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Oh seriously? I think that's a super cool way to spend Christmas day. Very exciting- you'll have to tell me just how amazing it is!!

Who aren't you thrilled with? Oh yeah, Hugh Jackman. Always a bonus :)

"Probably just as well, really, seeing as you have to put up with me all of the time," Angie agreed with a chuckle as she took a sip of her water before returning to her food. She nodded in accord with his ideas for where they should head next. "Yeah, I miss it, too. It's been wonderful to be here and I've loved having all this time alone but all in all it makes me realise that all of this is perfect for a holiday, but home really is where we're living now. And I'm sure Brandon and Sadie could do with a little help with a baby on the way any minute and that big house to look after." She pursed her lips and nodded sadly as he mentioned Prudence. "It's a shame. Her and Evander had just found each other and started to make something of what they both had, and then they had to pick up and go like that. I hope they're alright." She sipped her water contemplatively, then replied, "I think for me it almost feels like we've been in our own little timeless bubble, and that when we get back it will be as if no time has passed whatsoever, like it's stopped while we've been away from home. It's been wonderful, though."


Brandon happily sipped his tea; it was the British way to have your drink as soon as you could, even if it was burning hot, and so by now he was pretty much immune to scorching his tongue on it. He watched their daughter playing and smiled. "I'm pretty glad about that, actually. She looked so little like me that I was getting suspicious," he winked at Sadie, tucking a few strands of Cosette's dark hair behind her ear absentmindedly. "She's beautiful and smart like her mother, though, as well as making me endlessly happy and proud as you do, too." He considered her thoughts about whether she has obtained any gifts since changing. "It may take some time, or something really pivotal to bring it out of you. Honestly, I hardly noticed what I was doing at first. There's a lot on your mind at the moment, and it might just be distracting you from realising what's different."

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Name: Sofia Georgina

Age: 19

Gender - Sexual Ori: straight but wants to experiment with girls

Species - Ability: smart, sexy, ichigotchi with attitude and a big heart (and a small pink taco)

Appearance: redheaded and firey

Background: caucasian, I come from the islang of the celts. one time I was so sad from something bad that happened to me, I am broken for life, and I need ed something to get me out of this spiraling hole of nothingness.


I just didn't like Russel Crowe as much as I had hoped I would. But oh well!

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Really Angie? You think I just put up with you? C'mon," he said with a chuckle. "You have to know me better than that! I love spending time with you, each and every day. I love waking up and you being the first thing I see every morning. I love being able to hold your hand, to kiss you, to make you happy. That's not me "putting up" with you. That's me loving you, my wife, my best friend." He took another sip of water and said, "I can't imagine being separated from you for a long period of time. That would drive me crazy!" He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I hope we never hit a point like that during our marriage, you know? Because that would terrify me." He kissed her hand, then said, "I see where you're coming from. I can't wait to see the new baby!" He grinned and added, "The house will be so crazy though!"

Sadie looked over at Brandon with a soft smile and replied, "Well, I'm pretty glad she's more like you than like me. I was a little terror growing up. My parents didn't know what to do with me! I was always running around, taking my clothes off and screaming, getting into the mud and dirt as often as I could. Cosette is definitely not like that. Are you, sweetie?" Cosette just stared up at Sadie and brandon with a big smile on her face, then babbled at them and put her thumb into her mouth.

"How cute is that!" Sadie exclaimed, leaning forward and rubbing her nose against Cosette's. "I agree, though. I'm sure that with all the other stuff going on, I've probably completely overlooked the fact that I may or may not have powers. I hope I do, though. I don't want to be the black sheep of the family, you know?"

Eh, I expected as much. I could hear from just the little snippet on the trailer that he didn't exactly sound great. It's a shame, because when I saw it the guy who played Javert was incredible and trying to imagine Russell singing Stars after that kinda sucks! But I'm off to see it on Friday and I'm so excited! Eeeeeeee <3

Are you going to go for an audition like you were talking about on Facebook a while back?

Angie wrapped both of her hands around one of his own and gently squeezed it, then as she began to speak absentmindedly played with his fingers, finding his wedding band every so often and unable to suppress a smile. "Forever's a long time, I hope you know," she replied with a gentle chuckle, "So I hope you're ready for it. And there's no getting away from the fact that sometimes, for one reason or another, it's not going to be easy. But if what you feel is anything like the way I do when I wake up and you're there, when I feel your arms around me from out of nowhere- and I know that you do-, we can get through anything." She laughed and added, "I mean, come on, we already fight like cat and dog every so often but that's because we care about each other, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I think when there's indifference, las though neither solution matters and you feel nothing, that's when you have to worry, and there's no way I could ever be that way with you." She leaned across the table and gave him a kiss, "I've waited long enough for you to know that I'd be crazy to let you slip away from me."

Brandon pouted, a twinkle in his eye, taking her face in one hand and murmured, "You mean you're not going to do that anymore? What a shame." He gave her a brief but intense kiss before reverting his gaze back to their daughter. "And as for you, if you're anything like I was, I'll be sending you off to work pretty soon like the mean Dad I am!" He took her in his arms and lifted her high in the air, announcing in the strongest, gruffest timbre of his English accent that he could muster, "Up the chimney you go! And don't even think about coming back down until it's sparkling clean!" Cosette giggled, waving her arms frantically and exclaiming, "No!" between little bursts of laughter. He let her go, allowing her to drop slightly before catching her again, which amused her greatly, but she soon caught on and cuddled into him as he said, "Oh no! My baby fell. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll never send you up there again," he said cradling her in his arms.

He looked to Sadie and replied, "Darling, I can't imagine that any human as wonderful as you were couldn't possess some kind of gift just waiting to be let out. We'll figure it out in time, I'm sure of it. You're still new to all of this- and I must say, you're doing very well, all things considered. Who knows, maybe one day you'll jump from a high place and find out your feet don't touch the ground and you're flying? With you, it wouldn't surprise me." He smiled reassuringly at her.

It's an awesome movie! <3

Mikey grinned and said, "Well, a marriage is a partnership. So it's bound to be hard work. But the thing is, I don't really mind the hard parts, because they make the good parts better, y'know? Besides, I love you too much to stay mad ta you for a long time. And I need you in my life. I can barely remember a life without you. And frankly, I don't want to. Because you've given my life a new direction." He kissed her hands gently, then paid the bill, thanking the server and slipping him an extra tip. "So, what do you say we head to the hotel and get some rest, and I'll book our next flight online. I think we should head out as soon as we can!"

Sadie kissed Brandon in return, then watched him play with Cosette, smiling from ear to ear. She gently stroked their daughter's hair, then said, "Let me go get some milk and cookies! I think it's time for an afternoon snack!" She slowly got to her feet, then walked up the stairs and onto the back porch. But before she could go inside the back door, she stopped dead in her tracks. "Brandon?" She called, staying in the exact same place. "Could you go get the car ready, and tell Blaise to watch Cosette? I need to go to the hospital, like, now! Baby number two is on the way."

Eeeee I'm sooo excited to see it <3 So how's life at the moment?

Blaise! There's a blast from the past, I almost forgot about her!

"Well, I do remember my life before you. There was a lot of it, and it was just dismal in comparison," Angie replied with a soft giggle, finishing off the last of her drink. "That sounds absolutely perfect to me. Let's go." They made their way from the restaurant, through the sunshine bathed streets of Madrid and back towards the hotel. She savoured the sights of a part of the country she'd once called home so long ago. Now, home was wherever she lived with Mikey, and honestly she missed America more than she'd imagined she would. They'd made their life together there, and so she figured that's why it was important to her. As they entered their room, she turned to face him, pulling him towards her with her arms around his neck. "Thanks for making this such a fun trip. Especially coming here, it's been special to have you with me in a place that means so much."

Brandon's head snapped up, and just a moment later he'd taken their daughter inside, setting her down with a very excited Blaise. He crouched in front of Cosette and told her, "Okay, honey, Blaise is going to look after you while I take Mummy to the hospital." Cosette's little face was creased with concern. "Is Mommy okay?" Her father chuckled softly, gave her a very quick kiss and a hug, telling her, "Yes, she's more than fine, but we've got to go now. We'll be back soon." He rushed back to Sadie's side and helped her to the car. He had to remind himself not to get too excited and drive too fast as they made their way to the hospital. "You doing okay, darling?" he asked her, and had to keep from asking her the same question every ten seconds or so. They arrived in good time, and she was soon signed in to a room on the maternity ward. While she still seemed in a fit state to answer, he asked her, "Am I in or out for this?"

Life is very interesting! I've recently contracted a sinus infection (the second week of classes, of course).

Also, in response to your previous question, if I find out anything about the possibility of auditions, I'll be jumping all over it!

She's always the go-to for babysitting, hahaha

Mikey wrapped his arms around Angie in return and rested his chin on her shoulder. "You don't need to thank me, Angie. I love making you happy, I enjoy it. You never have to thank me for things like that, ever. I do it because I love you, and I just want your happiness." He kissed her gently and ran his fingers through her soft hair, still wondering how he ever ended up marrying a woman as perfect for him as her. In some ways, they were polar opposites, but in other ways, he felt like she was his twin, his better half, his best friend. His missing piece, as cliche as that is.

Sadie grinned despite the pain, taking his hand in hers in the car. "I'm fine, really," she told him, although her voice sounded strained. "It's nothing I can't handle." She chuckled, then winced as a stronger contraction hit. When she was signed into a maternity room, she told Brandon, "You can come in if you want. I'll let you make that choice." She then let out a loud groan and gripped the railing of her hospital bed. "I just hope this is over soon. I want to see the baby, dangit!"

Oh, that really sucks!! Been doing the rounds here too for the past month or so, actually, in various forms so I know where you're coming from. It really sucks ):

I bet! Let me know, this is exciting!

True. I think at the time she was there just as a space filler in a large house, haha.

So, I have something to tell you. After all these years, I have a man in my life :)

"Well you have it, in bucketloads, thanks to everything that you do," Angie murmured against his lips, a smile playing on her own and she then went back to kissing him, a little more passionately than before and pulling him as closely against her as she could. She thought to herself that a trip to somewhere exciting was all well and good, but really what she had loved the most about the trip was just being with him, and furthermore having him all to herself; she loved the moments where they could be alone together, and she didn't have to think about anything else at all, except that she needed him, and that was all.

Brandon's decision was made when the railing surrounding the hospital bed buckled under Sadie's grip. He winked at her and said, "I think you'd better hold onto me instead for this," taking her hand in his own, and the grip which had caused such damage to solid metal was bearable for him- to a point, at least. "Besides, I'd prefer it, if you end up needing to, that you shout at me rather than the nurses. This is my fault, after all." He smiled reassuringly at her, giving her words of encouragement and trying to numb the pain as best as he could for her with his gift, although at times his concentration slipped from excitement, fear, or a loud noise. "You can do it, honey."


MMMMM GURL!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Mikey continued to kiss her in return, wrapping his arms more tightly around her, caressing her, just wanting to be near her, to show her how much he loved her. But then he pulled away reluctantly. "Let me book the flight," he murmured against her lips, "and then I'm all yours." He sat down at the computer table and started looking for flights to Romania, scanning the screen for the best deal. When he finally found on, he booked the flight, then printed their tickets. He turned in the computer chair and face Angie. "Now, where were we, again? I need a little refresher!" He winked at her, also glad that they got to spend alone time together.

After what seemed like ages, Sadie was relieved when the pain melted away, and the room was filled with the sounds of a crying infant.

"It's a healthy baby boy!" The nurse said as she placed the wailing infant into Sadie's arms.

Sadie, being an emotional person, let her tears fall down her cheeks as she gazed at their son, amazed by how perfect he was in every way. It was just like it had felt when Cosette had been born. She couldn't imagine that she could love a person so much, but when it came to her fiance and children, she would give up her life for them.

"He's beautiful," she whispered, stroking his soft skin, trying to calm him. "What should we name him?"

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Yes! :) He's already a black belt but he just started attending the Taekwondo class in my town, so we got to know each other at the Christmas party and hit it off, I guess :)

Oh god.. names… I'm not good with them!!

Angie sighed dramatically, reluctantly letting go of him so that he could sort out a flight for the next day. "If you must," she replied with a gentle chuckle, standing behind him and running her fingers through his hair and wondering in the meantime what it would be like in Romania, considering there were few stereotypes attached to such a place. It would be exciting, she thought, to see somewhere new and unique. When he turned around, she sat facing him on his lap. "Hmm, I think it was going a little something like this.. Tell me if I'm wrong, though," she purred close to his ear, before her lips found his jawline and neck and her hands found their way to the skin across his stomach, just underneath his shirt.

"One each," Brandon said breathlessly, beholding their son with so much joy that he felt his chest might explode at any moment, "Cosette will be so excited to meet him." A little patch of the dark hair shared by all four of them had already starting to grow on his tiny head and even though he was wailing for all that it was worth, he was beautiful. "How about we narrow it down a little?" he said.

Eeeeek! That's so cute! I'm so happy for you!

I know. The hardest part!

Mikey grinned up at her, then tensed up completely when she started kissing his neck. "This is definitely where it was going," he murmured, running his fingers up and down her back, before gently tilting her chin up so her could kiss her on the lips, grinning. He then stood up and picked up Angie in his arms in one swift motion, before bringing her over to the bed and climbing on top of her. He then started kissing her neck, rubbing his fangs against the cool contour of her skin. "I love you so much," he whispered against her skin.

Sadie smiled up at him, and finally got the baby to calm down. When he opened his eyes to look at them, Sadie couldn't help grinning. He was the spitting image of Brandon, from his eyes to his mouth.

The baby stared up at her, and she felt as if she was looking into Brandon's deep blue eyes. It was crazy. There was no way he could deny the paternity of this little guy. "He's so much like you," she murmured. "Well, I think Declan is a good name. But that's just my opinion."

Thanks :) It's kind of funny though, because then we go to class and I have to call him "Sir" or "Mr. Donohoo" and I'm "Ma'am" or "Miss Williams" xD

Sorry, I hate that name. Can't get this TV show presenter's face out of my head xD Something else Irish, if that's your thing? Haha.

Angie entangled her fingers in his hair- she loved that his was long enough to be able to do that, because she knew hers certainly wasn't-, tilting her head back to fully expose her neck to him. "And I.. I.. love you," she whispered as best as she could considering he'd found the spot on her skin most sensitive to his kisses, causing all thoughts to completely disappear from her head except for her ever increasing desire for him. Holding his head in the space between her neck and shoulder, her other hand found his shirt and easily slipped it off, before she moved to find his lips again.

Being that they were his own, Brandon had stopped noticing the frankly disarming hue of his eyes long ago whenever he caught a reflection of himself, but somehow it was different to see them replicated in their little boy, and the colour took his breath away. It was a strange experience for him; of course, he'd never had memories of his own as to what he'd looked like when he was a child, nor had there been any way of capturing it at that time- except for the little drawings by his younger brothers and sisters, which bore no resemblance whatsoever-, but seeing so much of himself in their son he felt as though he was seeing exactly what his mother and father saw the day he was born. In fact, the thought overwhelmed him a little bit. "I'm sorry, honey, just keep going through some names and I'll nod or something. It's about all I can do right now," he said.

Awwww! That's so cute!

Nah, I just really like the name Declan. XD BUT we will pick something else!

He pulled away slightly, removing her clothes slowly, taking time to kiss her and tell her repeatedly how much he loved and cared about her. He then slipped out of the rest of his own clothes, before staring down at her for a few moments, completely taken away by how beautiful she was, how perfect she was. He then leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world," he told her. "I hope you remember that every single day.

Sadie stroked their son's hair gently, then moved so she could feed him. Holding him against her chest, she thought about different names. "Well, what was your father's name? We could name him after your father, if you'd like. And then his middle name could be my father's name, Scott."

Fair enough! Haha. Well, picture this: naming your child Ryan and all you can see in your mind is Ryan Seacrest. Calling this child Declan is the British equivalent for me. No. xD

Casually looking up popular names from the 1800s... Ulysses... Wartlaw... Kermit (really..?!). Okay... picking a prince's name out of a hat...

"So long as you're always there to remind me, I think I might just be able to do that." Angie looked lovingly up at him, reaching up to touch his face, as if checking that, even after all of this time, he was still here and that he was real- this man, so handsome, so kind and warm and who made her laugh like noone else ever had or ever would. The scratch of his stubble was enough confirmation and she smiled slightly at the sensation. She wrapped herself around him completely, and kissing him she murmured, "Don't make me wait any longer for you."

Brandon said, "My father? His name was Henry, although I don't think I ever heard anybody call him anything except Harry. Scott is nice, too. What do you think?"

Ew. That's weird.

Bahaha! Kermit! <3 I love that frog!

Mikey kissed her passionately and murmured, "I won't make you wait any more."


Mikey pulled himself away from Angie, breathing heavily, and then he laid beside her, propping himself up on his elbow. "If this is what eternity holds in store for us, I think it's safe to say it will never get boring." He chuckled, then held her in his arms and rubbed her back gently, a soothing motion. "That was amazing."

"Henry... I love it! Henry Scott Rose. It's perfect!" She looked down at Henry with a grin, and when she finished feeding him, she gently placed him in Brandon's arms. "Is everyone else on the way?" She got her phone and took a picture of Brandon holding Henry, then sent the picture to Angie and Mikey's phones: "Henry Scott Rose. 7 lbs 5 oz."

Aw, me, too. But I don't think anyone else could ever live up to that name. Elmo was on a list too. But my car's called that so I decided not to go for it, haha (;

Wow, either you're fast at writing or I'm just totally out of touch. It's been too long! )':

"And every time I think it can't possibly get any better, I realise I'm completely wrong. Darling, you're a demon in the sack, as they say," Angie chuckled, closing her eyes and cuddling into him, enjoying the back rub she was getting to the point where she almost felt like she could really fall asleep any minute. "Imagine what every other girl is missing out on because I have you all to myself." Some minutes passed, and her phone buzzed from across the room. Normally, she would have ignored it, but intuition told her to check it, although she couldn't say why. "I think I'll get that," she said, not sounding entirely convincing, but getting up all the same. Halfway across the room, she turned back to give him a lingering kiss, before finally getting to it. A picture flashed up as she unlocked it and she squealed a little, a grin breaking across her face; Brandon holding a little one the spitting image of him. She rushed back to Mikey and handed him the phone. "Say hello to Henry, uncle Mikey."

"Henry Scott. Perfect. Your grandpa would be proud, little one." Henry was considerably more content after his feed, and his eyes were slowly drooping shut again as Brandon held him in his arms. Blaise will be here with Cosette soon," he told her, nodding. He grinned at Sadie, giving her a quick kiss. "So, I guess now you can start thinking about getting into a wedding dress, right?" he said excitedly. Of course, they would need some time to get everybody settled in, but it did feel like they could start to think about their wedding a lot more than they had before now.

I'm pretty sure i'm just a quick writer, hahaha!

Mikey couldn't help chuckling when she called him that. "A demon in the sack? Wow, I'm quite honored to have that title! Especially because it's coming from a woman who is definitely in a league of her own." He kissed her shoulder, then groaned when the phone went off. His phone was buried somewhere in his bag, so he didn't know that his had gone off as well. He was surprised by her squeal, but he had a feeling as to why she did it. He grinned at the picture, his heart swelling with pride. "Wow! He's a chip off the old block! I can't wait to meet him!"

Sadie grinned. "Yes! Finally! It'll be nice to see my toes again!" She laughed quietly, making sure not to disturb Henry while he was napping. He wouldn't be able to nap much once Cosette and Blaise got there, and if Cosette was going somewhere, you could be sure that she would make Blaise bring Kyle as well. Sadie laid back and rested while she could, rightfully exhausted.

Either way, it kinda sucks to be this slow!

And oh dear.. You're much better at this than me. I actually forgot Kyle existed. This is bad. I usually have such a good memory!

"He's just gorgeous," Angie said, the smile as evident in her tone of voice as it was visible on her face. She thought about what a remarkable turn of fate it had been that Brandon, who had been so good with Ysi and had clearly longed to have children of his own, should have his wish come true despite the fact that they'd all believed it wasn't possible, as well as meeting his soulmate along the way- and thus, she could not forget, leading Angie to her own. She took a last look at the photo of her oldest friend and his son with a grin, before locking the phone again and putting it on the bedside table. "Not as gorgeous as you, of course," she said, turning back to her husband, giving him a kiss and rubbing his chest and shoulders lightly.

Blaise arrived with Cosette and Kyle in tow some time later; thankfully, Brandon thought, enough time for both Henry and Sadie to get some rest before they arrived and the excitement ensued. Cosette's first reaction was to exclaim, "Mommy! Daddy!" and rush over, before Brandon gave her a look that said, 'it's wonderful to see you honey, just keep it down, okay?' He handed Henry back to Sadie so that Cosette could stand up on is lap and take a look. Blaise was cooing at the sight of him, and even Kyle, who'd been through an amazing transformation as a result of Cosette being in the house, was keen to have a look. "Honey, this is your brother, Henry."

No worries!

XD I kind of forgot too, until I looked back and kind of caught up on this rp

"Heck yeah he is! He's got Watson genes in him-- and Brandon kicked in a couple chromosomes too." He chuckled then smiled when she kissed him. "Well," he joked, "i'm glad I'm at least more gorgeous than a baby!" He laughed, then held Angie close and kissed her temple. "I love you so much." He rubbed her back in return, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I love being with you like this. And I'm just glad that we've gotten some happy news for a change!"

Sadie woke up when Cosette came in, and immediately smiled at her. "Hi angel," she said cheerfully, although she was still a bit tired. She reached out a hand to stroke the little girl's hair, and then showed Cosette her new baby brother. "Henry, there's your big sissy Cosette!" Henry stirred a little bit, then opened his eyes and yawned. He whimpered at first, then looked at Cosette, cooing quietly. Sadie smiled and said, "Cosette, he likes you! Are you excited to be a big sister!"

Cosette, having been excited for a while, nodded. "I love him!"

Yeah... I should probably do that sometime... xP

"That's true. I'm sure I wouldn't expect anything less from anybody related to you," Angie chuckled. She rolled her eyes at him and said, "You know what I mean! But fine, if you don't appreciate a compliment when you get one then I'll just stop giving them to you. I totally take back the demon comment, you don't deserve it." She couldn't help but smile and shift closer to him, though as he carried on talking. "I love you, too," she replied. She nodded. "It's wonderful to have something to really look forward to when we get back at long last," she agreed. In many ways, the past few months had not been easy. "And we can go to Romania with that on our minds and really make the most of our time there before we go back and meet him."

Brandon grinned at the little exchange between Cosette and Henry, feeling like the proudest Dad that had ever lived. "So, big sister, I have a really big job for you. You think you can do it?"

"Uh huh!" Cosette replied, nodding furiously.

"Are you sure? I haven't even asked you yet!" Brandon laughed lightly, hugging her against his front slightly as he looked down at her. "Alright. So now that you're a big sister, can you look after Henry as best as you can and be the coolest sister in the world ever? You were little like that, once, not so long ago, and I'm sure he'd really like it if you were there for him."

"You bet. Daddy?"

"Yes, Cosette?"

"If I do a good job, will I always be yours and Mommy's girl?"

The question surprised him a little, and he wondered where on earth it could have come from. "Oh, I'm sure that if you do a good job you won't have to worry about that, sweetheart. Of course you will," he replied, winking at her and holding her tightly.

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