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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
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My dad is getting rid of my dog, Crystal. B) And I have no say in this, plus she's MY dog! :( I am crying now :'( And plus he's paying my brother to take her to the pound! :(



Oh my, this really isn't fair, have you tryed to talk to your dad? People get very attached to their animals, and taking them to the pound would crush me!

That is VERY rude of your father. Pounds are very...different. Take her to a shelter! The fact that your brother is getting paid to take your poor Crystal there is SICKENING.

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Why is he getting rid of Crystal?

I'm very sorry but you'll have to try your best to talk to him. Tell him how much you love her etc etc and maybe he will change his mind.

That is VERY rude of your father. Pounds are very...different. Take her to a shelter! The fact that your brother is getting paid to take your poor Crystal there is SICKENING.
You took the words right out of my keyboard!

That's just not right!

Thats not right. But any particular reason that he's taking your dog to the pound? Bad behaviour, not housetrained, bit someone? Or something like that?

Why is he getting rid of Crystal?
I'm very sorry but you'll have to try your best to talk to him. Tell him how much you love her etc etc and maybe he will change his mind.
It's too late. Crystal is gone :angry:


It's too late. Crystal is gone :angry:
;_; I'm sorry.

Is the shelter near by or do you know someone who works there? You could keep in contact to see when she gets another good home.

Why did your dad want to get rid of her? Well, I'm very sorry to hear that. Like TWP said, keep in touch with the pound manager or something like that to see when she gets another good home.

I recently had to get rid of a pet a different way. I think my life sux too! Thats real low of your dad to pay someone to get rid of it! I fell so sorry for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow that sounds awful. My dog may make me want to pull out my hair at times, but he's part of our family, same goes for our 3 cats. You didn't seem to give a reason as to why she got taken away though. Was there training problems? Did she bite someone?

Friend of ours had a dog named Moose, a big king shepard. He bit a couple people but was a great dog with me. Unfortunately because of his bad record our friend had to get rid of him since no shelter or special place for dogs like that would take him. so sorry to hear that... hope Crystal isnt in that bad of an environment.

poor you i would hate that ok my pets are guien pigs but still no afinceto them im very sorry ask your dad to see if you can vist her or somthing so you know she is having a good life

OMG, that is terrible. I am so sorry. :blink:

If I lost my pet I would be crushed.

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