Guy Problems


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Ignore him, seriously.
I barely see teh kid. But when I pass him in teh hallway to get to the next class and gives me big smiles, then after I walk pass, he shakes hiss head sideways... Then there is other people (in my grade, a grade younger, and a grade older) that might like me. Id like to know if they do or not.

had the same problem the guy was only a month younger than me. Since i have his msn i jost told my friend 2 annoy him until he told. buti figured out his was very unhonest

People I know only date people in their grades....not people in grades higher/lower.

But, if you really think he's cute...just go for it. If not, simply give him a few smiles in the hallway when he passes. I mean, you can't

just be like, ''OMG ewwww'' If you really wanna date somebody you have to like them first. Don't date somebody to spare their feelings.

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Then thats cute. Is he cute? If he is drop by, say hi, and ask him for a hug. Thats what we do :p
:) Good ideas...

People I know only date people in their grades....not people in grades higher/lower.But, if you really think he's cute...just go for it. If not, simply give him a few smiles in the hallway when he passes. I mean, you can't

just be like, ''OMG ewwww'' If you really wanna date somebody you have to like them first. Don't date somebody to spare their feelings.
Last year a 6th grader was dating an 8th grader... it lasted like 5 months suprizingly...

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Hey, just observe him (no, don't go around covered in leaves hiding behind every tree) look at him then look away, then continue, if it looks like he does like you, and I mean, REALLY DOES, then go ahead and ask him.

Hey, just observe him (no, don't go around covered in leaves hiding behind every tree) look at him then look away, then continue, if it looks like he does like you, and I mean, REALLY DOES, then go ahead and ask him.
Ok then... Ypu know everyone can talk about their dude problems here. I posted one to get the topic started...


there was this one guy that used to sit next to me in class and i liked him, i thought he might like me but i wasnt sure... but now that i look back on it, i know he liked me! but any way, we kinda developed a friendship and i was too afriad to tell him i liked him cuz if he didnt like me things would be wierd between us ^_^ so i never told him i liked him and it turned out he DID like me but he kinda gave up on me and moved to anouther girl cuz i never told him :( :( i was too chicken and now i need help!

could he still kinda like me?(he never talks to me any more :( )

I HAVE A BIG PROB!!! OK HERE IT GOES,there was this one guy that used to sit next to me in class and i liked him, i thought he might like me but i wasnt sure... but now that i look back on it, i know he liked me! but any way, we kinda developed a friendship and i was too afriad to tell him i liked him cuz if he didnt like me things would be wierd between us ^_^ so i never told him i liked him and it turned out he DID like me but he kinda gave up on me and moved to anouther girl cuz i never told him :( :( i was too chicken and now i need help!

could he still kinda like me?(he never talks to me any more :( )
The EXACT thing happened to me, don't let it get to you.

I believe in fate, and I think the relationship wasn't meant to be, or just maybe not now. I wouldn't tell him how you feel until you absolutly know, because if his feelings are wrong, it could mess things up. A friendship right now is way more important in my opinion.

But if you have true strong feelings for him that you believe you gotta tell him, go for it, no one is stopping you.

i have a kid in a grade younger then me who LOVES me its weird! hes always like "hi lexi","LEXI!", and talking to me he studers when he talkes to me to! ^_^ i act like a friend to him! also i've told him to his face i dont like him in front of his friends to! he was sad! AWWWWWWW pore kid!

i have a kid in a grade younger then me who LOVES me its weird! hes always like "hi lexi","LEXI!", and talking to me he studers when he talkes to me to! :p i act like a friend to him! also i've told him to his face i dont like him in front of his friends to! he was sad! AWWWWWWW pore kid!
I have a kid a grade below me that likes me too. Idc, hes kinda cute...

Huh. Well, guy problems.

I can't say I have any.

I know there's a guy in a younger grade who sometimes walks home with me and my neighbor. I don't like him, problem solved.

People in different grades just don't get together enough for relationships to work, really. At least that's what I think.

Well he's only one/two years older than you...that's not very much.

Guys are scared of me. So yh I'm the problem.

True, Im one of the younger kids in teh grade 2...
wait, ur in SECOND GRADE!?! whoa... and some one likes u??? o kkk then...

any way, do u like him? probably not, im guessing... if u dont like that he likes u, u should just either become friends wit him, just friends, or try to tell him off. thts wut id do! ;)

wait, ur in SECOND GRADE!?! whoa... and some one likes u??? o kkk then...

any way, do u like him? probably not, im guessing... if u dont like that he likes u, u should just either become friends wit him, just friends, or try to tell him off. thts wut id do! ;)
I said I was passed sixth... 2 is short for to, two, and too. Im not in 2nd grade- or I wouldnt be here.

And 4 teh 2nd part, do u mean the other kid or my friends bro?

ugh...guys... BIG problems!

Ok last year i went out with this guy named Anthony. Then THIS year his friend says he likes me even though he's going out with a girl named Lauren.

Weird? Confusing? tell me cuz i feel the same way! haha. but im in the 8th grade this year.


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