got caught in school


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How many of you got caught in school

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  • blamed it on somelse

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  • don't have one

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  • used an excuse

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2007
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I've gotten caught three times!!!!!!but i survied :lol: :blink: :lol: :mimitchi: :pochitchi: :lol: <_<

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i hide it and play with it...occaisionally. my friend had her v2 in her pencil case lol

i play on it at break and lunch too :eek:

I play with my tama during first period because the teacher is really busy getting ready.

I also play it in multi-media (computers and such) because he lets us work alone and he doesn't give lessons or anything, he just tells us what to click.


I got caught cleaning up the poo and got my tama confiscated but the teacher gave it to me at the end of the lesson which was lucjy *phew*

i got caught in the line with conneting with my friend emmiley in the line but i have 2 give my tama 2 my teacher and not emmiley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*sobbing*how sad!!!!!!!!!!but at least at the end of the skool day i got it back and nothing was rong with it because my teacher told me that she took care of it!!!!!!!!!and she knew everything because her dauter has one!!!!!!!!!!how shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got caught in the line with conneting with my friend emmiley in the line but i have 2 give my tama 2 my teacher and not emmiley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*sobbing*how sad!!!!!!!!!!but at least at the end of the skool day i got it back and nothing was rong with it because my teacher told me that she took care of it!!!!!!!!!and she knew everything because her dauter has one!!!!!!!!!!how shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o.......m..........f...........g (f stands for freakin) a teacher? OMG THATS SCARY!! MY TEACHER WOULD BE LIKE " WAT IS THIS CONTRAPTION???" lol

We can bring them 2 school, but can't take them 2 lunch. I don't know why. But once, I took mine out at lunch anyway, and the lunch monitor guy was right behind me and I didn't realize it. It's a good thong he wasn't paying attention.

They aren't allowed at my school, but if they see it out they'll go "Put that thing away!" so I just put it in my backpack. But I ALWAYS play with it behind my book :3 I open it, make it face up so the teacher can't see what I'm doing, and connect with my neighbour xD

When I got caught, I was soooooo. shocked. My teacher was reading a book alowed and stared walking around the room! :( :eek: Oh well...she let me off with a warning!!! B) ;) :kusatchi: :kusatchi:

I never got cought.

It went off in class once (having a baby x.x).

I also played it after our standardized tests.


I've never been caught. Yay!

But one time, I had my tamagotchi in my backpack and I say on my backpack a little bit and I pressed a button. (beep. xD)

I also hid it in a puppet once. xD LOL.

Sometimes, you just got to be carefull. :(

Today, I thought I was going to get caught in library!

And trust me, when our library teacher catches us with things we aren't supposed to have, she goes off! She would have gave me detintion for a week!

Anyways, I was in library, and I forgot to turn the sound off on my tama the night before. So in class, I was holding my purse, and squeezed it to hard when I was moving around.

Then when Brett was having his annual argument with Mrs.Gilmoore, it made the sound in makes whenever it needs something.

I got scared, and put my purse in my backpack, so it woud muffle the sounds of it when it beeped so no one would hear it.

Thank god for Brett!

i gave my tama to my friend. [the v3 pink one]

on friday. xP

and on monday, she had a young mametchi. O_O her very first tama. XD

so, she didn't know how to discipline it and i showed her what to do. then the teacher said PUT THAT CELL PHONE AWAY

she said its not a cell phone, and he said Let me see it then...

=/ my friend stupidly took out her pack of gum and gave it to him. =/ =/ =/ she didn't give me a piece..

then he said, now lemme see what you've got there. .. .

she didn't know about clock mode.. so i thought fast. xD on my V4 i was in the shop when he came over so i pressed C a couple times and then A so it would stop that animation it makes, then B so it went to clock mode. :eek: haha... i said its not a cell phone, its a clock. i pulled out my tamagotchi and everyone looked over and said OH YEAH ITS A CLOCK. LOL.

=-= my friend wasted gum. xD

AND she has a mametchi! T_T her first tamagotchi, AND it has 2 training bar and its overweight XD

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