Guy trouble.


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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
First, thank you for looking, and not saying "Another guy topic.. ew"

Ook, well, Nick, just saying his name... <3

On-Off relationship?

2 years ago, I believe, maybe 1 1/2 ehh, something like that.

He liked me, he kind of asked me out, in an odd way, and then vomited from nervousness. How cute.

At the time, I like another kid.

Then I kind of liked another kid..

and now this year.

I've got no idea if he likes me..

Like, earlier this year my friend gto tired of me talking about him, and walked up to him and said, "Tara likes you." and walked away... he was all "I don't like her like that."

After we got inside (This was on break at school.) he was all, "Are you upset, am I the bad guy now? (I was upset, frowning.)" and he goes... "I miss your smile."

In my mind this contradicts his statement he doesn't like me.

He lives down the street, so it's not like I don't see him.

His family loves me (I help him with homework.. I know my way around his house, I know his sisters/cousins, I've even had dinner.. 3 hours at his house.)

The day at his house, we were sitting in his living room, and he was playing PS3 and he left (He said before his did, "You going to be fine without me, for like... 2 minutes?") so his sister and I played his game while he was gone.. xD

Then he let me name a city, and offered to let me bust down a door in Starwars.

Then his sister took me outside (freezing.) and told me how he and his gf broke up

What happened was;

She was all, "I'm gunna break up with nick." and was trying to get people to do it for her, and she tryied to get his oldest sister to do it for her, but she said no, and told him she wanted to break up. So he walked up to her, and said:

"I hear you want to break up with me, well, Ill make it easy, it's over." and walked away. That was it.

We are really good friends too, like I was sitting in class, and I was all "DANIEL IS MY BEST FRIEND." really loud, and he had his headphones on, in front of me, and he turns around and says, "Heyyy, what about mee?!"

he's really sweet and funny, he always makes me laugh. he's teh first thing I think about when I wake up... "Will I see him today?"

I really want to tell him I like him, and my friends are all, "Just ask him out..."

But everytime I get close to that, he says he's not ready for a relationship, not with me, anyway...

What do you think?

To tell you the truth, if he doesn't want to go out with you and he said he doesn't "like yout that way", but he's still nice and goofs around with you, then I would think he likes you a lot as a friend.

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