Group Hatching Friday June 15


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Dec 26, 2006
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You can do your version 3 or version 4. It doesn't matter to me. So Friday June 15 3:00 PM EST.

My female baby just hatched a few hours ago after her single dad did it with himself!

I'll join, but my tama's already hatched this morning so there ahead a bit. There both 2nd gen and there names are Ash and Jimmy. I'll post after they change though into there child forms.

Ok, so i'm off by a few hours but both of my two boys changed into mohitamatchi's. I hope to get a young mametchi on one and a young kutchipatchi on the other.

Alright then. I'll hatch mine tommarow. I got really busy this afternoon and couldn't do it but I will do it first thing in the morning and join you guys.

Update on my two little boys. First i forgot to say there names last night. I named them Ash and Jimmy and this morning they changed into Hinotmatchi's.

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