GoxGetxFat's Logotchi


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Active member
May 3, 2009
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Quick-ish Intro:


Yesturday was the day when I FINALLY got my V3 Tamagotchi. See, I used to be hooked on these buddies since I was entering Middle School (Now half way done with highschool) and I had a load of them. Well, I was going through my old photos of me with my friends and there were a bunch of them with my original Tamagotchies in them. It was a HUGE thing between all of my friends, and as the years went on, we sort of dropped out Tamas.


I started thinking about them again, and how amazingly-awesome these things were, and decided to order one. Surprised enough, there were 6 different versions to choose from. (Possibly more). So I stuck with the middle Version, the V3. And THIS is where the adventure begins.



(Yes, this is yesturday's date)

I recieved my Tamagotchi in the mail yesturday, and that's when I tore the poor package appart and decided to look in awe for about five seconds, before I untagged the thing.

Keep in mind, I had NO idea what I was doing. I was only used to the original version.


Around 2:40pm, Liam was hatched.

Of course, I forgot about the whole empty hunger and empty happy hearts once they were born, so Liam ALMOST died right at birth. =/ (<Still feels really really bad about that)


It was about 3:00 until I caught on how to check the hearts and weight and all. And what went from bad, went from worst, when I monsterly (Word?) fed it, in a loss of panic, a whole bunch of food and snacks.

Once I got the hearst filled, the poor thing was already 20 pounds.

OF course, I went back and freaked, and felt really really bad, once again.

So I decided it was time to play a game, even though I had no idea what I was doing.


I played Get, and it was fun, however, it took me a couple of rounds to catch on.

Finally Liam was down to a good 6-7 pounds, for when he went to sleep.


WHICH, was perfect timing. =) It was about 3:40-ish, and I had afternoon plans on my friend's boat. So I got a nice quiet car ride there, with no driving distractions.


HOWEVER, right when I was getting ready to get out of my car, the little thing woke up and had to use the potty. =/


Once I got him all cleaned, and settled (fed/snacked/played), I decided to just shove him in my pocket until the Oh-so-charming beeping started up again.


I was halfway through good conversation with my old friend when I heard the charming beeping. Liam was balling his eyes out, crying. Silly me, not bringing the manual with me, had no idea what to do.


So I praised him, cheering him up, and that seemed to get a positive reaction from him.

And he turned into a toddler.

A Mizutamitchi.

By dinner time, he wanted to eat more then what I was having for dinner. I finally decided that I HAD to pause him around 5:30pm, because we were at the dinner table. I'd rather not dis my friend of ten years for a tamagotchi.


I was finally in my car by 7:55pm, when I realised that I needed to unpause the little thing. About three minutes of play, and he was already in bed sleeping, and all there was left for me to do was shut his lights off, and head home.



Liam woke up around 8:00am today.

I had school, of course, but teachers really don't mind. As long as I checked up on the kid every now and then he seemed fine.


By 3erd period, though, he wanted to be fed forever! >.<


But all in all, he was a really good Tama today.


So far it's 2:40pm, and he's only pooped three times, and ate a few meals and snacks, and played a few games.


He's so laid back. <3



Last night, Liam morphed into a Mametchi. =)


So now, I'm guessing my little toddler morphed into a lovely teenager.

Very exciting. And adorable.


This morning, he woke up around 9am, which was different because I'm used to him waking up at 8.


I took the day off today, I just needed a lazy day.


I bought Liam some sausage, a cupcake, and some other fruits for him to eat. However, he seems to LOVE pudding.


Liam has 1230 points on his game (a prefect number, to me). All four hearts. He's now 1 years old. And, he has four training bars.

This morning it was three, but he was being fussy, so I gained one from putting him in timeout. (I hate doing that).


As of right now, it's 11 am, so of course there isn't much going on. I'll update later.


Edit: Liam had a toothache. =/ I kept feeding him snacks so that I could play more games with him, but eventually that led up to some medicine. =/ I had to put him in timeout TWICE today.



Poor thing.


So far: Training: 5

21 pounds

2350 points.



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So I haven't been making daily posts, sorry.

However, today is a very cool day to make a post.


Hopefully all the tamagotchi mommies out there are having fun with their little ones.


Anywho, today Liam filled up his entire training bar today. So he's fully trained. And he turned 3! So fast.

I went to the store and bought him a shovel and he found more points! =)

I bought him another cupcake, some hot dogs, and a bowtie. He can't wear the bowtie yet... but eventually he'll put it on. =)

Today he's coming with me to see the Florida orchestra, which I'm sure he'll be asleep once it's over. =) Lol.

So far so good.

I'm really enjoying my new virtual pet/child.

I really REALLY want to order another one... but that's another 20 bucks I'll have to hand over, so i'm not so sure if I should or not. Still thinking about it.

Whoa! Has it been a while or what?


Liam died. A lot time ago actually, and I stopped my diaries and such because, well, I simply forgot. I got a job, got more classes at school, and my life sort of sped up. It's summer vacation now and I'm off for a few months, not of work, though.


I found my old Tamagotchies while I was cleaning out a box that I've had under my bed for far too long. Found ALL of them, actually, and decided to use the last extra battery to revive one of them. It hatched as a boy, and his name is Clyde.


Clyde is now going to be my logged tama, and hopefully I can keep up with him. If not, sorry Tama fans. =(


Clyde shall start NOW! =)

It took a good screw driver, and a perfectly manicured nail to reboot my old tamagotchi V3, but nonoftheless, it worked.


Clyde was born and hatched today around 4:29pm. Very cool. He's certainly been keeping me busy. I've had to re-learn a lot of it all because it's been quite a while since I've taken care of my tamagotchies. Haha.


Right now he's finally taking a nice little nap, which is pretty awesome.


This weekend I am to be going to Disney, so I'm not entirely sure how Tama and Disney are going to work. I'll probably just pause him for the day, and keep him up at night, simply so that he can still morph and change. I hate waiting so long for them to age up.



Clyde is a pretty happy camper. I want to buy him the boombox that's in the shop today, however, he has yet to reach enough points for that, and after a while the game Get can get a little... boring. I'm looking at different versions of Tamagotchies, because it seems I never really do get tired of them. I think everyone goes through phases with them. You know? A few months away from them, and you find them, and then you're hooked once again.


Probably wont be as avid with Clyde as I was with Liam. Simply for the fact that I don't want to miss things because I have a Tama. Haha. Thank Tama for the pause button.

AH! Thank god for bed time at 8pm. Ughh... I forgot how much work these little toys took. It's ridiculous, really.



Clyde is a V3, and he's in a yellow case with purple, orange, and red stars... and his lime-green buttons.



He aged up to a toddler. To a Tamatchi. Adorable, really. I'm hoping he becomes an Obotchi.


I had to go to Verizon to fix a few things with my phone, and the little thing didn't stop beeping. I felt like it was a toddler who pulled at your shirt all day begging for attention. I finally paused it. Funny thing is, the person who was working at Verizon recognized it, and we spent quite a few moments chatting about the "good ol' days". Good news is that my phone is fixed.


Anyways, Clyde has quite a personality. He's very playful and ready for anything. I really hope that generation two is a girl, though. I haven't had a female tamagotchi... in...well, forever. Haha.


If I remember correctly, Tamas get up at 8am? Yeaa... I might have to pause Clyde later tonight, because there's no way I'm ruining a morning for me to sleep in to clean up poo of a virtual pet. And I work practically all night as well, so Clyde will spend quite a bit of time in "virtual day care" tomorrow. And this weekend. I'm taking a few of my younger cousins to Disney for this weekend, so I'll probably have Clyde on pause practically the entire weekend. Except maybe at night, but he goes to bed around eight, so it's sort of pointless to take him off of pause just to sleep.


I feel like a bad Tama-Mom, however, I can't put my life on pause, only my Tama.


Maybe he'll evolve tomorrow before I go in for work. =)

Forgot to pause it last night, and woke up confused. I'm a light sleeper, and little Clyde was beeping away at 9am. Guess we had a bit of a problem with potty time this morning. I thought it was my alarm, so here I am trying to turn the alarm off. I finally remember the Tamagotchi, and fixed what he needed to be fixed, also bought him some milk, because I haven't really bought anything for him from the store recently. Fed him Milk and an Apple for breakfast, took him to go play some games, and he's been perfectly content ever since.


I work 3-10pm tonight, so we'll see how well that goes over. I can't have a Tamagotchi inturrupting my work schedule, so I'll only have him unpaused when I'm on break and when I'm leaving. By the time I'm done with work, he'll be asleep anyways. It'll be a good, easy day if this morning goes by nicely.


I started working on some Fanfiction too! I couldn't exactly sleep last night, so I decided to just start writing (as normal writers tend to do, trade sleep for a good few pages of writing). I think it'll turn out cute once I have the time to revise it and finish the main idea. Haha.


Clyde has been awesome though. At work, I'm going to pick up a few batters as well so that perhaps I could revive my V2 and other V3. Clyde looks like he'll want some friends. Perhaps I'll only reboot my V2, so that that way, I can have two different versions. =) I was thinking about buying a V4.5, however, I'm going to need to wait a bit for that. I've been spending so much money on things lately, and I'm running out of actual money for my bills. I'll have to wait a bit, pay everything this next month, and then save up for some other little things that I've been telling myself to get.



That video ^ is hillarious, but is a bit on a "crude" side. The language is beeped out of it, but I thought it was pretty funny. Just something to add to my Log. Ahaha. Reminded me of how my tamagothi must have been after the year of neglect.



EDIT: Also found out that Clyde HATES french fries.

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It's late and I should be packing for this huge weekend.


I'm debating whether or not I want to bring Clyde along. Going on vacation is a time where I need to focus on the actual vacation and not on Clyde. I don't want to miss a huge event because Clyde needs to be played with. If anything, and if I do bring him, I might simply keep him on pause the entire time anyways. He might not be coming with me. =/ It's sort of sad to leave him here though, I know he's not affected by it whatsoever, but it still sort of feels like I'm leaving behind a child.


The morning with Clyde was easy. It was ridiculously easy. He didn't need anything but a trip to the potty and a meal. I played a game with him to cure my own bordom, but other than that, he's pretty chill.


He's still at age 0, which I think is pretty funny, considering that he SHOULD be a teenager right now, yet, due to my pause-dependent lifestyle, he's been a toddler for a couple days. Ahaha. Oh well, more time to love I guess.


If Clyde was awake, he'd say Hi. But he's dead asleep. It was pretty sad, actually. When I got off of work, I was looking forward to a relaxing quick game with Clyde, but no... he was already snuggled up in his bed.


The cutie.

OOL: Disney was great. =)

Anyways, when I returned from Disney last night it was well past ten PM. I unpaused Clyde because I just wanted to double check his stats. Then I paused him again, knowing that I wasn't going to be getting up before 8am (when Clyde normally gets up) to take care of him. I know, I know, but I was really REALLY tired.

Now that I'm all refreshed and fully rested, I unpaused him and within the first two minutes he aged up (finally, he's been a toddler for three days. XD) and is now one year old and is the Obitichi (spell?), the one with a little Elvis curl in front. =)

I love it, because that's the one I wanted. Haha. I hope that's how he is in his adult form. Better keep up the good work. This morning I bought Clyde a ball, to celebrate him aging up nicely, and he loves it. It's really cute to watch him walk on it and then freak out, and then laugh when he jumps off. He hasn't really needed much, but I did buy him a pineapple this morning as well, he'll probably have that with breakfast. I wish you could order food, you know? Just go through a menu and click what you want ... like a grocery store. The four basic meals get repetitive after a while.


Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3 (whooops)

Year: 1

Weight: 20

OH! And I made Clyde a little bed area. I didn't do it because "He needs a bed", it's that my cats always knock him off of whatever I set him on, and it's mildly frustraiting to hear a beeping and not know where it's coming from. I got a bracelet box that I had, and stuck one of those "no slip" pads on my nightstand, and set the little box right there. My cats can't flick him off or out of the box. Which now, works great. =)

Clyde and I have been bonding all morning.

(Clyde = Orange)

I haven't been able to say anything on here for half my life.

Yes, but you're also really quiet. Around everyone.

That is true. All of the other Tamas talk though, I don't understand why I'm so different.

It's good to be different. It makes you special.

-sigh- Alright.

He's been feeling a little depressed-

I hate it when you talk about me like that! Right when I'm here. Right next to you. I can talk for myself.

Uh...erm... okay. What would you like to say?

I don't really have much to say. I really liked that Pineapple this morning.

I'm glad. I knew you would. They had fries in the shop too-

I hate fries!

I know! That's what I was about to finish saying before you inturrupted me.


It's fine. Why don't you go play with your ball?

>.< Fine.

He's such a teenager...

I heard that!
