~Gummi's V3 Log~


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2007
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Well last Sunday I seen the greatest Tamagotchi on Ebay (and I checked it's not a fake) and I just had to have it. I already have a V4 and I really wanted a V3 so I asked my mom and she said "I'll look at it later" which is her words for "Don't count on it" so I got real mad and stormed to my room. Well I guess this made her feel bad so she placed a bid on it and won! It was here by Thursday. It's pink with cherries and currently a girl. I named her Honey.

Well the cycle of my Tama went like this:

Teletchi---> Mizutamatchi---> Obotchi--->Kuchipatchi!

She is really cute and she is four years old! Only two more years and I can get a visit from the matchmaker and have a baby! :wub:

Wow it's been a while! Well a lot has happened. Honey did have a baby girl and I named her Zoey. She first started out to be a Kuchitamatchi (just like Honey) and then took a tottaly different turn. She turned into a Hikotchi! It was pretty cool but then it wouldnt grow for a while so I got annoyed. Finnaly when it grew into a Gozarutchi my friend and I tryed sooooo hard for her Masktchi to mate. We used love potion 4 times and this was on Saturday. Well this morning at school we hooked them up on last time and they finnaly had a baby! A girl! She I' naming her Roxy and she's gonna name hers Foxy! And if they were boys she would name hers Barry and I'm gonna name mine Larry! And also I get to babysit hers this weekend because shes going to winter fest with her chruch! Well g2g.

Well Roxy is doing really good right now. She grew up to be a Masktchi just like her daddy! It was weird because my friend's grew up to be a Gozarutchi just like her mommy! I thought that never really happened. Oh well. And since I'm being really really good in school I might get a Tamagotchi lanyard and a V1! I hope I do because the lanyard has a Memetchi on it and I think she is so cute! Well I gotta go bye!
