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Breaks are DEFINITELY a good thing. What are you on break for?

I know. Falling up stairs.... so great XD

See, most people I've known with cancer have had to go through the whole chemotherapy route.

We usually have auditions if you want to major in music, but the requirements are definitely different than yours.

(I'm only posting as one charrie, if that's okay)

"That's exactly how I feel," she murmured, cuddling closer to him as well, plating kisses in his hair. "And now we can go celebrate my birthday and now have to wait for the changing, and we're going to be much better prepared for this baby. Hopefully there'll be less drama surrounding our second baby... I personally hope it's a boy. It would be nice to have a little Brandon running around here, to play with and cuddle with."

Oh, most definitely. Even though I have a ton of work and revision to do, it's going to be great =D It's just a normal half term break for us. We get them between the long 'semesters', as you guys call them.

Well that's what I mean. Because he went in as soon as something was bothering him, it hadn't spread to anywhere else, so they could just take the isolated cancer out and there's no need for chemotherapy or anything of that sort. See, most people would have thought, "It's a stomach ache, it'll pass," and then it would after a couple of weeks, but then by the time it bothers you again, it's elsewhere, too. I'm glad he didn't.

I think it's frankly a little ridiculous because I won't even touch grades because the pieces are so horrible, and yet pieces like Defying Gravity are about grade six or seven, and I can play them. I guess I could do some guitar grades because they do popular music grades, and I already played a grade five piece over a year ago, but I just don't see the point.

Perfectly fine with me :)

"I hope this time around will be a lot easier, too," Brandon agreed, reflecting back on all the ordeals that had happened during Sadie's last pregnancy. He shrugged at her mention of the gender of their baby, however. He laughed and said, "As nice as it might be, as long as it's a baby - and it's my baby-" he winked at her at that point, "- I really have no preference. Son or daughter, both would be equally wonderful gifts in my life." He let out a spontaneous cheer that he couldn't help emitting due to the height of his excitement of getting to be a father to another of Sadie's children.

I wish our school system would do something like that (well, public schools, not colleges). Seriously, one big break is better than a ton of teeny tiny beaks xD

Phew, that's good. I just found out my mom's cousin has breast cancer... I can't believe it. I hope they can get rid of it soon... or that it isn't in one of the later stages already. This sucks!

That's insane! We can pick whichever pieces we want, for the most part, as long as they reflect our skills. Like, I won't pick a song that I can sing if there's another song I can sing better.


Sadie rolled her eyes and said, "Of course it's your baby! You big weirdo! I rarely leave the house, let alone our bedroom!" She laughed, then cuddled closer to Brandon, giving a soft sigh of happiness. "I can't wait to tell the others! Although... besides Mikey and Angie, I'm not sure they'll be that surprised... especially not Prudence. She seems to know everything, which sometimes ruins the whole surprise factor. Ah well, just the fact that we're having a baby sends me over the moon!"

Well, in the grand scheme of things yours is actually the system that works with a big break and ours with lots of smaller ones, when you look at them. Our summer is about a third of the length of yours, but that's because we have a week to break up the terms in between so that we're not going on for twelve weeks solid.

I hope so, too! That's not nice at all.

Yup. Mr. Carey actually told me not to play Defying Gravity, as well, because it's meant for someone to sing over the top of it. Which is ridiculous anyway, it's been arranged to have the vocal line in the piano part so you can just listen to it. But, yeah, entry requirements are definitely tough.

"Well, you never know! After all, a girl like you could get any guy in the world!" Brandon replied with a gentle chuckle. He nodded then. "I'm not sure that they'll be that surprised, either, really. I'm sure they certainly thought we wanted to have another baby." He knew what she meant about, Prudence, though. Still, at least this time she hadn't totally given it away, unlike the last time where Sadie didn't even need to take a pregnancy test, it was that obvious.

Oh wow! Well, that is different then!

They think they caught it early, so they're discussing treatment. They've already had two people in that family die of cancer, and my mom's cousin has young kids to take care of.

Seriously? Yeesh! If it sounds complete without a singer, it should be fine, in my opinion. Are there any other pieces you've particularly liked? (and that he approved of)

Sadie rolled her eyes and replied, "But the thing is, don't want another guy in the whole world. I want you, and trust me, you better than a majority of guys in this world. So it all works out." She kissed him, then laughed and nodded. "I'm sure they could tell we've been trying, anyway," she joked, playfully nudging his side. "Now... how about we go downstairs and make the good news official?" She took his hand and kissed it, before leading him downstairs, a huge smile plastered on her face. She just couldn't stop beaming. She was going to be a mother of two, something they never really thought would happen before the changing. But now she could be changed without worry, because their baby was there, waiting to reveal itself to the world.

Definitely. This year works a little differently, though, because I'm on study leave from the end of May, which means I've finished school, and I only go back in to take my exams which finish in June, and then that's it. In between, I can study but also get some time out, so it's going to be a nice long summer this year. If the weather does nice things it'll be even better!

Ah, that's good. A family friend of mine got diagnosed last year, but it was already at stage three, which is crazy because she had to go more regularly than other people, because there's a history of it in her family. She seems to be doing okay, though, we just have to keep our fingers crossed for her- she, too, has a young kid to look after.

Exactly! Well, here's the thing, I've been learning Defying Gravity for quite a long time, and in between I was trying Moonlight Sonata but keeping both up was just a struggle on top of schoolwork, as much as I love the piece. I don't actually have to perform anything just yet, because the marks for my GCSE are good, I just have no idea what to do for A Level Music.

"Only a majority?" Brandon raised his eyebrows jokingly, pretending to sound hurt. "I know I'm not Patrick Dempsey or anything - if you're into him, of course- but still!" He chuckled and eagerly pulled her downstairs to share the good news. Blaise and Kyle were watching TV in the living room, Cosette on Blaise's lap. Their heads turned when Brandon and Sadie came in, curious to know what all the crazy running upstairs was for- and their beaming expressions only made them more curious, but also perhaps more expectant of the news that was about to come. Brandon cleared his throat and said, "We have some wonderful news!" and then nodded to Sadie, as if to tell her to finish for him.

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That sounds absolutely AMAZING! What kinds of things do you want to do this summer?

I just hope everything works out, for both your person and my person. The world sure is crazy these days, huh?

I have many jokes about Moonlight Sonata, as a result of the theater department. oh my goodness XD

Sadie said, "Patrick Dempsey!? You don't know my taste in men at all! I'm a Johnny Depp kind of girl! But... I think you beat him, in all honesty." She giggled, then went down to the living room with him, completely excited and hyper. She smiled at the rest of the family, and then blurted out, "We're having another baby!" Cosette, on hearing the word, 'baby', squealed and mimicked, "Bay-bee? Baby!!!" She clapped her hands together, then reached out for her parents, clenching and unclenching her tiny hands. "Nee nee!"

Oh, well, I unfortunately have to put an awful lot of faith in the Great British weather but hopefully if it's nice I'll hit the beach- maybe even stay out one night with some friends and have a little beach jam around the campfire y friend and I are contemplating going to a festival of sorts, although we're not sure which one because the one she's keen on had exactly the kind of music that I'd prefer to stay away from, and I'm broad minded so I really must dislike it. Um... Camping out in a few other places, probably having an outdoor movie party and probably a couple more of those open air cinemas. I'll end up doing a whole load of recording... Oh, and relaxing, of course! My, I honestly cannot wait for my GCSEs to be over and for the summer to start! <3

I hope so, too! It sure is. Things have been really difficult lately and as much as I've joked about finding a happy place and being a Buddhist, before mid January I think I really did have my happy place and I never felt restless or insecure but these past few weeks have just been scary because I've been so unlike myself. But, after all of it, I believe I've found the cause to actually be the weather. Combined with a few stressful things, there's actually been a really common psychological thing because the weather has just been so bad and it sends people to a bad place. It's warmed up this week, I've spent lunchtimes outside and life in general is brightening up with the weather.. All that time.. And it was because it was cold and raining!

Care to share any? :)

Are you not a Patrick Dempsey fan, either, Becca?

"Well, I don't know. I picked someone who's fairly attractive to all women. I think Johnny Depp is selective, though I'm glad you're a fan of the more rugged type. I'm certainly not your regular clean cut sort of man," Brandon replied with a soft laugh.

Blaise let out some kind excited squeal at the news, clapping her hands together emphatically. "Oh my gosh, guys! That's amazing!" she exclaimed, picking up Cosette and handing the equally excited baby over to her parents before giving them both big hugs. Kyle was a little more subdued, but his happiness was just as apparent. "Congratulations," he said in his nasally voice- although, it bothered them all a lot less than it used to, thanks to his much needed attitude change, it seemed.

XD My cousin is actually studying over at Harlaxton University, so i hope the weather is nice for you all! It makes travel and such a lot easier, doesn't it? I'm definitely ready for summer as well. No more being cooped up in the house, and my friends will be home, and we'll be able to hang out!

I definitely know how you're feeling. I'm trying to find that happy place in my life-- I haven't gotten there yet, but I'll let you know if I've made it at some point. Oh, and if you get back there, give me some sort of a road map! =P

Oh gosh... well, one of the actors in Anne Frank and Me played that song all the time, and said it was his character's theme song, because my character rejected his feelings. Also, in my AP European History class, the intro to the Simon Schama movies always played that song. Good times!

Not really. I'm very... eclectic in my choice of celebrity crushes. XD

Sadie practically squealed herself, returning Blasie's hug with one of her own. Cosette just burrowed into her mother's shirt, cooing happily. Then, she looked around and asked, "Baby? Baby?" She kept looking around, wondering where the baby could be? Everyone was so excited, but where was it? Sadie said to Cosette, "Honey, the baby is inside mommy. It has to grow a little bit before it can be born." Cosette made a surprised face, her mouth going into a perfect 'o' shape, and then she breathed, "Baby..." After that, she laughed, showing off her little teeth that were growing in. Her fangs weren't growing at all yet, but Sadie figured that was a good thing.

Harlaxton College... I've never heard of it before. It's part of University of Evansville, says Google, which I've never heard of, either. You don't think of many others when teachers are always bringing up Oxford and Cambridge around you xD Mr. Harrison was shocked when I said I was probably going to Bournemouth or a London art university, but I don't see why I should go to a strongly academic school considering I won't be studying an academic subject. Ridiculous.

I hope the weather's good there, too! Although I think you've got more chance of it than I do. Yay for England... Thank goodness I'm going to Barcelona- it'll definitely be hot there. Oh, and I might be going to New York City because my Mum's workmate says we can stay with her <3

Well, I'm getting there again at last, I think. The improving weather has helped. And being generally optimistic no matter what has also improved my state of mind. A break's certainly helped me, but, well, since you technically are on one... Make the most of your time out and your permit and go somewhere nice, that's also different for a while, perhaps? But, of course, everyone's eight fold path, is different. What works for me might take you down a completely different route, as Buddha would say ;]

Oh, I see xD

I always thought eclectic meant broadminded? Anyways, I think Patrick Dempsey is nice. But I'd have Adam or David Garrett any day <3

"And savour the time you have until your new sibling is born, I say! You're going to be the big sister soon and everyone has to rely on their big sister a lot," Brandon teased is daughter with a chuckle. Of course, it wouldn't be like a lot of families where as soon as a new baby was born, the older child would feel left out. There was enough love from everyone in their house for Cosette to keep getting her fair share- everyone would make sure of that. Kyle had gotten up now, shaking Brandon's hand and congratulating him. He got to Sadie and looked a little awkward, as if he didn't know quite how to gesture his congratulations to her. Brandon nudged him in the ribs gently and said, "You can hug her, you fool, I'm not going to accuse you of making my girlfriend commit adultery." Kyle had to laugh, then giving Sadie a congratulatory hug. "This is great news for you guys.. Now you don't have to worry about Sadie becoming a vampire now, too."

It's an hour away from London, that's the most I remember. Oh, it also looks like something from Harry Potter. And I agree. You sould go to a school to learn what you love, not focus on something you hate, or just aren't interested in.

<3 Barcelona= JEALOUS!!! I would love to go to Spain, and use my Spanish speaking skills to woo a handsome Spaniard. And then we would have beautiful children. Oh, but there's a condition, of course: he has to be as amazing as Antonio Banderas.

<3 If you go to NYC, you HAVE to see a Broadway show. Oh, and you need to go to the Sanrio store, and the Toys R Us!

I'm so ready for summer weather. It'll make me feel way happier.

Eclectic kind of means.. like, pulling things from various places.

Sadie hugged Kyle in return, laughing lightly at Brandon's comment. "Well Brandon, you can be a bit intimidating, you know," she said jokingly, before looking at Cosette, who was reaching out for Kyle. "Ky! Ky!" She said, demanding to be put in his arms. "Ky! Now!" Sadie placed the toddler in Kyle's arms, shaking her head. "She's very attached to you, Kyle! Not as much as Ysi, but almost!"

Cosette smiled up at Kyle, showing him her teeth. "Eet!"

A lot of universities here do. I've been to Oxford University on an art trip, and it's so beautiful there. But, I guess it should be with how much it costs!

Well, I wouldn't take something I hate at a good university; it's just that what's the point in going to a University that's known all over the world at being great, but not for what you're doing? I'd never choose something I'm disinterested in, though- my parents have always told me that choosing their jobs because they pay well was something they wished they hadn't done, especially now that my Dad can't even do that job anymore.

Well, I need your Spanish skills, since mine are lacking! I'm at home in France, and while there are plenty of delicious Frenchmen out there who I could speak to, I'd love to learn Spanish just to talk to Jon Kortajarena <3

You're thinking a lot about who's having babies with who lately, aren't you? xD Me and David Garrett, you and a hot Spaniard. How long did you learn Spanish for?

David Garrett's even older than Adam, though! But at least he does have one thing on him; he's definitely straight xD

Oh, I will, don't worry. Deciding which one will be difficult, though! Since I might be seeing the West End production of the Lion King the next time I go to London.. It's all very exciting. I'm not getting my hopes up, though! Flights to America are so expensive! [so I'm saving up now for when I'm doing a round trip to visit everyone, including you (; ]

The sun was shining today! It was so wonderful! <3

Ah, okay, I see.

Brandon laughed softly, "Well, I have to take authority every now and then!" Kyle proceeded to take Cosette into his arms. He was getting better at this, more comfortable, less afraid. Heck, sometimes he felt like he wanted one for a while- not all the time, though, he couldn't handle that, he thought to himself quickly. He grinned at the little girl he was holding as she smiled toothily at him. "Hey! Look at you, little vampire! What beautiful, sharp teeth you have!" he exclaimed, the happiness on his face giving Cosette rather a lot of joy- babies just loved it when people smiled, didn't they? "Mine are bigger, though! Be careful, or I'll eat you up!" He bared his teeth, putting on a mock scary face and then quickly moving and planting kisses all over her.. Brandon stood watching, as always, in surprise at how Kyle acted with his daughter- she brought out the best in him.

Oh gosh... I don't even want to know. XD

That makes me sad for your parents! D: Especially your dad, who seems like a pretty awesome dude.

WELL, here's some advice: If a guy winks at you, or calls you "mamacita" DO NOT look at him. Because if you do, it implies you want to sleep with him. SO just... don't look men in the eye in Spain!

I learned for abooout... 4 years. Although, I plan on taking French in college, because it's so beautiful.

Hey! He's older, which makes him wiser.

YAY! When you visit me, I'll take you to some historical places, but mainly to Lexington and Louisville-- the real hubs of my state. They have so many art and music venues!

Lucky! Although, i actually like dark rainy days (don't judge! xP)

Eclectic is actually probably the best word to describe me in general....

Cosette screeched happily, giving her Uncle Kyle baby kisses in return, laughing delightedly. She snuggled close to him and yelled, "Ky!", at the top of her lungs, grinning. She then stuck her thumb in her mouth and looked around at everyone. She cuddled up to Kyle and started humming to herself, a tuneless song that probably held no meaning to anyone but her. She liked to hear the sound of her own voice, of the noises she made.

Sadie smiled at Kyle, then looked at Brandon. "I say we appoint Kyle babysitter so you and I can have my belated birthday night."

I don't blame you xD

Yeah, I always feel sorry for them. They work so hard, and I think they like their jobs, but they're always so tired and stressed.

Aha, there's something like that in French culture, too, about not looking guys in the eye. I'll remember that, thanks!

French is wonderful, I'm taking an A Level in it, and hopefully by the end of it I'll be really proficient. Take it in college? How many things do you take in college?!

Haha, a LOT older, though! xD

Sounds gooooood to me <3

Well, sometimes I do, just not when they've been a daily occurrence for months... Occasionally they're nice because you feel cosy inside and you have an excuse to be lazy and do nowt all.

Brandon had looked at Kyle, his mouth half open when Kyle already nodded, cutting him off as he said, "Sure, that's no trouble at all, I haven't got any plans or anything."

"Well, I was more concerned about whether you'd be comfortable with that, of course, rather than if you were busy, to begin with," Brandon replied.

"Nope, no problem. You guys should have this time, and I'm very happy to look after her," Kyle assured him, "Perfectly comfortable. Besides, I think Blaise will want to help anyway."

Brandon smiled gratefully at him. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day, but thank you all the same; we really appreciate it." Luckily, everything he'd thought of doing for Sadie's birthday the other night was still perfectly doable for that evening, too, so there was no need to get anything, either.

In college? You take TONS of things! Not only do you have to take general classes-- english, math, science-- but you take courses for your major, and electives, and classes for your minor (if you have one. I will)

So? It means that he'll be able to support you better!! XD

It would be super duper fun! =D

How have you been lately?

Cosette laughed at Kyle, then squirmed, wanting to be put down so she could crawl along the carpet. "Ee!" She complained, reaching her arms downward toward the floor, frowning with frustration. She wanted to test out her new skills, obviously.

Sadie looked at Brandon and asked, "So, should we go ahead and start getting ready, or what? I mean, you know the plans much better than I do, after all!" She giggled, then gave him a peck on the cheek, before observing Cosette. The baby had grown so much, and time had flown by so quickly. It made her a little bit sad, but it was also exciting, to see who she was growing to become, and to witness all of the firsts in her life.

Thank goodness you're here! I've been having writing withdrawal symptoms xD

Wow, really? Completely different to here, then! In a way it sounds good, though, that you can still study some other things like French and such alongside your degree. I heard that you can do that with a language here, though I'm not entirely sure that you can do it just a class, I think you might have to do it as half of your degree. In university here you just take classes relating to your degree. I only take four subjects next year, and they can be anything I like, so I won't be doing English (which is a bit of a let down but oh well), Maths or Science next year- ever again, in fact!

30, though? I guess, though, my guitar teacher's girlfriend is 16 years older than he is, which is less than me and David xD

It sure would be. If you came here, I'd show you the sights and sounds of my lovely little town... Ahem, no, not much to see at all! But I WOULD take you to the beach, to Durdle Door and the Jurassic coast which has the same World Heritage Status as the Great Barrier Reef, and I'd show you around Bath, so you can feel like you're in a Jane Austen novel =D

I've been good, actually. Last week was seemingly a nice week, though I'm not sure why, until Friday, of course. That's when I went to see KT Tunstall, who was just incredible live. She's one of those artists who's a million times better live than on CD. It was a beautiful venue, too; right on my doorstep, but so gorgeous! Oh, and we got the best spot in the house because my friend was on the phone network that gets you priority, so we got to skip the whole queue =D

How about you? :)

Kyle chuckled and set Cosette down on the rug that covered the wooden floor- the wood was still yet to be explored fully by her because it was a little tough on the knees, she'd found-, and she squeal delightedly as she could crawl around the carpet, looking up at Kyle every so often as if to say, "Check me out! I'm an expert at this now!" He laughed each time she did, clapping for her every so often, for she loved the praise and attention.

"Sure, go ahead. All you have to do is get dressed, and I'll handle everything else, okay?" Brandon said, also going upstairs to change. He changed quickly, before going downstairs again to start sorting things out in the kitchen. By the time he was finished getting everything going downstairs, he was pretty sure Sadie would be ready, so he called for her from outside the bedroom door.

Awww! XD Well, I'll get on more often, then, hahaha!

Well, in a lot of degrees, some language study is required :) I'm pretty sure I don't have to take math or English ever again either-- thank goodness about the math part.

Hey, it's not nearly as bad as Hugh Hefner. I mean, he's ancient, and he's marrying a girl more than two decades younger than himself!

I would be SOOO pumped. I'd probably just try and get every person to talk to me, so I could hear the accents!!! <333

That sounds SO AMAZING! Her songs are so pretty! I especially love "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree". Soooo catchy!

I've been pretty good. We had our first read through for the children's play, and I'm not only the assistant director, I'm also the stage manager and choreographer. I'm SO EXCITED!

Cosette watched her parents go up the stairs, her lower lip beginning to stick out a little, a sad pout on her face. They were going bye bye again? Well, she hoped they wouldn't be gone for too long. That would make her even sadder. She let out a pathetic whimper, before crawling away to play with Uncle Kyle.

Sadie was upstairs, having changed into a little black dress that only reached halfway down her thigh. She then put on a pair of black stilettos, before rushing to the bathroom to fix her hair and her makeup. She decided to straighten her hair, which had grown quite long, and since it wasn't curly after that, it looked even longer. She made sure her makeup looked naturally pretty, because she knew Brandon loved that kind of look for her. She checked her appearance one more time, before leaving the seclusion of their room. "What do you think," she asked playfully, doing a small twirl, giggling.

N'aww, it's okay. Now that things are back to normal with school I have plenty to keep me occupied when noone's around -yaaayyyy- xD

Hmm, interesting. To be honest, I need to find more out about how University works here. I don't have much of an idea at all. The whole schooling system here is so complicated. French is a great language to study, though! =D

True, actually. And John Cleese and Bruce Forsyth. John Cleese's wife is 31 years younger than him and Bruce Forsyth's is 32 years younger. Crazy stuff!

Hahaha, well, I'll bear that in mind if you ever meet me. I can just see you and I talking and I ask you a question and you saying, "I'm sorry, I missed that, I was too busy listening to the way you talk." xD

Black Horse And The Cherry Tree was the highlight. She made some percussive noises on her guitar and with her voice and looped it over and over while she sang over the top and played guitar. SO, SO AMAZING <3 Her voice is way cooler in person, too. It's really gravelly and awesome. She has an amazing Scottish sense of humour, too 8D

That sounds like so much fun! <3 What play are you doing?

Brandon was dressed in a white dress shirt, tucked in but left open at the top, underneath a black suit- but not just any black, the really dark, sleek black the way Tom Ford always has his [i love that man, he always looks amazing]. He had a slight grazing of dark stubble across his cheeks the way he always did, and his hair mildly tousled in an apparently careless but clearly slightly thought out way so that he still looked smart. He gazed at her as she opened the bedroom door, barely hearing her when she asked him how she looked. He smiled his signature crooked smile and told her, "You don't want to know what I'm thinking right now." He chuckled and took her hand as he planted a kiss on her cheek, "You look stunning, love." He actually turned her back into the bedroom and lead her out onto the balcony. "Sorry to disappoint but we're not actually going anywhere. But I hope you still feel a million miles away from home, he told her just before they stepped out. Twilight was setting in, and he'd lit candles that stood in various places over the large balcony from their room. A table and two chairs had been soundlessly placed there as well while she'd been changing. Then there was the view of the garden, that had just come into bloom in the Spring, the lights he'd shown glowing dimply amongst the bushes and the trees. He pulled a chair out for her and let her have a seat. He produced a bouquet of roses and handed them to her. "Cliche as they are, I know they're your favourite; and since they're the ones I grew, I think it's okay," he chuckled as he sat opposite her. "Happy birthday."

Hahahaha! Well, that's definitely good!

It seems so complicated! I'll need to ask my cousin about it!

That's... really crazy. Like, ten years, maybe bordering 20, I'd be okay. But thirty? No. XD not happening

That is EXACTLY what would happen. And then I'd be like, "Say kerfuffle!!! say it! NOW!!!"

AHHH!!! I definitely want to see her in concert! I wonder if she's doing any US touring any time soon... hmm.... must investigate!

The Princess and the Pea. I even got to help cast it!

(Brandon has set the bar high for any man I date in real life. LOL)

Sadie just stared at him when he opened the door, her breath taken away by how handsome he looked. And he made it seem so easy! She opened her mouth to speak, but found that she was unable to. Instead, she smiled, and then kissed him in return when he planted a kiss on her cheek. "So do you," she murmured, before giving his hand a squeeze. She was definitely surprised when he led her back into the room, and even more shocked when he showed her the balcony. "Oh Brandon, it's perfect! She looked at all the candles, and the garden with the lights, and she knew how much trouble he went to so she could have a good birthday. "Roses! Brandon, they're gorgeous. I love them! Thank you so much!" She set them aside so there would be room on the table, although she didn't know exactly what was going to happen.

I'm just holding onto the thought that soon it'll all be over and I can say goodbye to a ton of subjects and enjoy my summer <3

I think that might be easiest, actually.

I agree. It screams "Golddiggerrrr" about the girl xD

Hahaha, that made me laugh xD But, of course, I'd say it without a problem for you :)

Worth investigating, because I have no idea. Considering she's had the new album out, she may well be doing a tour in the US, too. I certainly hope so, so you can see her, too!

Awesome. That's going to be so adorable <3

[Hahaha, yeah. This is the setback with all the writing. No man is ever this perfect xD I'm glad you like his date idea, though.]

"I'm glad you like it," Brandon replied, kitting his fingers together and resting his head on them while he watched her take it all in. He was smiling softly on the outside, keeping it cool, but really he was beyond ecstatic that she loved it as much as she seemed to, and even happier that they still got to do it considering how it had all gone to pot on her actual birthday. He asked her, seemingly completely casually, as if it was just a question in passing conversation, "So, if you could have anything for dinner right now- it can be as exotic or simple as you prefer- what would it be?" He poured out some wine for them both while he waited for her to answer.

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