Good Books


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Has anyone read any good books lately? I have a reading log due soon in my english class. I like to read mystery, adventure and fantasy. But aby good book is fine. B)

Try the following:

If I Just Had Two Wings (Virginia Frances Schwartz)

Message From Nam (Danielle Steele)

Nancy Drew Series

Warrior Cats Series (Erin Hunter)

Inheritance Series (Christopher Paolini)

Toes (About a cat, I forget the author.)

Harry Potter Series (J.K. Rowling)

Dragon Rider (Cornelia Funke)

Inkheart/Inkspell (Cornelia Funke)

The Hobbit (J.R.R Tolkien)

Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)

To Kill A Mocking Bird

Tuck Everlasting (Natalie Babbit)

The Thief Lord (Cornelia Funke)

Watership Down

The Fire Within/Icefire/Firestar

Most of the books here are 300+ pages, though.

Thanks for replying guys:) u r great. that secret letters book sounds good. warrior cats sounds pretty weird. these 2 gay guys at my school r reading htem. they talk about it all the time.

How about...

Maximum Ride (James Patterson)

Fairest (GailCarson Levine)

A Wrinkle in Time (Madeline L'engle)

-shs415 :p

(Can I bring back this old topic?!)

I just finished Twilight a couple days ago, and it kept me reading for two days until I finished it. There was also Footprints In Time, which I got for FirstLook, which wasn't horrid but didn't keep me straight in my seat.

Also try Dolphin Diaries by Ben M. Baglio. I honestly haven't read any of them yet, but I bought books 1-3 in the series and they look real good.

The Twilight series for teenagers are really good if you like romance/fantasy/adventure. The characters are made brilliantly and it is as if characters pop out of the book. It really held my attention.

Watership down is also a classic. It's animal fiction, but it's a wonderful book.

From what I heard, try Stargirl and Love, Stargirl. A friend of mine named meowbark was talking to me about them. She loved them, and she isn't a big book reader. They must be truly phenominal.

If you like those inspirational books, also try Eat, Pray, Love. It's a wonderful, moving book. I won't spoil it for you, though. It's non fiction, though.

Edit: Spelling mistakes in first paragraph.

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Has anyone read any good books lately? I have a reading log due soon in my english class. I like to read mystery, adventure and fantasy. But any good book is fine. :D
the charlie bone series would appeal to ALL THREE of those. if you like something longer, go for the harry potters. they dont fulfill 'mystery' as much, though. tad funny. might like those.

EDIT: highlighted things to look for.

if you dont, i have nothing else to say.

cecib ;)

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Some of my personal favorites are Secret Letters from 0 to 10, The Sands of Time, The Fire Series(The fire within, Fire Star, ?????)
firestar is the name of a cat in Warrior. the fire within is a book about dragons. in fact, CLAY dragons that COME TO LIFE. i wouldnt reccomend fire within unless you could read extremely boring parts in the beginning. Warrior series is a comic book xP.


Ummm, well...:

The Invisible Girl ~ Lauren Ruby (ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!)

Lionboy ~ Zizou Corder (Zizou Corder is actually 2 people; Louisa Young and Isabel Young) ((Great!!))

Lionboy: The Chase ~ Zizou Corder (Zizou Corder is actually 2 people; Louisa Young and Isabel Young) ((Excellent!!))

Lionboy: The Truth ~ Zizou Corder (Zizou Corder is actually 2 people; Louisa Young and Isabel Young) ((Amazing!!))

Little Women ~ Louisa Alcott (Old fashioned language)

The Penguin Expedition ~ Jed Mercurio (THIS BOOK I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO BITS!!!)

The Princess Diaries ~ Meg Cabot (Teen story)

And, even if you aren't Christian, the Bible is a good book to read. If you get the truestories version, you will want to know God. truestories has lots of little notes and short stories about real people facing problems, and how to deal with them. It is for teen girls, and I really love it!!

Best Wishes,



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