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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I'm getting my hair cut on Sautrday, and it's going to be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. It's not just a cut; it's a whole new style!! But I don't know how to cut it...there's a few different styles I was looking at, yet I cannot decide! I need TT to help me. :p

Number 1 -This is probably my favourite, but I like them all!

Number 2 -I love this hairstyle but some of my friends say it wouldn't suit me. ;)

Number 3 -This hair style is defiently cute. ;)

Number 4 -this is such a nice hairstyle too!

Grr...I don't know what to do! :D

Pictures for number 6 and 7 are found in this post here //JX

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They all look really stunning. I'd have to say I like number 3 the best. ;)

What does your hair look like at the moment?

My hair is fairly long, down to the medium of my back. It's not layered, and VERY straight. ;)

Welll...I don't really know the shape of my face. ;)

My mom is guessing oval, but is not sure.

If you have a more skinny face, go with number three. If your face is more, chubby try number two.

Thanks guys! ;)

Here are a few more (too bad I can't add them to the poll). What do you think?

Number 6 -This is very nice but I don't like how the bangs flip at the end. Still a lovely hairstyle though.

Number 7 -This is REALLY cute.

*Poll Options added in by Jappyx*

You missed number 5, unless I'm missing something. ;)

I really like Number 7, cut and color.

You have to remember though, although it looks good on someone else, it may not look good on you.

When choosing a hairstyle, you have to really think, 'how would I look with this hair style?' and, 'Will my hair cooperate like this?'

When I was younger, I wanted to have short, straight, beautiful hair. At the time I had hair down past my butt, so there was enough weight on it that it stayed straight. I cut it to about shoulder length and it ended up poofing out. Which is why I keep my hair to a boyish cut.

To me, hair is one of those things you should be careful with. Although it does grow back, you might not know how long it will take or how it'll turn out later.

I like hairstyle #2. But it depends on the shape of your face,too! :p

I really like the one which Rihanna has. Number 4.

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Thanks for your opinions and votes guys. :eek: ((Thats a nice hairstyle too, CandyAngel411))

Althoguh many voters are leaning towards number 2, thinking about it more I don't exactly think it'll fit my face shape. I have been studying my own face and the haristyles I have choosen, and have come to the conclusion that numbers 1, 7, 4 and a different one I'd picked out (not going to bother to post it) would suit me best. =]

But keep your votes on coming. You guys still have 28hrs to vote until I have to decide. xD

Yeah, but her hair is straight and it would take far to much time to curl it like that every day. It does look good on Beyonce though. Go with a style that is easy to maintain and will not get in your face too much. If you like to put your hair into different styles like ponytails and braids or whatever don't get really weird-lookin' hair that you can't style or pull back. You will be annoyed. If you do sports, get one you can pull back to keep it out of your face. This is very important. Get a general idea which style is more versatile and which is your favorite, then bring the pictures and discuss the pros and cons with your stylist.

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