Gotchi Crown


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Active member
Mar 13, 2009
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Hello Tama Talkers! Welcome to Gotchi Crown, My Tamagotchi Log/Diary thing. Things that are gonna go down here include:


Pictures!- Wanna see them bounce around on the screen? Yes? Good, your gonna! No? Well, too bad. Don't look at them them :D

Drawings!- I'm a pretty okay drawer I guess and I'mma draw them! With comics and such (Maybe even animations on special occasions!)

Diary Entries- Duh :p

Dialogue Entries- Like conversations and such :3

______ of the Moment!- Be it a song, movie, TV show, Video game, food or even someone else's Tama log, I'll post it! (Pm for details on Tama Log of the moment)

Fanmail!- If we ever get fanmail, I'll post it here ^^


I'm gonna strive to make this very ORIGINAL! If you wanna borrow an idea of mine, you can PM me and ask. But don't be shy! I'll always say yes. I just wanna know because it'll make me feel good xD (Also, credit would be nice :3)

Currently, My tama's are all babies :3


Their names are:



Glass-Girl Sakuramotchi (Did you know that means Cherry Blossom Ricecake in Japanese?)




Danny-Boy-Kurbiochi (Lol, Danny Boy, best comedian ever xD)

Well, all the tama's are sleeping now, and I should be too.

I'll be updating tomorrow.

Love ya ;D lol

It's 7:15 am. My Familitchi is awake, I'm awake but Danny sleeps on. I'm going to bring them to JR HIGH today (dundunduuuun)

But I'm putting them in my locker. xD I already have a horrid reputaition and I'm a loner, so yeah, into the locker you gooo! xD


Updates later todayyyy~

I didn't bring them to school. At the last minute I was like I they will go up to three hours unattended! I can't do that, I wouldn't have time to bring their stats up.


I'm Derek. And today I learnt what 'pause' means. I was put on pause and can't remember anything that happened during that time. Then I was unpaused. It was wierd.

Bye, Derek.

I'm still getting used to having a virtual pet again... so yeah. Sometimes I just can't take them everywhere. I'm a busy teenage girl, with exams and the like, so they will be paused a lot. :<

Hey guys guess what!






Just kidding!


But Danny grew!

Like, two seconds after I got the preschool letter xD

He's a Hinotamatchi. The awesome fireball dude!

I took pictures!





And I took a pic of Derek too :3




Danny is going to talk now.

Danny: What?! When was this decided?! I don't wanna talk...


Danny: I don't like it when your hyper, Tiara....



Danny:.....Okay. I'm going to play my violin now...

Dooon't mind Danny he's kinda shy!

Danny: -muttering- and your kinda hyper...


LOVE TIARA. :angry:


Danny formed his band earlier today!

It's called Late Tea. His bandmates are a Chamametchi named Jenny and a Ichgotchi name Thu.

Dear Diary,

Hiyas. I'm Glass.

Uh. I'm supposed to write in this Diary. Well...Uh...I think Danny is really cute.....

Huh? Waazat?! going to be read PUBLICLY?!

Oh no...

I'm so embarrassed! Omgosh!

Wait? My brothers can't see this? Danny can't either right?

Okay good. Phew.

Um. Well, To you ...readers! I know I'm a kid and he's a teen, but I'm only a day (or less!) behind him, so :p


Glass <3

Ahh! I might marry them together. That would be super cute!!

Coin: -grumble-

Derek: ?

Glass: -whistles happily-

Danny: -plays music on his keyboard- -hits a key- DARN IT! I can't get this song! Curse Thu and her complicated music!

Derek:...Am I missing something?

Tiara: Well, Glass is happy because she got a boyfriend, Danny can't get his song right and C-

-V5 evolves-

Tiara: Well, Coin aint got nothing to complain about now.






Coin: A BAKUTCHI?! Come ON! I don't even get ARMS!? Everyone does! -rants-

Danny: I don't have arms OR legs, and I play the keyboard! Get over yourself!

Coin: Shut up, Danny, no one asked you!

Danny: -burns intensely- At least your a teenager now so I can beat you and not feel bad!

Tiara: Whoa! -pushs Danny and Coin away from each other- Slooow down Cowboy!


Derek: Hey, wait... Did you say Glass has a boyfriend?!

Glass: -blush- Yeah...

Derek: Well, that's long as your happy. ^_^

Coin: Who is he, what is he, do I know him and he better watch him self!

Glass: George Wolf, Mamekatchi, You don't know him, and your over protective. :)

Sorry for not updating yesterday. Things got busy.

But something SPLENDOURUS happened!

Danny is now a Memetchi!


And I'm at school right now!

Well, I'm home now! On with the update!


Danny: *playing keyboard* It's much easier playing the keyboard when you have hands!

Coin: Are you making fun of me?!

Danny: -sigh-

Derek: Hey, anyone know when Glass is getting ho-

Glass: *walks in house, tears streaming down her face, slams down and screams angrily*

Derek: Omg my gawd! What?!

Glass: *kicks something over* GEORGE FREAKING SUCKS!

Danny: What did he do?!

Glass: H-h-he...

Coin: What?! I'll explode him all the way to Patchi Forest if he hurt you!

Glass: -low voice- He cheated on me with a Makiko named Trixy. She KNEW we were going out. S-she just..enchanted him with her succubus ways! B-ut...I can't believe he'd do something like that! *crys*

Derek, Coin and Danny: I'll beat him!

Glass: I-I-I wouldn't think that you two would resort to violence, Derek and Danny...

Tiara: Please don't be beating people!

Coin: But, Tiara! George cheated on Glass!

Tiara: Really?! How DARE he! Okay, uh... If I can't hear you guys, I can't do anything, so... *cranks the music*


I just received fanmail! ^^ (Or Fun Mail :rolleyes: )

-cue fan mail theme song-

Hello. I just think that you log is great.....That post that you did with the "Make cupcakes, not war" thing, can i use it on my signature? It's really cute. I have one:
Vilonece is not the answer, water is!! ^3^

Yea, have fun with your log Tiara!!! I hope you become ruler of you Tamagotchis!!!!
And who was that?

That was CheetahLoverGirl! Ohhoho, yes!

Diary entry, I need to make this quick, I'm busy on wednesdays and mondays!

Diary thinger,

It's Coin. We haven't grown up yet but stupid Danny has! :angry:

Did I even mention I hate him?!

I noticed Danny is sneaking around ever since George left Glass. Glass has been too...

I swear to Gotchi Heaven...

It's ripped off here! D:


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