Golden Tamagotchi / Digimon Mini V3 questions


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Jun 7, 2006
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Hello everybody, I recently won one of these Gold Tamagotchi on ebay for a satisfying price

Edit: The image tags don't seem to work, so here's just the URL

Although, I just can't find any information about it. I've searched through here a little bit and on google, but any results I get about Golden Tamagotchi are about the contest on Tamatown a few years ago, but that Tamagotchi is in a plastic package unlike this one. Does anybody have any more information about it? I'll also take a few better photos when mine comes in if anybody is interested.

Second, I've recently been on the lookout for the Digimon Mini V3 pets. Those are the ones where you can get Leomon on them, right? If not, someone please correct me because Leomon is the one I really want. I'm really hoping to find two of them before the end of June so I can give one to a friend. Either way, I just can't find any sellers on eBay that stock them. They only stock V1 and V2. Also, those sellers are from Hong Kong. Not sure if I should be worried about bootlegs or not. Does anybody knows any trustworthy Digimon sellers that stock Mini V3 that they could refer me to?

Speaking of Digimon, what's up with those prices on eBay? They were like $30 last year and now they're around $100 depending on the device. Has there been some sort of flood of reborn Digimon enthusiasts or something? I find that interesting. I've got a yellow V1 that I always go back to every once in a while. I'm not sure which one of the later versions are worth getting.

Finally, my Toys R Us is selling the Tamagotchi Music devices for $9.99 clearance. Not sure if those are worth picking up and saving for when they'll be worth something in the future.

Anyway, thanks for hearing me out, and I hope I can get some answers to my questions. :D

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:D Wow... Hopefully its not a fake, I mean I'm pretty sure its not but since the packaging is different. Oh wait it says Bandai its not fake! :angry: Maybe you were looking at the Golden V3 information?

Good luck!

Well, I've been searching on V4 information but like I said, I can only find information on the V3s, even when looking for the V4. I don't believe it's a fake, but this is just based on my assumption that I can usually tell what bootlegs look like, since they usually look super derpy and have terribly packaging. The seller of this item states it's a Limited Edition model V4 with english instructions. That's all I've got in terms of information :D

I feel like since its English instructions but it has those beads like the Pacific Tamas do, its some Europian contest? I dont even know. Its not American or Japanese though. Have you turned on your Tama yet? What language is it in? Who knows, but it does seem legit. I never heard about a Golden V4.

I have not received the Tamagotchi yet. It may be a week before it arrives, since it came from an Australian seller. I just want to find more information on it (and the other topics I asked about) before it arrives. Right now it seems to be a mystery as to the origin of this golden Tamagotchi.

Wow!!! I haven't heard about the golden v4'rs either, but I know golden v3's colours isn't the real plastic colour so it might loose.

Also, I think it works just like a normal v4, so try searching for just tamagotchi v4. :angry:

Well, the golden V4 definitely exists - you can see a pic of it on (V4 page) although to be honest, your golden tama looks a lot paler than the pix I have seen posted around the internet - the others look a much darker golden colour but maybe it is just the lighting?

Now, that packaging....

I've never seen packaging like that - even on tamas/entamas from the Asia / Australasia region (they usually have that bead chain attached), so I am guessing that this is not the original package.

It looks as if someone artistic has lovingly created a special box for their tama and decorated it themselves.

If I were you I would contact the seller and ask if the photo shows the original packaging :p

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Awesome link reference, TamaMum. Now, is that Limited Edition version in your link the one given away on, or was it through another contest or event? I'm curious to know.

Now, I investigated a bit deeper and found that the seller actually had two auctions for these, and the second auction has two other photos of the Golden Tamagotchi:

I'm not sure if they sold it but the person didn't pay so they relisted it or if they really had two of these or not, but either way now we have a few better photos. That box looks too nice to be a fan-made box, IMO, since it has slightly raised gold coloring and there are lots of logos on it, as well as the Tama website.

I sent an e-mail out to the seller. Maybe they'll be able to help us, but who knows if they'll even reply back.

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Yeah, I'm thinking it may be a limited edition made by Bandai Asia, due to the beads, the "Tamagotchi Ver.4" logo, etc.

Awesome link reference, TamaMum. Now, is that Limited Edition version in your link the one given away on, or was it through another contest or event? I'm curious to know.
I am sure that the Golden Tama in the Tamenagerie pic was given away in an UK event when the V4 was launching because another member (ex TamaTalk Guide) also had one in their collection: (unless they got it from a seller in the USA?) - notice the key chain is different to the one you have won.

However, I'm just speculating so I could be wrong :D

I really hope that I'm wrong about the "fan made" packaging :p

Just a small update. I got a reply from the seller today:


i think its Australian, i found it at a local toy shop and i haven't seen them anywhere else, i tried looking up more about it on the internet but i haven't found anything

thank you"

It still hasn't arrived yet, but hopefully I can get better answers on the Tamagotchi when I see it in person

That Tamagotchi Ver.4 Limited Gold Edition was an extremely rare Australial vesion of the GOld V4. They sold it at only a certain few independent toy stores only, and in a very limited amount. Is real, Australian, and very rare.

Any questions? :)

That is exciting news. I didn't know it was so rare when I was bidding on it. Do you have any idea how long the promotion lasted, and at least have a guesstimation on the number in the wild?

The Golden Tamagotchi came in today! Took some better pictures for everybody here. I tried to take it out to test it out but the thing was sealed in some plastic casing and it'd mess up the box if I tried to take it out so it'll have to stay sealed since I want to keep it in good condition. It's REALLY shiny looking!

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Well what was your favorite Digimon season? It will help make up your mind.

I have two season 2 digivices (version 1 and 2) 1 season 3 (my favorite) and a season 5 digivice (102, version 1.)

If you are looking for a good long version, season 2, version 1 (Solid colors)

If you are looking for design or better games, season 3

The difference between the season 2 versions are:

Version 1

Solid color shells

Slot Game (easier to get digi-eggs, again if you loose one)

Choose from Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Gatomon and Patamon.

Mystery Eggs contain Digi-eggs or team Digimon with top button.

Version 2

Transparent color shells

Block Game and Match game

Choose from Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Gatomon, Patamon and Wormmon.

Mystery Eggs come in two forms -Ten step shakes or hitting the top button.

(Still contain digimon team members or digi-eggs)

D-3 digivice connect with other D-3s and the D-Terminal.

Season 3 Digivice

Plays simmilar to the original Digimon Digivice everyone fell in love with. (The one like in the anime)

It has a card reader. (Card Slash) However doesn't read cards, hidden button inside the card slash area.

Choose from Guilmon, Terriermon and Renamon. (The D-Arc, Which has gold painting on it) I believe also has Impmon, not confirmed.) The game is Digi-Catch, like a claw game. These connect with other season 3 digivices.

Each version mentioned above has a pedometer piece to it. As you walk/travel, it will mark your steps and count down. Eventually hitting a digi-battle at random. Once the distance reaches zero, a boss or sinificant event will occur. Sometimes stronger digimon will appear at certain distance markers.

The season 5 digivice is a digimon... that is a pet. It really doesn't have much of a goal except to be stronger. No pedometer piece and 3 mini-games.

Hope that helps. And hopefully you understand my desriptions.

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