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Right. He loves them but they must go to hell to be tourtured. Makes perfect sense.
Exactly. If god loves everyone so much, why do you have to go to hell and be tortured for eternity for simply not believing in him?

And as for the bible, just because it is there, doesn't make it true. For all we know, someone poured their imagination into a book, threw it out and said: "Believe this; It's true" And so everyone did.

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Yes, I do. I don't understand why people are saying "religion makes no sense"! But really, how can the universe exist without SOMETHING higher out there. You may say, 'the big band created the universe'. But what created that? And everything worked out so perfectly so Earth could exist and life could live, that, at least I think, God has ti be out there somewhere.
Scientists don't know yet. That's why they're doing stuff like Large Hadron Collider.

As cookiefairy said, anyone can write a book. How do you christians know that everything in that book is teh word of god. I would be more inclined to belive in god if you had more proof than one book.

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Scientists don't know yet. That's why they're doing stuff like Large Hadron Collider.

As cookiefairy said, anyone can write a book. How do you christians know that everything in that book is teh word of god. I would be more inclined to belive in god if you had more proof than one book.
The proof is all around you. I have felt God and His presence around me, and I have seen him work miracles in my life everyday. Once you open your heart and feel this, you will believe.

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Scientists don't know yet. That's why they're doing stuff like Large Hadron Collider.

As cookiefairy said, anyone can write a book. How do you christians know that everything in that book is teh word of god. I would be more inclined to belive in god if you had more proof than one book.
The Bible, as we know it today, is the end product of a long process of writing, editing and selecting of literature primarily concerned with Jewish religious concepts, and, as such, it has a long literary history. It cannot be assumed that a group of men composed writings echoing what they thought God was dictating. The Bible reflects historical situations, human events, men's reactions to these happenings, and the belief that God was also involved in events. Therefore, the Bible wasn't just a bunch of stories. It was pretty much accounts of real happenings.

Jesus was real. The things he did was real.

I'm not going to get too much into this because I don't want to start an argument, but God IS real and I know that. Nobody will EVER make me change my mind.

I'm gonna just lay it all out here;

I'm not going to argue with anyone, I'm just going to state what I believe.

There are some things that don't seem to fit together. Here's one of them

God's plan.

If someone dies, Christians like to think that God brought her up, that he wanted her in heaven. That it was her time to go.

What about the aborted children? The homeless dying alone and cold? All the innocent people mass-murdered by Adolf Hitler?

Although they were innocent, did God plan this? Was a woman's rape and murder part of the plan?

I'm curious to see what someone who is a devout Christian thinks of this. I'm not here to argue, I just want to know what your opinion is on "God's Plan."
In my view, there are two answers to this.

1. God gave us free will as humans, to test if we are good people and if we choose to help others or choose to cause suffering.

2. Bad things need to happen in the world. That might sound terrible, but if bad things didn't happen, how could we recognize all the good things? If the world had no sadness, how would we know true happiness?

The Bible, as we know it today, is the end product of a long process of writing, editing and selecting of literature primarily concerned with Jewish religious concepts, and, as such, it has a long literary history. It cannot be assumed that a group of men composed writings echoing what they thought God was dictating. The Bible reflects historical situations, human events, men's reactions to these happenings, and the belief that God was also involved in events. Therefore, the Bible wasn't just a bunch of stories. It was pretty much accounts of real happenings.

Jesus was real. The things he did was real.
And where is your proof of anything in the bible happening. Go on. Explain everything. If you can prove everything in the bible is real and provvide a non biased source I shall admit that I am wrong. And no. You cannot use the bible as proof the bible is real.

I'm not going to get too much into this because I don't want to start an argument, but God IS real and I know that. Nobody will EVER make me change my mind.
CHRISTIAN used I'm right and you're wrong! It's not very effective.

And where is your proof of anything in the bible happening. Go on. Explain everything. If you can prove everything in the bible is real and provvide a non biased source I shall admit that I am wrong. And no. You cannot use the bible as proof the bible is real.
Check these sources out: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Scientific-Proof-of-Bible.php



For example, until 1993 there was no proof of the existence of King David or even of Israel as a nation prior to Solomon. Then in 1993 archeologists found proof of King David's existence outside the Bible. At an ancient mound called Tel Dan, in the north of Israel, words carved into a chunk of basalt were translated as "House of David" and "King of Israel" proving that he was more than just a legend.
Now let’s look at the era from Solomon to around 400 BC where the Old Testament ends. The Smithsonian Department of Anthropology has this to say about the Bible. “Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work.
R.D. Wilson who wrote “A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament” pointed out that the names of 29 Kings from ten nations (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and more) are mentioned not only in the Bible but are also found on monuments of their own time. Every single name is transliterated in the Old Testament exactly as it appears on the archaeological artifact – syllable for syllable, consonant for consonant. The chronological order of the kings is correct.
And that is only the beginning. For the most part, the Bible is very historically accurate.

Haha, Royal Ludroth used " I'm a close-minded ar*ehole!" It's not very effective.

Haha, Royal Ludroth used " I'm a close-minded ar*ehole!" It's not very effective.
Hardee Hardee Har. Typical Christian used "insult everyone who disagees with them"! But the typical christians attack had no effect!

If you can't discuss this without resorting to insults and sarcasm - or worse, using a new, unknown account name to hide your ID because you don't want people to know who posted the reply, then don't participate on the forums.


Keep this discussion mature and sensible or it will be closed.

No excuses, no exceptions.

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God all the way!But I'll respect your beliefs and disbeliefs,cause that's how I roll!

Also just look around once in a while.Go deeper into Saints' life,just dig deeper into the proof of God. Once you look closely,there's proof of Him. Cause He is true.

I'm not going to judge you by your beliefs and I won't think of ya any differently. Just try to find proof,please.


I recommended a film called " The Second Coming " It's a British television film and the entire thing can be found on YouTube. I think y'all should watch it. It's brill! :)

I believe there is the presence of a higher being, and I think the bible is very historically accurate. Even though I have my own spiritual theology, I don't doubt that. But someone said that God must've been out there, because everything worked out so perfectly, and ended up being so beautiful...or something. But then according to that, the big bang makes perfect sense as well. Nothing created the big bang either, it was just there, so to speak, like god. But the point I'm trying to get across, with the part of science is, could something that you intended to be ugly not become unintentionally beautiful? Something to think about...

Exactly. If god loves everyone so much, why do you have to go to hell and be tortured for eternity for simply not believing in him?

And as for the bible, just because it is there, doesn't make it true. For all we know, someone poured their imagination into a book, threw it out and said: "Believe this; It's true" And so everyone did.
If God is not real and nothing else in the bible is real who would bother writing it?

I do believe in God. I have to anyway, I go to this Catholic college. If you believe in him or not he will still bring you into heaven, and you have a decision to believe in him or not: According to my Homeroom Teacher last year. And I on't think you'd go to hell to be tortured for not believing

Matthew 25:31-46

Well the summary of this story is that the people that believe and served God will be rewarded with everlasting life, but the People who did not believe in God and did bad things (I think that is what it means) they would not be given etrnal life. Here is what it says:

'depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes, and you did not clothe me , I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'


'Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.

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If God is not real and nothing else in the bible is real who would bother writing it?

I do believe in God. I have to anyway, I go to this Catholic college. If you believe in him or not he will still bring you into heaven, and you have a decision to believe in him or not: According to my Homeroom Teacher last year. And I on't think you'd go to hell to be tortured for not believing

Matthew 25:31-46

Well the summary of this story is that the people that believe and served God will be rewarded with everlasting life, but the People who did not believe in God and did bad things (I think that is what it means) they would not be given etrnal life. Here is what it says:

'depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes, and you did not clothe me , I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'


'Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
Yeah, I mean it's tough sometimes. There are just times where you're so down in the dumps and you wonder, " If there really is a God, why isn't he helping me? Does he not care?" . I used to think things like that. It says in the Bible that there will be many obstacles in your life, and the devil will have many followers. But as long as you stay on the right path, learn from your mistakes, and be a good person that serves God- you'll be on your way to Heaven.

To me God is real! Seriously, I used to get so frustrated with video gaming and I was all like "GOD HELP ME!!"


Yeah, that did happen and it might of been a fluke but I believe not.

I don't believe in God; why is it that he's never there to help you when you ask, yet all these other people get his help and they're not in need as much help as you are?

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