Greetings x.x


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Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Meesh-ee-geen; Michigan :P
MOVED FROM (Non) TamaTalk >> Introductions forum

Ello! I'm Blubber, well, Leah, but I like Blubber xD I'm a newbie here, nice place x.x I'm twelve, GO TWELEVE! Play soccer and karate (the Blubber-ish kind) orange belt. Little person from Michigan, the boring place. But, Blubber was born in a little place called Blubbertown. Also known as Kanata Ontario. In the CANada. If you like PENGUINS Blubber likes ya! PENGUINS are the best! I'm like a penguin nerd, only worse. I'm actually like a PENGUIN, only a PENGUIN that gets a lot of Bs in school. Blubber gotta blubber now, so bye. And remember.. BLUBBER! and uh, and uh, and uh.

Ps, piccie is in sig :)

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welcome to tamatalk! but this should really be moved to introductions and departures (in your case introductions)

Welcome!! Sorry to say, everyones cool. You cant be the ONLY one.

MOVED FROM (Non) TamaTalk >> Introductions forum

Ello! I'm Blubber, well, Leah, but I like Blubber xD I'm a newbie here, nice place x.x I'm twelve, GO TWELEVE! Play soccer and karate (the Blubber-ish kind) orange belt. Little person from Michigan, the boring place. But, Blubber was born in a little place called Blubbertown. Also known as Kanata Ontario. In the CANada. If you like PENGUINS Blubber likes ya! PENGUINS are the best! I'm like a penguin nerd, only worse. I'm actually like a PENGUIN, only a PENGUIN that gets a lot of Bs in school. Blubber gotta blubber now, so bye. And remember.. BLUBBER! and uh, and uh, and uh.

Ps, piccie is in sig ;)
Hello, and welcome to TamaTalk! ^^ I hope you enjoy yourself, if you ever need any help or advice, feel free to PM me. Enjoy yourself! :blink:

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