GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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will you check out mine? Is it boring like "most logs"? PLEEEEEEAse read my log! I have a link in my signature ;) ;) ;) :lol: :wub: :wub: :wub: :furawatchi: B) :lol: :D :angry:
I love your logs. I think they are really interesting. Oh, one more thing, could you please not use my topic to advertise your log? (Sorry I did it to yours :( )

Anyways, Alex just lost one of his hearts for hungry. So I fed him. Only a genius like me would be able to figure that out. (jk LOL!) I'd better check on Emma now. She pooped and lost a hungry heart so I cleaned the little hershey kiss tamapoop and fed her. Am I like the only one who thinks that tamagotchi poops look like little hershey kisses? It's true.

Remeber to leave a comment after reading my log. That's all for now.

Well there is not much to post because my tamas aren't doing anything exciting. WAIT!!! Emma lost a happy heart. I gave her a snack. WAIT! NEVERMIND!!! I was gonna say that Alex did something, but he didn't. BRB. I'm gonna play a game with Alex. OK, I'm back. I played BUMP with Alex. He made it up to Round 3 and lost on Round 3. First he was up against a Mizutamatchi and I made the power bar almost full. Then he was up against a Masktchi and the power bar was full. THEN he was up against a Young Mimitchi and the power bar was full, but he lost anyway. :D Well, I was reading princess08's tamalog and she inspired me to post me and my tamas having a conversation in my log. Anyways, here we go.

Me: Hey Alex, what's up?

Alex: Nothing

Me: Do you like me?

Alex: Yea, you're great :mellow:

Me: Ok, great

Sorry that one was pretty cheesy. But I couldn't think of anything else.

Me: Hey Emma, how's your life as an itchigotchi

Emma: It's GREAT!!! I love being a teenager!

Me: Good!!!

Emma: Thanks for asking!!!

Me: No prob!

That one was a little bit better. As you can see, Emma is a little more enthusiastic than Alex. In case you don't know what my tamas look like, here they are

Emma: ;)

Alex: :lol:

That's all for now.

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Well, I just checked Alex's shop. Excellent things in there I must say. I bought them all. Here is what they were.

1. Plant (80p)

2. Muffin (120p)

3. Pencil (110p)

4. Energy Drink (130p)

BRB, I gotta go play some games to get Alex's points back from the stuff I bought. GREAT! :p I just played bump with Alex and he lost on the first round against a tamatchi and his power bar was full!!!!! :furawatchi: UGGH!!!! Well, I'm gonna play Heading now. I hope I do better on that game. BRB. (again) Well, I'm back and I beat that game and got 400p and the EXCELLENT! scoring. But I still didn't get all my points back. I'm gonna go play it again. I'm back and I beat it again and now I got all my points back. Goodie, goodie, goodie ^_^ !!!!! Alright then, I'd better go check on Emma. She's fine. She's still just hanging around, doing her little screen dance, and Alex is too, I think. :huh: Yep, but he pooped. Hold on, let me go clean it up. All better!!!! Anyways, that's all for now!

Oh, and I know this is off topic but, I started a story in fan fiction like 5 hours ago and it still hasn't been approved by the moderators. UGGH!!! Oh, just to let you know, it is entitled "A Lonely Life" and when it comes out will you people please check it out? Look at the wittle face!!!! :(

Well, before I gave Alex the plant that I bought him. STUPID CHEAP PIECE OF JUNK!!!!!! :p All it did was grow and gave me the happy face. :furawatchi: LOL!!! Sorry I got so worked up. Anyways, Emma fell asleep at 8. It was very cute. Itchigotchis do the cutest things, I have to say. I think I'm going to save the pencil that I bought Alex for my next generation adult tama. I'm really mad at myself for deleting the pen. Now it won't let me enter the password for it anymore. :huh: ^_^ But, oh well. What are you gonna do about it, right? I know. It stinks. But that's life. What am I saying I'm getting all emotional over a toy. I think I'm gonna put Alex to bed now. BRB. Ok, I'm back. I just put Alex to sleep. I guess I might as well post stats now.

Name: Emma

Age: 1

Weight: 99 lbs.

Training: 7 bars

Gender: Gee, I don't know. LOL!

Generation: 1st

Species: Ichigotchi

Name: Alex

Age: 5

Weight: 32 lbs.

Training: FULL!!!

Gender: Gee, I don't know. LOL!

Generation: 13th

Points: 9999

Username: I'd rather not tell

Well that's all for today. Be sure to check back here tomorrow to get the latest scoop of how Emma and Alex are doing. Oh Bazookas!!! What am I saying? LOL!! Anyways, BYE FOR NOW!!!

<3 GotchiGirl96, Emma, and Alex

Emma and Alex woke up at 9 this morning. I checked Alex's shop and I bought makeup and two food items, but I can't remeber what they are right now and I'm too lazy to go check. LOL!!! Anyways, I played a few games with Alex so that he could get his points back. I hope the matchmaker comes tomorrow. She probably will because that would be three days after Alex turned into an adult. I hope Emma turns into an adult on Tuesday. I hope she turns into a Masktchi. I haven't had one in a while on my V1 because I finally learned how to fully train my tamagotchis. So I think I am just going to leave it at 7 for training. Well, that's all for now.

<3 GotchiGirl96, Alex :unsure: , and Emma ;)

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My tamas are sitting in my lap right now. They are so cute. I'm going to connect them now. BRB. They played the blow up the balloon game. Alex won. Then Emma started crying and now her battery is dead. UGHH!! What a day for my poor Emma!

Well, I just reset and downloaded Emma. I better go change the time back to normal. Well, that's strange, it has the right time on it. Anyways, that's all for now. I need to get tamabatteries.

Well, I just reset and downloaded Emma. I better go change the time back to normal. Well, that's strange, it has the right time on it. Anyways, that's all for now. I need to get tamabatteries.
Well, I checked the shop and I found corn in it and I bought the corn and I fed it to Alex. He did the happy dance and spun around and got excited. Yeaaaa... I am such a good person ^_^

Well, Emma fell asleep at 8 again tonight. Alex is still awake. I just played HEADING with him and I won. :p He did the happy dance again. He looked like this when he did it. :) Oh yea, that's what he did, oh yea, go me, OOOOOHHHH YEEEEEAAAAA!!!!!! LOL!! What am I doing? Anyways, tomorrow the matchmaker should be coming for Alex. I hope I get a girl. Like I said in my first post, if I get another boy I think I am going to rip my hair out!!!!!!!! Well, that's all for now.

P.S. I made a story for the fan fiction section and only 3 people looked at it. Can you guys please look at it and then leave a comment in the Fan Fic Comments section? It's called "A Lonely Life."

WOW!!! :blink: My log has been moved to the second page! I guess a lot of people have been creating tamagotchi logs. Anyways, I think this is now my third page. *takes bite of chocolate bar* Ok, so today my friend got a tamagotchi. My other friend also got a tamagotchi a little while before that. The friend that just got a tamagotchi doesn't know how to work a tamagotchi, so when she that friend showed it to her character was a piroririroritchi and it was sick and had 7 poops on the screen! :furawatchi: Oh NO!!!! I scared Memetchi! It's okay Memetchi. :ph34r: I just unpaused Emma. The matchmaker should be coming tonight or tomorrow for Alex. Well, that's all for now.

OMG!!!!!! :furawatchi: I bought the makeup for Alex again to see if he would show it off, and he DID!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! He was so cute. He had mascara on, because he has LONG eyelashes. He had lipstick because his beak was darkened and he was making a kissy face!!!! Oh, the face, the face, the face!!!!! He was also wearing blush because he had a circle on his cheek. HOW CUTE!!!!!!

The matchmaker came for Alex today at 7. He was matched up with a Gozarutchi. I got another boy. UGHHH!!! I always get boys. This is my fourth stinkin boy in a row. :) I almost never get girls anymore. :huh: It's not fair!!! :lol: Why me? Why always ME??? :blink: But of course, I am going to take care of the baby and I still love him. But look on the bright side GotchiGirl96, now's your chance to try to get a Wooltchi which looks more like a boy than a girl. What's wrong with me. I'm typing to myself in a post. :) That prooves that my log is cooler than cool!!! :huh: LOL!!! :huh: Well, that's all for now.

P.S. If anyone has some good ideas for boy tama names, please post them in this log.

Howz about Jake, or Nick? Those are two good names i can think of. :furawatchi:
Thanks for the reply. Does anybody else have any good boy tama names???

Today at school, I was about to take a sip of water and my tama was on his lanyard/ribbon (Alex) and I spilled water on it! :D I was so scared. :furawatchi: I tried to press the buttons, and thankfully everything worked. :kuribotchi: So now I know I need to be more careful. Anyways, Emma is now 2. She isn't growing because she is always on pause while I'm at school. (I don't bring her to school with me.) So, yea, that's all for now.

<3 GotchiGirl96, Alex :angry: , Emma :angry: , and little Baby Boo.

OH YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm gonna set the time to see if Alex will leave his baby. WAIT! Before I do that, I think I should think of a name first. BRB. OK!!! I got it!!! I'll name the baby Zeb! Ok, now let's see if I could make Alex leave. Hold on. OMG!! He is leaving!!! He's looking at Zeb right now. He's still looking. I hope the screen's not frozen. I guess not, because Zeb's Z's are moving. Wow, this is taking long, and I have to pee. :angry: OMG! He just left! Now to set the time back to... well now. I changed my mind and named the baby YoYo. I'll post more when YoYo evolves.

Well, I didn't get to go on the computer last night. But, YoYo turned into a Tamatchi and when I unpause Emma, she turned into a Mametchi. YAY!!! I got good characters. WOOHOO! That's all for now!!!!!

Well, I just went to tamatown because I had to get some souvenirs for my friend. I also went and got the souvenirs that Alex took with him when he left YoYo on his own. YoYo still cries for Alex but not as much as he did when he was a baby. (I just made that up. It's not really true. You'll see me do that sometimes in my log.) I like to tell him stories about Alex so that he could know more about his Daddy. (That part is true.) Anyways, Emma is doing good also. I might as well post stats now.


Name: YoYo

Trianing: 3 bars

Age: 0 turning 1 tonight!!!

Weight: 45 pounds (My poor fat baby!)

Gender: Gee, I don't know. (LOL!)

Generation: 14g

Type: Tamatchi

Stage: Toddler

Points: 9999

Username: I really shouldn't tell it.


Name: Emma

Training: 8 bars

Age: 3

Weight: 99 pounds (My other poor fat baby!)

Gender: Gee, I don't know. (LOL!)

Generation: 1g

Type: Mametchi (the old one)

Stage: Adult

That's all for now!

WOW, I'm bored. So I think I am going to go scream at a water bottle. BRB. Ok, I'm back. This is what I screamed to the water bottle, OH YEA! YOU STUPID WATER BOTTLE! GET TO WORK!!! I know, I'm a goof! Well, my tamas are all fine. I'll post more when YoYo evolves.
