Growing Up


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Hey dude, I'm fourteen and in highschool and a guy and I play with Tamagotchi's. Just, if you can, don't bring it to school. And besides, by the time you really get into school, you won't have time to take care of it during the daytime. If you really want to take care of it, check it between classes and at lunch.
hey man, thanks. And that you all for helping me.

Okay, I don't know what to do... I am a boy, in 8th grade, and I am going into high school next school year and I am scared that I am going to get made fun of because I am a boy playing with a Tamagotchi. Anyone know what I should do?
I am the same age as you, but a girl, and I only play with my tamagotchis when I am at home. My friends don't even know I like them! I like to keep my obsessions to myself.

if ur too shy, tell ur best buds.they will tell u what u should do. And if u dont want anyone to know, dont tell anyone! keep it to urself. But who cares what pp, think?

Lol I'm at an all boys high school and when a Senior kid saw me he was all like "dude?" "Is that a V5 Famitama?" So I said it was and showed him. He said I was awesome and then left, saying he can't wait to get one of his own. then, I found out he's the school captain!

But there are some kids that will tease you because they think its a little girly thing. I haven't been teased much, but most people who see my Famitama just nod or smile and walk off. Plus, when someone does tease me, if they're in my grade I make a smart-a** comment, or if they're older, I just ignore it.

There's nothing to be scared of. You'll still have friends, and Tamas won't make you unpopular. its like saying its not cool to have a pet.

Be bold! Dont listen what every one else has to say about the 'so called geekish tamagotchi'! No-one is too old to be playing with something they love :D

Okay, I don't know what to do... I am a boy, in 8th grade, and I am going into high school next school year and I am scared that I am going to get made fun of because I am a boy playing with a Tamagotchi. Anyone know what I should do?
Like everyone else that has replied, don't let other people's opinions take control over you. They're just people trying to put you down. And besides, they don't know how much fun Tamagotchis are! Just ignore them. You're you, and nobody else can change that.

I'm 17 and a senior in high school, and I bring my Tamas with me to school every day and check on them during passing periods; IN THE WIDE OPEN. :eek: The people who make fun of you could be jealous that they aren't brave and comfortable enough with themselves that they could bring something that they love which is not-so-cool out in the public like that, or they could just be shallow, mean people, who like to judge others before they even really have the chance to talk to them. As you go through life, you will realize that some people seem as though they only exist to put you down; but the thing is, they can only be successful if you *let* them. If you just sort of laugh them off because you KNOW that you are a stronger person than they are, and you KNOW that they have probably never felt this way and nor are they capable of loving and accepting in the way that you do, then it makes them a lot easier to deal with. I always love the quote by Dr. Seuss, "Be yourself, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

just don't worry if they make fun of you just ignore them because there just jerks so just play with your tamagotchies with pride

I'm 17 and a senior in high school, and I bring my Tamas with me to school every day and check on them during passing periods; IN THE WIDE OPEN. :) The people who make fun of you could be jealous that they aren't brave and comfortable enough with themselves that they could bring something that they love which is not-so-cool out in the public like that, or they could just be shallow, mean people, who like to judge others before they even really have the chance to talk to them. As you go through life, you will realize that some people seem as though they only exist to put you down; but the thing is, they can only be successful if you *let* them. If you just sort of laugh them off because you KNOW that you are a stronger person than they are, and you KNOW that they have probably never felt this way and nor are they capable of loving and accepting in the way that you do, then it makes them a lot easier to deal with. I always love the quote by Dr. Seuss, "Be yourself, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
Wow, that was really inspiring - and perfectly true!! Only your true friends will accept you as who you are. B) :D

THANK YOU ALL! You really helped. I am not scared to take out my tama anymore. And everyone should have a tamagotchi if they don't have a pet. right? I don't have any pets and I love my tamagotchi.

Dude, I'm 27 and I have no intention of giving up my love of tamagotchis or anything else people say is juvenile. I still love Hello Kitty, toys, cartoons, action figures, etc. The nice thing about getting older is you start caring less and less about what other people think and start doing what is right for you. If someone makes fun of you, just shrug it off and walk away. People can only get to you if you let them.

I know it's cliched and everyone will tell you this, but don't sacrifice who you really are for a bunch of jerks who are so insecure about themselves that they have to find others to pick on in order to feel good. You'll hear that a lot throughout high school, but that's because it's true.

Anyway, didn't mean for this to turn into a lecture. I think it's awesome you're into tamagotchis!

Rock on!!! :angry:

If your growing up, Still like tamagotchi's.. It's ok to like what you want. Whatever your friends say, dont listen to them. I'm a boy, and I had a password journal. (o_O)

Okay, I don't know what to do... I am a boy, in 8th grade, and I am going into high school next school year and I am scared that I am going to get made fun of because I am a boy playing with a Tamagotchi. Anyone know what I should do?
Well , do you like tamagotchis ? If so , then keep on using it.

Your just scared they are gonna make fun of you. They haven't yet.

Though , it is most likeley they will lol.

If your that worried , hide it.

But don't let anyone tell you what you can and cant do .

I really do like tamagotchis. And I will keep using it.

Thank You all. You guys really know how to make someone feel better:] thank you so much.

It is just that I thought that people in high school will call me gay. But believe me I am not.

Thank You All:]


i am 19 nd at uni, i hav 2 of every version nd i still ply with thm in class, my fav has to be V5. (i jst love the hole family thing)

if u dont want any1 to kno u still ply with tama's thn change the clock so thy slp and leav thm in ur home and whn u get bk from skl jst change the time bk to the rite time.

i am 19 nd at uni, i hav 2 of every version nd i still ply with thm in class, my fav has to be V5. (i jst love the hole family thing)
if u dont want any1 to kno u still ply with tama's thn change the clock so thy slp and leav thm in ur home and whn u get bk from skl jst change the time bk to the rite time.
Lol. same here :hitodetchi:

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