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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
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El Paso, Texas
[SIZE=14pt]Chapter one: Being Homeless[/SIZE]

Once there was a :unsure: her name was kiki. Her family died along time ago and now she is in an adoption center waiting for someone to adopt her. No one wants her. They prefer them as babies. SHe only had one friend her name was Kara. She was a :ichigotchi: . One day a couple was looking around and took Kara with them. Kiki became sad and depressed. She didnt have any friends and she needed a family. Thats when she met Charlie. He was a ;) . kiki fell in love with him. She wished that one day she would marry him. Too bad they both were going to different families and would never see each other. If she got adopted. One day Kiki had the guts to go up to Charlie and reveal her feelings for him.

Now u do Chapter 2! GOOD LUCK! ;)

Chapter 2

On day a girl named Mimi and her friend,lee, came in.They both saw Kiki and Charlie.Mimi said "Lee,lets get both of them!" Lee nodded.Mimi bought Kiki and Lee bought Charlie.Mimi said "How about every other day Kiki and Charlie have a play date." Lee said "That is a great idea Mimi!" Mimi said "Does that soud like a good idea Kiki?"

(you`r turn)

Kiki said "I dont know. I dont even know if he likes me! Thats why im gonna tell him." After that Mimi and Lee agreed. Kiki tapted Charlie's sholder. Charlie turned around. "Charlie, I really really really like u..." said Kiki. Charlie looked suprised and said...

Ur turn

"I really,really,really like you too." Kiki said "You do?" She kissed him on the cheek. Charlie blushed. Mimi sid "Uh...can Tamagotchies talk?" Lee said "I don`t know"

(Ur turn)

Kiki cried, "Of course we can TALK!! Otherwise, you wouldn't know what we needed!"

Lee said, "Oh my gosh, I just heard the Young Mimitchi talk!"

"I can talk too," said Charlie.

Mimi cried, "I heard the Puroperatchi talk!"

Mimi and Lee went up to the store owner's desk and said, "Excuse me, can you please help us get these tamas out of the tank?"

"Okay, come and show me!" said the store owner, Mr. Gotchi.

Your turn!

Kiki evolved into a beautiful :( . One day Kara liked this boy named Jason. He was a :( . After that Kara had evolved into a :( . After that Jason evolved into a :( One day he blushed when Kara went to him and said "I like you alot Jason I've had a crush on you for awhile" Kara said. "Really! I mean really? I like you to Kara!" He said with exitment. Then they were both adopted by the same owner. (Your turn!)

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the owner wasnt i nice person she only got them to be cruel to them one day she put kara and jason under water for 1 minute and kara and jason both nearly died but the helen ( the bad owner ) didnt care she did other things to get them killed but somehow the always lived but one day.....( your turn )

Kara said to Jason"If we go to tama heaven i will alway remeber you"the owner had a party for her nicie and she gave her the tamas

( your turn)

Helen's neice was an 11 year old girl. Her name was Tara. She was a very nice girl, and she always wanted a tamagotchi, but her parents couldn't get her one, because they were a little short on money.

Tara: Aw, Aunty! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! But, why are they wet?

Helen: Uhhh, thats just the way they feel, dear! The people who made tamagotchis probably make so well, it feels like its wet, and smooth and cold!!

Tara: Oh, I never knew!

Helen: Well, now you do, dear! Go have some fun playing with those tamagotchis, okay honey?

Tara: Yay! -hugs Helen- Thanks a jillion Aunty! -runs off-

Mom(Bianca): Ohh, Helen, thanks a lot! She has been asking for a Tamagotchi for a long time, but....... we couldn't get her one because we are a little short of money.

Dad(Mark): But you went and bought her 2! Thanks Helen, youre an Angel!

Helen: -blushes- Oh, don't call me that! -laughs-

Bianca and Mark: -laugh as well-

Off in the the backyard, Tara was playing with her tamas, when she heard someone say "Hello? Can you help us? Can you hear us?"

Tara: Whos there!?

Kara: It's me, Kara, your tamagotchi!

Looking down, Tara said in amazment: You can talk????

Kara: Of course we can! We have to tell you something!

Tara: What?

Jason: Your Aunty isn't a nice person, she treated us not with care, but with hatred! She got fed up of us and gave us to you!

Jason and Kara took turns in talking to Tara, explaining everything that had happened to them.

After a while, Tara believed them, but when she tried to tell her parents, they said.......


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