Good bye Zoey


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Dec 28, 2007
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As all of u know, there is a new zoey movie, goodbye zoey. In it zoey has to leave PCA :) . The only reason is because she is pregnat and now they probably have to end the show. Id like to hear ur opnions.

I liked Zoey101 but then she just had to get pregnant. *sigh* she really is Brittany's little sisiter. I saw at the grocery store yesterday in Star magazine something about who is the daddy! I didn't pick it up cuz,well,my mom's right there and I kinda feels weird picking up magazine's like that. I've been searching the internet all day looking for that!

EDIT: Casey Aldridge is the dad!! ;)

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Well, yes, like britney, but she's 16! thats kinda too young..

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I already saw the movie. I read somewhere that there gonna make another season, but I doubt it.

It's normal for Britney's sister to be like that,I mean,you know much of the stuff Britney did ,and sadly,Jamie is getting like her.I never watched Zoey101,but it was my type of tv show,I don't want it to be cancelled V_V

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Lol, It's like my brothers friend Kaleb said, "You can tell the movies really bad and peiced together in like, one week."

oyea that was perty stupid! :ph34r: i dont like the show zoey101 only cuz every one says shes a jerk and she has a huge NEED for atention, does that ring a bell? (*cough* britny spears!) i just dont like it when child or teen acrtors are like that, and they play the good,nice guy on a show and then every one is fooled by that and LOVES them, (sorry im sounding kinda shalow ;) )

but o well, thats the choice she made, P.S that IS the end of the whole show right? i hope they arnt gonna try to keep the show going! (again, not that im agenst the show or anything, its just that would be REALLY bad if they tried to keep the show going without the STAR)

I liked Zoey 101. The commercial is all dramatic, it's like, "Will Zoey leave, or will she go?!" and then it shows an airplane.

This is what is probably going to happen. Zoey decides she is going to go to England with her parents, she goes, and she gets there. A few days later, she goes back to PCA. The end.

This is what is probably going to happen. Zoey decides she is going to go to England with her parents, she goes, and she gets there. A few days later, she goes back to PCA. The end.
actually thats not what happens

I think this is the final movie. Finale of the show. I thought she was cool, but she was living off her sisters' fame :/

You know, i never liked Jamie to begin with.

I thought she was going to be better than Britney, you know, NOT act like a total idiot?

But guess what? She does anyway. I feel no pity for her.

She's supposed to be a ROLE model. Little girls look up to her, and now shes Pregnant. What the heck kind of message does that send? Why do people support her? She was an idiot and now shes going to be just like her Degenerate sister.

And what does Nick do about this? Do they fess up and say that Zoey got Pregnant and that they show is either Canceled or delayed until the baby comes?

Are you kidding? NO.

instead, They make a movie to cover it up. First they rape the program with stupid shows, now they refuse to accept the fact that their big 16 yr old star is a Prego.

They make a friggin MOVIE! A MOVIE to cover up the fact that she's pregnant.

She's not pregnant! She's just "going away" for a while.

Nick, I've lost all respect for you.

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Guess what?

After Jamie Lynn got pregnant, her boyfriend broke up with her.

They always finish TV shows with movies. This just a cover up the fact she is pregnant. BAD IDEA ALERT!! People who watch Zoey 101 and like it will find out and ask "WHY ARE THEY CANCELLING SUCH A SUCCESFUL AWESOME SHOW??!?!!!" ANd of course, they will find out why.

Never. Watching. Nick. Again. (does that include Nick@Nite? Cuz I still watch that)

Well, I hope they would have enough sense not to continue the show because if it's Zoey 101 and there's no Zoey then DUMB DUMB DUMB! Unless they get an actor to be in a Zoey suit and just say that they're Zoey who expanded in a terrible experiment with toxic waste. Just kidding. Well in Zoey 101 they make Zoey be nice but like what about real life? What do the actors think of her in real life? You know that's really sad, Zoey 101 was a good show! It's really bad to accept her after she had the baby! I know it would be hard for her, (don't be fooled into thinking I show any pity) but she should seriously get an abortion. We should all pressure her to do that, if abortion is the right word (I don't know)

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