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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
Just for fun, I was reading a ton of old posts. I found several references to "hacking", especially into the accounts of the earlier TamaGuides. So, what is this hacking? Is it just password stealing / guessing? Or something more... sinister :blink: ? I am NOT trying to scare you, I am worried myself. I know what hacking is, but what is the type that happened here? I will NOT tell you about the posts, that would involve revealing usernames, which I don't want to do. So, does anybody know? Because I was wondering if there is any way you could protect your account - I mean if it's only password guessing, I'm not too worried. There is an easy way to avoid that. But if it's something more... sinister, I need info! This is the first forum I've ever joined and I think we all need to know how we can protect ourselves.

StarTama :p

P.S. My usual Hitodetchi was SCARED AWAY!

Hacking can refer to viruses, but in this case it's going into someone's account and going crazy with it.

well, we can all stop hackers if we don't use a password that is easy 2 guess, like "tamagotchi" because that is obvious. use a password that only YOU could guess, and i guarantee ull be ok :blink:

Well, actually the term 'hacker' is waaaaaayyyy over used. Hacker just means a guy who is really good with computers.

But on topic: I think in this context it means somebody either getting into their account, or making a copy account.

As far as TamaTalk is concerned - the word "hackers " is used by many members here to refer to someone who has got onto another persons account and posted stuff under their User name.

To protect yourself, it really is as simple as making sure you have a password that can't be guessed and of course that you don't tell anyone else about.

I am always amazed at the number of members who tell their best friend or their sis/bro what their password is... not a good idea.... even if you can trust them, it only takes an argument and a bad mood for a bit of Revenge Activity to raise it's ugly head.... :)

Keep your password secret and always log out of TamaTalk when you have finished a session - don't just close the site window (the little red box with an X in it) - because anyone can come along afterwards and open the window again and start posting comments using your account!

Please take the time to click on the Log Out link at the top r h side of the TamaTalk screen.

Follow these simple rules and you will be quite safe :)

hi TamaStar

I think that I would ask the same question.

I think hacking is like.....well....

i suppose it's kindda like blackmail...?

And giving personal info...

and giving passwords and where you live and so on...


Oh good. I'm not really worried about the kind of "hackers" who steal passwords, mostly it's just people's little brother's getting on and typing "kjxnrevkj5mn" in some random topic. That is easy to prevent, and even easy to "cure", by changing the password and apologizing to everybody. So, nothing more sinister? Good. :) I'll get a Guide to close this...

StarTama :)

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