Good First Tamgotchi.


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2011
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Akron, Ohio
So recently my boyfriend has been dissing my tamas a bit. but I finally convinced him to try one for himself. I said I'd let him borrow one of mine to see what he thinks. So what tama do you think would help him fall in love with them? My options to let him borrow are a v3, a v5 and a Music Star. I am giving it to him to take on vacation with him. So it cannot be super high maintenance.

If he's never cared for a tama before, give him the v3. The v5 may be a little confusing for a first timer, with bonding percentages, different families, and bad care families. I haven't even played the music star yet, so I can't really say much about that.

But I think the v3 is a good first-timer experience. There are no points for fashion, spiritualness, or humor to worry about (like the v4 and v4.5). And there are some pretty cute characters. I forget which games are on it but I'm pretty sure they're easier than the v2.

Yeah. Thats what I am thinking. Plus I have a very plain v3 so he can be pretty discreet about it.

That's good.

Hopefully if you can't convert him, you can at least make him understanding. :]

He actually has been the last few days. And he actually thinks the colored ones are pretty cool. Ahaha. Its cool.


If I convert him maybe I'll buy him a colored one. I am such a nice person.

Definitely a V3.....for me the V6 is way too needy, it might scare a first timer off ;) Good luck, I really hope he likes it! My husband is extremely understanding when it comes to my tamas and I wish that for everyone who has people close to them :D

I would have to say the V3 if he's never had one before.... The V5 is OK but i don't think it's the right version to give to a inexperienced tamagotchi owner. As for the Music Star... I have heard they are really needy, I'm going to be getting one myself soon [!!] And i know they are pretty high maintanece... So yes V3 would be your best option! :D


He actually has been the last few days. And he actually thinks the colored ones are pretty cool. Ahaha. Its cool.


If I convert him maybe I'll buy him a colored one. I am such a nice person.

Awww. That's so sweet. And he doesn't even know yet. :]

Lol my husband got the itch to play a tama with me just a few weeks ago - he wanted to play one he hasn't yet, so I let him play my V3 - he DESPISED it LOL The characters on the V3 can be moody and not want to play games, even though they are unhappy cause their weight is too low. So just make sure to tell him about that. He would sit there and have a fight with the little thing and be all like - FINE! DON"T PLAY WITH ME!! :p

oh, my husband, I love him so XD


Getting the partner in on it is always a great idea. Its really nice to share the things you love with the people you love. My boy ran (and kept alive! lol) a colour for about a month....even though he did get gozuratchi :p he is running a V3 now, and I think everyones in agreement that its a pretty awesome starter. Heaps of characters, easy maintenance, I'm sure he would love it XD

Lol my husband got the itch to play a tama with me just a few weeks ago - he wanted to play one he hasn't yet, so I let him play my V3 - he DESPISED it LOL The characters on the V3 can be moody and not want to play games, even though they are unhappy cause their weight is too low. So just make sure to tell him about that. He would sit there and have a fight with the little thing and be all like - FINE! DON"T PLAY WITH ME!! :p

oh, my husband, I love him so XD

I hate when my tamas don't want to play with me. I always stuff their face until they feel self conscious and have to play with me. >;D

Yeah I gave it to him. I made sure he knew how to pause because he is going on vacation. He played with the baby for a while, named it after me. :3 But, he had to pause it before it evolved because we were going to see a play. He is in the car with his family headed to vacation now, and he said he just unpaused it to play with it. Luckily, I had the instructions still so he has those with him, at least he should. Though he wanted me to start one that could link with it so they could get married, what a cutie. He he likes it enough maybe we'll both do v5s because I have two of those. Haha. I'm hoping he is a fan of it!

Awww thats so cute XD That he named it after you and wants to marry a tama to one of yours XD

I hope he's a fan of it too :D

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