good dreams/bad dreams


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i havent dreamt of my tamagotchi b4. wen the gameboycraze waz in tho, i dreamt i waz in 1 of those mario games! :D fighting the baddies!! :eek:

i havent dreamt of my tamagotchi b4. wen the gameboycraze waz in tho, i dreamt i waz in 1 of those mario games! :D fighting the baddies!! :eek:
Y'know, I've had dreams similar to that... Quite often, I dream that I'm some sort of Superheroine that fights monster thingies! I guess that would explain my habit of punching and kicking the walls whilst sleeping! :D

well I had a dream that I made a machine that could make the tamagotchi's life size and i put in my ols one and i was a duck thing and i rode it into the ocean and had a fight with the evil tamagotchi's of the open waves!!! :p

once i dreamed that my tama was talking to me, and all of my friends tamagotchis too!even the dead ones.

after i had that dream i could make phikick connetions with the tamagotchis and find out what there thinking!!!!!!

~ :huh: :D :rolleyes: :eek: ;) ~

When I was 7, i had a dream that my tama was crying! (Back then all i had was an original gen1 tama!--they don't cry.)

It just kept crying and I did'nt know what to do! Then I started crying!

Then I woke up and I really DID start crying!! then I got my tama, took the batteries out, and shoved into the drawer and forgot about it.

3 years later I remembered I had a tama and got it out again. :D

That stupid dream's not scary at all now!!

Actually, it's kinda funny! :lol:


i dreamt bout my tama but it was dyin and calling out 4 help. it was so sad!

I'd been visiting my local Toyzone, for weeks to see if they had any Tama 2's and always the reply was not yet. I kinda forgot all about my Tama's for a few weeks, until I had a dream that I went to Toyzone and they had them. I went straight onto Tamatalk, read up about them and made plans. I was absolutely certain they did really have them. The following Tuesday, about 3-4 days after the dream, I did actually go into Toyzone, and they had them!!! So obviously I bought one, and here he is by my side now. I'm so happy! I have kinda become a little psychic recently! Not just by that dream, but predictin other things and turning out to be right.

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