Going Green


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Feb 5, 2006
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Columbia, MO
I love the idea of going green, but sometimes I feel like people only do it because it's a fad.


I mean, almost all the clothes in the juniors section at Macy's and Kohl's have something about going green on it. A lot of these clothes DO donate to causes when you buy the shirt, and some are made of eco-friendly material...but a lot of them are just cute and say stuff like 'Go green, girl!' for show.


The thing is, I feel good that people are going green, but I wish they would've started caring before it became all popular...you know?


Well enough of what I think...what do you think?



Love ^_^ ,


Well, I don't believe in all that Global Warming junk.

But, I do believe in a clean enviorment.

I do agree with you though. It seems like going green is just a fad.

Eventually it's going to go out of popularity.

&& nobody's going to care anymore.


So I guess we have to do as much as possible now, while people still care.

I'm not at all interested in 'going green', but I do agree with you. It has become some what of a fad.

Maybe if we're lucky it'll wipe out emo all together.

I'm reasonably interested in it, have been for a while. And sure, there are some really neat t-shirts that are recycled things/biodegradable/donate to the cause that are pretty awesome, but I dislike that it's gone right up there with emo.

I don't believe in global warming either, actually, but I believe in a clean environment, less use of plastic, and a clean future environment.

I think it's great that going green is becoming so popular! We need to do whatever we can to save the planet that we are currently taking for granted! We can recycle, turn things off when we've finished using them and donate to various green charities! ^_^ The fact that 'going green' has become such a popular, fashionable slogan that people wear a lot is, in my view, a good thing! People are going to help and get involved a lot more if they think it's cool! I'm all for going green, and it's popularity! :D

Really, at my school I started the whole thing, next thing you know you have 54 other people doing it. The same thing with Tamagotchi's I started, they stopped for awhile, but I still have all of mine. I don't just stop when they do.

I think it's great, the way people are actually caring now. It's better, I don't like the idea of it being a fad though, I need a shirt that says 'I went green before it was cool' because, I did. People do it to see who is the best, I do it to help.

Just my veiw

I have one shirt that says "Grow Free" With a flower on it, but I dont really think I am following a Fad. I got it in the Summer, when I dont see my classmates mutch.

I think Going Green is a great idea. Why not use Green items to replace your everyday items you use eveyday. Its not going to hurt anything, just help the enviorment! I like the Idea of the reusable bags because Plastics are harmful, and paper uses tons of trees!

In my opinion, Going green is a Great idea, not so much a fad

I'm reasonably interested in it, have been for a while. And sure, there are some really neat t-shirts that are recycled things/biodegradable/donate to the cause that are pretty awesome, but I dislike that it's gone right up there with emo.

I don't believe in global warming either, actually, but I believe in a clean environment, less use of plastic, and a clean future environment.
That's kinda my take on this 'green thang' as well. I'm not one of those crazies that turns their car totally OFF and coasts down hills to save gas [no srsly, there is a guy that does that kind of stuff to save gas] or thinks if they don't walk 10 miles to work everday instead of driving the earth is doomed.

Though I am somewhat annoyed by such attitude, I guess we need people like that who will actually put efort into helping the environment. Just don't make me switch to cruddy lightbulbs while you do it. :blink:

So what if it's a fad. People will help the enviorment for a while. I'm like tamaw/pants. It will stay popular for a while, and help the enviornment or whatever, then go away. and it will be normal again.

I do all I can to help the environment, but not on an O.T.T. level. Our family has a little straw bag that we put all our recyclable cartons and bottles into (like cereal packets, milk cartons, etc) and whenever we go out we switch pretty much all the lights off, and other electronical devices. Sometimes I might forget to turn off a light switch or two though - shh, don't tell! :D

We do some things to help. We recycle as we can (not easy in these stupid small bags). We use long life energy saving light bulbs and my dad (annoyingly) turns a lot of computer stuff off at night. Oh and my mum always makes sure the T.V. isn't left on stand by.

I don't believe in all that global warming crud, but I do believe we should keep our environment clean as best we can.

I guess it's a good thing that so many people are contributing to the "Green Lifestyle" because, hey, someone's gotta keep the environment clean. And I actually think it's working... is it? I'm not sure. But I guess it's pretty good.

Maybe if we're lucky it'll wipe out emo all together.
We can hope. :)

I have a green t-shirt or two, & I burned all of my school papers from this year.

I didn't burn them to cut down on land waste though, I burnt them out of anger.

I had at least 20 lbs of paper.



I swear though, once this goes out of popularity, nobody's going to care anymore; they're all going to go back to their old ways.

I hear so much about going green nowadays! And although it probably is just a trend, keeping the Earth clean is an important thing to do, so I think it's good that it's so popular, actually. As for me, I don't go out of my way to be green, but I do recycle (where I live, it's illegal not to 0.0), pick up stuff I find outside like cans and bottles, and turn off the lights when I leave a room. It's like a habit for me. We also have quite a few "green" lightbulbs which actually last quite a bit longer. And I like how cute and twisty they are. x3 I walk to places nearby, but I'm not going to buy a hybrid car or try to buy tons less plastic or even take my own bag to the grocery store.

To tell you the truth? i think that tree huggers "save the world" type people can try to do what ever they are doing.. BUT they DON'T NEED TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE FEEL BAD!!! gosh, most of those kinds of people go out and say stuff like help our world, stop doing what you love and save our world. So what im saying is that my oppinion is that im not in to that kinda spam. (thats what ill call it, because it annoys me. but you can like it, thats fine with me.)

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The only reason I "went green" was because of the money. Save energy, preserve natural resources, receive a smaller electricity bill. It's quite the win-win situation, no?

More relevantly, everyone here is correct; "Going Green" is indeed a fad, albeit a rather helpful one.

[unrelated rant]Now, although I believe in "saving the environment"; in the end, the efforts won't "save the Earth", the efforts will save the human race. Earth has survived for over a billion years, and it's hard to believe that Global Warming is the worst thing Earth has ever faced. If the North Pole melts, and the world floods, Earth will still exist. Oh yes, the climate and landscape may differ, but Earth, as a planet, will still be there, and it'll be there until the Sun explodes. Though, of course, all us humans will most certainly drown during the floods, and that will be that for us.

So, as such, you can probably understand why I absolutely hate it when someone tells me to "save the Earth". People, Earth>Humans.[/unrelated rant]

(I was half asleep during writing this rant. Probably edit in the morning.)

well there are good and bad reasons.the good reason is that we atleast have this planet and we should look after it.like your mum's good china vase.the bad reason is that this stuff is getting WAY too popular.i mean in EVERY girlpower magazine that i read(i sometimes get an issue)there is always a "green girl" section.is is the most annoying thing ever!!but like i said before we need to look after this place.so this the fair share is that we care for the enviroment but don't get too over-obsessed about it.because we have more important things in life.like graduating food and water and AIR!because if we get TOO over-obsessed we might forget to BREATHE.just kiddin' :ichigotchi: .but i would HATE IT if we died.and so did the cute little seals and polarbears X3

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I love the idea of going green, but sometimes I feel like people only do it because it's a fad. 

I mean, almost all the clothes in the juniors section at Macy's and Kohl's have something about going green on it. A lot of these clothes DO donate to causes when you buy the shirt, and some are made of eco-friendly material...but a lot of them are just cute and say stuff like 'Go green, girl!' for show.


The thing is, I feel good that people are going green, but I wish they would've started caring before it became all popular...you know?


Well enough of what I think...what do you think?



Love :mellow: ,

I know its a fad but at least they're doing something, right?

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