me in any way, and well, I'll do what I mentioned in Paragraph one. Maybe.

So yeah. I'm A christian. No complex facts.

I've sorta realised Christianity is the right path for me. :) Talked it over with my family (well my Mum, seeings as my Dad and Brother don't believe in God at all), and I pretty much agree with everything Krystal said. I don't go to Church regularly though, probably on a monthly basis. Plus, my Mum is Orthodox, not Christian, so we don't exactly share the same beliefs.

I have not yet finished reading the whole Bible, but am working on it. :)

... Plus, my Mum is Orthodox, not Christian, so we don't exactly share the same beliefs.
I have not yet finished reading the whole Bible, but am working on it. :)
Uh... wait a second... do you mean your Mum is Russian Orthodox?

Because Russian Orthodox is a Christian church (with similar beliefs to the Catholic church). Yeah - obviously some differences but it's incorrect to say that they are not Christians.... after all, they worship Jesus Christ and believe in God, right?

Uh... wait a second... do you mean your Mum is Russian Orthodox?
Because Russian Orthodox is a Christian church (with similar beliefs to the Catholic church). Yeah - obviously some differences but it's incorrect to say that they are not Christians.... after all, they worship Jesus Christ and believe in God, right?
Yes, she is Russian Orthodox.

And all you have said is technically true.

I guess all I was trying to say is that our beliefs are somewhat different.

But her being Russian Orthodox, it would be. So you are correct.

I believe in God 100%.However, I don't go to Church.

I know that Katie just said about you have to act on your fate, but that's kinda difficult having a family that doesn't believe in god.

But I do read the bible. :]
Go Kee-sel!

I believe that you don't have to go to Church to believe in God. I believe that as long as you've accepted Him into your heart, it doesn't matter whether you go every Sunday, every month, every year, or never. S'long as you know He's the Way, the Truth and the Life (haa, I like that song. xP).

@ Ksenia: Aww, that is truely awesome. I've only read the whole of one chapter in the bible. xD But I have this really awesome Teen Girl bible - it has a list of problems you might be encountering in your life, and then next to each problem, a verse/story that might help. [:

I used to BELIEVE in god. But I used to pay attention to him a lot. I just want things to go my way usually. My realationship with him is really weak. :[ I feel like he is telling me what to do! I want to do what I want to do!

I'll take my belief as as NO.

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Let me tell you something in I guess about 20-25 years all belivers will dissapear it is called the rapture when you hear a trumpet blow all beilever will disapear and will stand face to face with god. So in other words yes I do believe in him and his son.

I just asked Jesus into my heart a minute ago so hey I feel really happy I believe in Him now! :(

I just asked Jesus into my heart a minute ago so hey I feel really happy I believe in Him now! :(
Welcome to the family =]

pm me if you have qustions about god it helps that my parents are pastors. :p

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