Grand Parents


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Jun 10, 2006
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How do I get my password for PC on my tamagotchi to visit my grandparents? Its generation 3. and I think the grandparent is a :furawatchi: the parent is a :(

1. Go to the "Friendbook" icon.

2. Select "Family".

3. Select "Parents".

4. Now you can see your last 3 parents (parent, grandparent and great grandparent.)

5. Select your parent or grandparent and press "B" until "Password for PC" comes up.

That's weird. But that happened to me too. My generation 1 Tamagotchi didn't appear there either. I guess there's nothing to do about it.

I just tryed and I only see my parent.
That's my problem too, I don't know why I can't visit my grandparents, because I really want too.

I can't even see my parent.Everytime I open up Family and click on my History or Parent, it won't let me in.

I just hear this annoying beeping noise.
I can only veiw parenst when my tama is a baby. And you can't veiw History if no one of your tamas have ever died.

Hey I Cant Go To My Parents and grandparents too why???????? :wacko:

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